Acronym Directory ANSI

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  • Acronym Directory (PDF, 208 KB) Alphabetized by acronym, this directory will help you identify the full name of ANSI accredited standards developers referenced in this site.
  • Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) The ATIS is a U.S.-based organization that promotes and develops technical and operations standards for the communications and related information technologies industry worldwide. Some of the current activities include developing interoperability and interconnections standards between IPTV systems and services, and Next-Gen network standardization effort.
  • American Association for Artificial Intelligence The American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is a non-profit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. AAAI also aims to increase public understanding of artificial intelligence.
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Promotes the use of U.S. standards internationally, advocates U.S. policy and technical positions in international and regional standards organizations, and encourages the adoption of international standards as national standards where these meet the needs of the user community. ANSI accredits Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) domiciled in the United States. One can also find information and training on the standards development process.
  • American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) The largest international educational organization for security professionals, with over 30,000 members worldwide. ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing educational programs and materials that focus on both the fundamentals and the most recent advancements in security management.
  • American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) The Codes and Standards Program of ASCE develops consensus standards on a variety of topics for the civil engineering profession.
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME produces and maintains approximately 600 codes and standards, covering a multitude of technical areas including boiler components, elevators, hand tools, fasteners, and machine tools.
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM International is a voluntary standards development organization for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.
  • British Computer Society (BCS) The chartered body for IT professionals. The Society is concerned with the development of computing and its effective application. Under its Royal Charter granted in 1984, it also has responsibilities for education and training, for public awareness, and above all for standards, quality and professionalism.British Standards Institute (BSI) BSI ensures the views of British industry are represented in international standards bodies. BSI’s BS7799 (part 1) is the model for the ISO 17799 IT security standard.
  • Canadian Standards Association (CSA) The CSA develops standards in Canada focusing on areas such as electrical/electronics, public safety and health and environmental protection.
  • CanCERT (Canada) CanCERT is Canada’s first national Computer Emergency Response Team. CanCERT is committed to client confidentiality and the improvement of IT security.
  • Communications Security Establishment (CSE) – Canada The Communications Security Establishment (CSE) is a federal government lead agency that delivers Information Technology Security (ITS) solutions to the government of Canada. It features the Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme (CCS), which is a Canadian independent third party evaluation and certification service for measuring the trustworthiness of IT security products.
  • Communications Security Establishments (CSE) A Canadian organization dealing with Information Technology Security (ITS) (Government of Canada public key infrastructures, Annual Canadian ITS symposium, Awareness and education, Government of Canada ITS Strategy).
  • Computer Ethics Institute CEI is a nonprofit research, education and policy study organization formed to address ethical issues emerging from the rapid development of a society dominated by information and dramatically affected by technologies.
  • COSO Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework describes the essential components, principles, and concepts of enterprise risk management (ERM). The principles-based framework enables organizations to identify all aspects that should be present in their ERM program and describes how they should be implemented.
  • European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) A private sector standards development organization accredited by the European Union to write Pan-European standards for Telecommunications.
  • ETSI – Telecom Standards A non-profit making organization whose mission is to produce the telecommunications standards that will be used for decades to come throughout Europe and beyond.
  • European Union (EU) Dependability Development Support Initiative Information about the Dependability Development Support Initiative (DDSI), an 18-month European Union project that developed critical infrastructure protection assessment plans for the EU member nations, in conjunction with the United States, Japan, and other European nations. The DDSI site provides information and papers on project findings and recommendations, including establishing networks of interest, providing security baseline data, and devising policy roadmaps. DDSI held its final conference in Brussels in Oct. 2002.
  • European Commission (EC) Seeking to identify a common standard for all Europe for IT security.
  • European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) An international, Europe-based industry association founded in 1961 and dedicated to the standardization of information and communication systems.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) The FAA provides information and status on more than 5,000 FAA, DOD, military, and commercial standards and specifications used by the FAA in contracts, Information Technology (IT), architecture, acquisition, etc. What is the current version of an FAA standard? Which standards apply to information security?
  • Generally Accepted System Security Principles Committee (GASSP) Formed in response to the report “Computers at Risk,” published by the U.S. National Research Council in 1990. That recommendation, “To promulgate comprehensive generally accepted system security principles,” sparked the genesis of a concerted effort to establish a well-balanced committee population representing key elements of the private and public sectors from both the United States and abroad. A subsidiary of International Information Security Foundation (I2SF). GASSP Pervasive Principles and Broad Functional Principles are now published on the MIT Web site. Printed copies are available from Auerbach Publishers and the Computer Security Institute.
