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- Foreword
- ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
- The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
- Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
- Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.
- For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:
- The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation.
- This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5127:2001), which has been technically revised.
- ISO 5127 was previously published as a series of parts (from 1981).
- 0 Introduction
- 0.1 General
- This document presents terms and definitions for selected concepts relevant to the field of information and documentation. It includes a good deal of foundational terms and definitions, also from international guidelines and reference works by organizations in liaison with ISO/TC 46. Thus, it serves as a sound basis in the understanding of existing as well as possibly projected information and documentation systems by systematically presenting well-established terminology. It is, thus, also intended as a tool to help in new developments to come, by underpinning scientific research projects and helping to organize them, through mutual understanding of some of the foundations. And this document is likewise intended as a handy, quick and comprehensive reference tool also for the newly inaugurated to the field. Proper attention has therefore been paid