  • German Information Technology Baseline Protection Manual The German Federal Agency for Security in IT (BSI – Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) provides the IT Baseline Protection Manual in German and English (freely downloadable 1680-page PDF). The five main sections are:
    • introduction & how to map an IT infrastructure to the manual;
    • threat scenarios & safeguards;
    • threat catalog;
    • safeguard catalog;
    • annexes, supplementary aids, forms, brief descriptions of tools, and list of registered users.
  • Globalspec The above is a search Website and may be used to locate products and services, learn about suppliers, and access technical content on standards, patents, specifications, designs, application notes and more.
  • Gold Standard for Windows 2000 Professional Consensus minimum security benchmarks for the Windows 2000 Professional operating environment are accepted by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), the General Services Administration (GSA), the SANS Institute, and the Center for Internet Security. (See DISA IANewsletter: Gold Standard for Windows 2000 Professional.)
  • Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems (OECD) In 1990, the Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP) Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) created a group of experts to prepare information security guidelines. The final version of the Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems was adopted by the 24 OECD Member countries in November 1992. OECD Guidelines have been adopted or adapted by NIST, GASSPC, IFAC, IIA, NACD, and other organizations.
  • Information Security Forum (ISF) ISF is an independent association of organizations concerned with protecting business information and finding practical solutions to information security problems. ISF offers research publications on security topics, an annual congress, and a bi-annual information security status survey.
  • Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM) The Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM) provides collective information and tools under the open source licenses for free public use. This information is provided via the Internet and through social venues and conferences. ISECOM is a think-tank for developing new open standards and methodologies largely in security. All standards are open for international peer-review and are regularly updated to meet the demands of new technologies and the processes derived from them. The site provides news, mail list server, educational events, discussion forum, and certification.
  • Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP) Dedicated to the establishment of high professional standards for the computer industry, it promotes these standards by offering the only broadly applicable and internationally recognized certification program in the profession. Its examinations provide a practical means of assessment and achieving professional recognition.
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is the leading developer of global industry standards in a broad-range of industries, including Information Technology, Power and Energy, Telecommunications, Transportation, Medical and Healthcare and Standards for new and emerging technologies such as Nanotechnology. In addition, to advance the theory and practice of electrical, electronics and computer engineering and computer science, IEEE sponsors conferences and symposia and meetings and publishes significant technical papers and standards. The IEEE developed the prominent 802® Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Network Wireless and Wired networks. The 802® standards are available for free download from the Get IEEE 802® Web site.
  • IEEE has forty-two technical societies and technical councils many of which have groups actively working on developing standards. Here is a listing of several key groups who have publicly viewable Web sites.
    • IEEE Communications Society It is a community comprised of a diverse group of industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies. The Society sponsors publications, conferences, educational programs, local activities, technical committees, and standards.
    • IEEE Computer Society Among its many technical activities it has a very active standards development organization lead by its Standards Activities Board (SAB) that provides an organizational framework and conducive environment within which to develop broadly accepted, sound, timely, and technically excellent standards that will advance the theory and practice of computing and information processing science and technology.
    • IEEE EMC Society The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMC) is the primary international developer of fundamental test and measurement standards for EMC
    • IEEE Power and Energy Society Like it’s sister societies, it sponsors publications, conferences, educational activities, technical committees, and standards. The focus of the standards is on generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power.
    • IEEE 802 Standards Committee develops Local Area Network standards and Metropolitan Area Network standards. The most widely used standards are for the Ethernet family, Token Ring, Wireless LAN, Bridging and Virtual Bridged LANs. An individual Working Group provides the focus for each area.
  • IEEE also offers a wealth of material on the standards development process. Here are a few useful Websites:
    • IEEE Standards Development Online (provides a complete step-by-step guide to developing an IEEE Standard)
    • IEEE SA Training Presentations (IEEE-SA Training Presentations)
  • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Represents the public, professional and educational interest of over 140,000 electrical, electronic and manufacturing engineers worldwide. Key activities include publishing, the organization of conferences, maintenance of technical standards, interaction with government departments and the provision of scientific and technical information services.
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Provides information on electrical, electronic, electrotechnical international standards.
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 148 countries, on the basis of one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. Well known for ISO 9000 and ISO14000 standards.
  • International Telecommunications Union (ITU) The ITU headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is an international organization where governments and the private sectors coordinate global telecom networks and services. It is a leading publisher of telecommunication technology, regulatory and standards information. It has three sectors: ITU-T, ITU-R, and ITU-D.
    • The ITU-T membership develops recommendations for standards for the various fields of international telecommunications. ITU-T Study Group 19 focus on mobile telecommunication networks and is the lead study group on mobile telecommunication networks and for mobility. Including identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems such as GSM, CDMA2000 and WCDMA.
    • The ITU-R plays a role in the management of the RF spectrum and satellite orbits, finite natural resources which are increasingly in demand from a large number of services such as fixed, mobile, broadcasting, amateur, space research, meteorology, global positioning systems, and environmental monitoring.
    • The ITU-D facilitates connectivity and access, foster policy, regulatory and network readiness, and formulates financing strategies for telecommunications development and e-enable enterprises in developing countries.
  • International Webmasters Association Provides and fosters professional advancement opportunities among individuals dedicated to or pursuing a Web career, and to work diligently to enhance their effectiveness, image, and professionalism as they attract and serve their clients and employers.
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
  • Internet Security Alliance The Internet Security Alliance (ISAlliance) provides a forum for sharing information about information-security issues and threats and works to identify and standardize security best practices and solutions. ISAlliance is a collaboration between the Electronic Industries Association and Carnegie Mellon University’s CERT Coordination Center and Software Engineering Institute.
  • Internet Society (ISOC) The Internet Society (ISOC) is a professional membership society with more than 150 organization and 11,000 individual members in more than 182 countries. It provides leadership in addressing issues that confront the future of the Internet, and is the organization home for the groups responsible for Internet infrastructure standards, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).
  • ISF Standard of Good Practice for Information Security The Standard of Good Practice for Information Security is produced by the Information Security Forum (ISF), an international membership association of more than 260 organizations, which fund and cooperate in the development of research in information security. The free publication promotes good practice in information security worldwide, helps organizations improve their level of security and reduce their information risk to an acceptable level, and assists in the development of practical and effective standards for reducing information risk.
  • National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NEMA publishes over 500 standards and offers them for sale through Global Engineering, along with certain standards originally developed as American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards.
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards to help minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks.
  • National Information Standards Develops and promotes technical standards used in a wide variety of information services.
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) NIST technology, measurements, and standards help U.S. industry invent and manufacture superior products reliably, ensure a fair marketplace for consumers and businesses, and promote acceptance of U.S. products in foreign markets.
  • National Physical Laboratory UK’s national measurement standards laboratory. It holds and maintains the UK reference standards for the basic units of mass, length, time, temperature, luminous intensity, and electrical current, as well as many of the derived units. It also undertakes research and development to meet the needs of new industries, such as information technology and materials.
  • National Security Institute The National Security Institute’s Web site features industry and product news, computer alerts, travel advisories, a calendar of events, a directory of products and services, and access to a virtual security library. Security technology, legislation, intelligence community, and terrorism.
  • NSSN: A National Resource for Global Standards Provides standards information to a broad constituency. Acts as a one-stop information repository.
  • OASIS The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) is an industry consortium that develops technical standards for electronic business applications. OASIS developed the extensible markup standard (XML) and continues to develop XML specifications for many applications.
  • OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems, 1992 A foundation upon which countries and the private sector, acting independently or in concert, may construct a framework for security of information systems. GASSP, IFAC, and NIST principles are based on these guidelines.
  • Open Group The Open Group is an international vendor and technology-neutral, not-for-profit consortium offering organizations concerned with open information infrastructures a forum to share knowledge, integrate open initiatives, and certify approved products and processes in an impartial manner. Open Group offers certification, testing, forums, initiatives, conferences, research, and membership.
  • Open Platform for Security (OPSEC) OPSEC is an open, multi-vendor security framework for providing best-of-breed integrated applications and deployment platforms. Lead company Checkpoint Systems offers two product interoperability certification programs, “Check Point OPSEC Certified” for applications and “Secured by Check Point” for platforms.
  • PictureTel Standards Page Provides information on videoconferencing standards and telecommunications standards, and is intended to provide the standards community with a single point of access to the many industry activities associated with the development of videoconferencing standards.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI is a nonprofit professional association in the area of project management. PMI establishes standards, provides seminars, educational programs, and professional certification for project leaders.
  • Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET) Public STINET provides access to citations of unclassified unlimited documents that have been entered into the Defense Technical Information Center’s (DTIC) technical reports collection from December 1974, as well as the electronic full-text of many of these documents. Public STINET also provides access to the DoD Index to Specifications and Standards. Users may access specifications and standards located on the Defense Automation & Production Service (DAPS) database. DTIC also makes available sensitive and classified information to eligible users.
  • Security Industry Association (SIA) The Security Industry Association (SIA), an international trade association with more than 300 member companies representing manufacturers, distributors, service providers, and integrators, promotes growth, expansion, and professionalism within the security industry. SIA provides education, research, technical standards, representation, and defense of members’ interests. SIA members are involved in market segments such as, CCTV, access control, biometrics, computer security, fire/burglar alarms, and home automation. Members work together to address issues facing the industry and develop programs to enhance the environment in which they sell products and services.
  • Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, FIPS 140-2 Security requirements cover 11 areas related to the design and implementation of a cryptomodule. Within most areas, a cryptomodule receives a security level rating (1-4, from lowest to highest), depending on what requirements are met. For other areas that do not provide for different levels of security, a cryptomodule receives a rating that reflects fulfillment of all of the requirements for that area.
  • Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination A major international initiative to develop a Standard for Software Process Assessment.
  • Techstreet Provides industry standards and technical books from hundreds of organizations. Many are downloadable PDF files. Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) The TIA is an U.S. trade association assisting the member companies in communications and information technology industry in market development, trade shows, domestic and international advocacy, standards development and enabling e-business.
  • The Web Standards Project A coalition of web developers and users with the mission to “stop the fragmentation of the web, by persuading browser makers that standards are in everyone’s best interest.”
  • Underwriters Laboratories (UL) UL has developed more than 800 Standards for Safety. Millions of products and their components are tested to UL’s safety standards.
  • U.S. Department of Defense – Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) Full text DoD Specifications and Standards located on the Defense Automated Printing Service (DAPS), eAccess database. Full text documents available in Portable Document Format.
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Standards The mission is to enhance DOE’s transition to a standards-based culture by providing information, coordinating activities, and promoting the use of consensus standards, and when needed, the development of DOE technical standards.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA works to develop and enforce regulations that implement environmental laws enacted by the U.S. Congress. EPA is responsible for setting national standards for a variety of environmental programs, and delegates to states and tribes the responsibility for issuing permits and for monitoring and enforcing compliance. Where national standards are not met, EPA can issue sanctions and take other steps to assist the states and tribes in reaching the desired levels of environmental quality.
  • U.S. Government Auditing Standards Government Auditing Standards (The Yellow Book) Links to current Government Auditing Standards, exposure drafts currently out for comment, and related information. Provides an electronic codification of Government Auditing Standards.
  • U.S. National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) The National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) is a U.S. Government initiative to meet the security testing needs of IT producers and users. The program is intended to foster the availability of objective measures and test methods for evaluating the quality of IT security products, and the development of commercial testing laboratories that can provide the testing and evaluation services to meet the demands of producers and users. The program should help producers increase the value and competitiveness of their products in the U.S. and abroad through the availability of formal, independent testing and certificates of validation. NIAP efforts will help public and private sectors users by providing a sound and reliable basis for the evaluation, comparison, and selection of security products.
  • Video Electronics Standards Association To promote and develop timely, relevant, open display and display interface standards, ensuring interoperability, and encouraging innovation and market growth.
  • Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance, The (WECA) The Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) mission is to certify interoperability of Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity, IEEE 802.11) products and to promote Wi-Fi as the global wireless LAN standard across all market segments. Site provides articles, press releases, case studies, background, studies/reports, photos, videos, briefings & presentations.
  • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interpretable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential as a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. This page provides W3C news plus links to information about W3C technologies and getting involved in W3C.
  • IEC logo IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards concerning electrical technologies. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, IEC standards reach over 150 countries. IEC plays the crucial role of coordinating efforts carried out in different countries and unifying them, such as the development of various units of measurement and the standardization of the modern form of the metric system.
  • ISO logo ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards of virtually every possible sort, ranging from standards for information technology to fluid dynamics and nuclear energy. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, ISO is composed of 162 members, each one the sole representative for their home country. As the largest developer and publisher of standards in the world, ISO fills the vital role of a medium for agreement between individual standards developers, spreading progress made by one country's local developers across the world to further the goal of standardization.
  • AHAM logo AHAM, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, represents the manufacturers of household appliances and products/services associated with household appliances sold in the United States. AHAM also develops and maintains technical standards for various appliances to provide uniform, repeatable procedures for measuring specific product characteristics and operates several voluntary product certification programs.
  • AMCA logo AMCA, the Air Movement and Control Association International Inc., is a not-for-profit trade association with more than 330 member companies worldwide representing more than $3 billion in annual revenue. AMCA’s mission is to advance the health, growth and integrity of the air movement and control industry, with programs like certified ratings, verification of compliance and international standard development. AMCA also advocates for model codes, regulations and utility incentive programs that promote efficiency and life safety.
  • ASA logo ASA, the Acoustical Society of America is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards on acoustics, mechanical shock, noise and other associated subjects.
  • AWS logo AWS, the American Welding Society, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards that apply to welding and related joining disciplines. Headquartered in Miami, AWS standards are spread by its over 65,000 worldwide members, a significant portion of which are located within the United States. AWS is heavily involved in educational initiatives, with many conferences around the world, student scholarships and a wide variety of courses. AWS also serves as the administrator for the U.S. TAGs (United States Technical Advisory Group) to ISO/TCs 44 and 167 (International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee) and to many of the subcommittees for ISO/TC 44.
  • HFES logo HFES, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, is the world's largest scientific association for human factors/ergonomics professionals, with more than 4,800 members globally. HFES members include psychologists and other scientists, designers, and engineers, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them. "Human Factors and Ergonomics: People-Friendly Design Through Science and Engineering"
  • IAPMO logo IAPMO, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards focused on plumbing products. Headquartered near Los Angeles, IAPMO develops the Uniform Plumbing Code, used throughout the United States, as well as having voting members around the world. In addition to developing IAPMO standards, IAPMO also offers extensive certification and testing services.
  • IESNA logo IES, the Illuminating Engineering Society, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards regarding lighting. Headquartered in New York City, IES standards are in effect throughout all of North America with its nearly 8,000 members. Internationally, IES collaborates with the International Commission on Illumination to promote uniformity with the rest of the world.
  • ISA logo ISA, the International Society of Automation, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards guiding the field of industrial automation.
  • NEMA logo NEMA, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes over 500 standards regarding the production and manufacturing processes for technologies involving the generation, transmission and use of electricity. Headquartered near Washington, D.C., NEMA has approximately 450 member companies and, through them, NEMA standards affect over $120 billion dollars worth of United States domestic production. NEMA also serves as the administrator for the U.S. TAGs (United States Technical Advisory Group) to ISO/TC 145 (International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee) and to some of its subcommittees.
  • AHRI, the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, is the trade association representing manufacturers of air conditioning, heating, and commercial refrigeration, and water heating equipment. An internationally recognized advocate for the industry, AHRI develops standards for and certifies the performance of many of these products. AHRI's 300+ member companies manufacture quality, efficient, and innovative residential and commercial air conditioning, space heating, water heating, and commercial refrigeration equipment and components for sale in North America and around the world. AHRI has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of AHRI IBR standards. To access AHRI’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • AISC, the American Institute of Steel Construction, headquartered in Chicago, is a not-for-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry in the United States. AISC’s mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural-steel-related technical and market-building activities, including: specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, and market development. AISC has a long tradition of service to the steel construction industry providing timely and reliable information. AISC has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of AISC IBR standards. To access AISC’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • APA-The Engineered Wood Association APA, the Engineered Wood Association has focused on helping the industry create structural wood products of exceptional strength, versatility, and reliability. Combining the research efforts of scientists at APA’s 42,000 square-foot research center with the knowledge gained from decades of field work, and cooperation with its member manufacturers, APA promotes new solutions and improved processes that benefit the entire industry. APA has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of APA IBR standards. To access APA’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • The American Petroleum Institute API, the American Petroleum Institute, is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Its more than 500 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come from all segments of the industry. They are producers, refiners, suppliers, pipeline operators, and marine transporters, as well as service and supply companies that support all segments of the industry. Although its focus is primarily domestic, in recent years API's work has expanded to include a growing international dimension, and today API is recognized around the world for its broad range of programs. API has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of API IBR standards. To access API’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • American Society of Heating ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards for the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning industry. Headquartered in Atlanta, ASHRAE is an international society with over 50,000 members. ASHRAE standards are spread by the organization’s heavy engagement in Washington, D.C., and through its wide assortment of international events. ASHRAE also serves as the administrator for the U.S. TAGs (United States Technical Advisory Group) to ISO/TCs 86, 142, 180 and 205 (International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee) and to many of the subcommittees for ISO/TCs 86 and 180. ASHRAE has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of ASHRAE IBR standards. To access ASHRAE’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • AWWA, the American Water Works Association AWWA, the American Water Works Association is the largest nonprofit, scientific and educational association dedicated to managing and treating water, the world’s most important resource. With approximately 50,000 members, AWWA provides solutions to improve public health, protect the environment, strengthen the economy and enhance our quality of life. AWWA has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of AWWA IBR standards. To access AWWA’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • ICC, the International Code Council, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards related to building safety and fire prevention. Headquartered in Washington, ICC standards have been codified and enforced in all 50 American states, as well as in various foreign countries. With nearly 340 chapters worldwide, each with many members, ICC building safety standards are used everywhere. ICC has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of ICC IBR standards. To access ICC’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • IEEE logo IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes over 900 standards relating to electronics, a broad field in today's modern world. Headquartered in New York City, United States, IEEE has over 400,000 members in over 160 countries. A journal publisher in addition to publishing IEEE standards, IEEE is by far the most cited publisher for new patents. IEEE has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of IEEE IBR standards. To access IEEE’s own IBR read-only platform, go here. The Manufacturers Standardization Society MSS, the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry is a non-profit technical association organized for development and improvement of industry, national, and international codes and standards for valves, valve actuators, valve modification, pipe fittings, pipe hangers, pipe supports, flanges, and associated seals. The primary function of MSS is to provide its members the means to develop engineering standard practices for the use and benefit of the industry and users of its products. MSS has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of MSS IBR standards. To access MSS’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • NACE International NACE International, founded as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards focusing on the prevention of corrosion, a major issue concerning many industries. Headquartered in Houston, NACE standards are used by over 22,000 members in over 100 countries. NACE also serves as the administrator for the U.S. TAGs (United States Technical Advisory Group) to two subcommittees in ISO/TC 35 (International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee). NACE has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of NACE IBR standards. To access NACE’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • National Fire Protection Association NFPA, the National Fire Protection Association, is a leader in providing fire, electrical, and life safety standards since 1896. The mission of NFPA is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education. NFPA membership totals more than 75,000 individuals from around the world and more than 80 national trade and professional organizations. NFPA has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of NFPA IBR standards. To access NFPA’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • NFRC, the National Fenestration Rating Council NFRC, the National Fenestration Rating Council, is a non-profit organization that administers a voluntary, uniform rating, labeling, and certification system for the energy performance of windows, doors, curtain walls, skylights, and other fenestration products. Its members include manufacturers, suppliers, utilities, consumer groups, representatives from the building and code industries, scientific and educational organizations, and government agencies. NFRC has developed its own solution for providing access to NFRC IBR standards. To access NFRC's solution, go here.
  • SJI, the Steel Joist Institute SJI, the Steel Joist Institute, a nonprofit organization of active joist manufacturers and other organizations and companies connected to the industry, was founded in 1928 to address the need for uniform joist standards within the industry. Today, the Institute continues to maintain the standards for steel joist construction. In addition, the SJI provides educational opportunities for construction professionals utilizing a library of printed publications and both live and recorded webinars. It also offers assistance in identifying existing joists in buildings undergoing retrofit. SJI has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of SJI IBR standards. To access SJI’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.
  • UL UL, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., is a global independent safety science company offering expertise across five key strategic businesses: Product Safety, Environment, Life & Health, Verification Services, and Knowledge Services. The company’s breadth, established objectivity, and proven history have established UL as a symbol of trust, helping to provide peace of mind globally. UL, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., has developed its own solution for hosting read-only versions of UL IBR standards. To access UL’s own IBR read-only platform, go here.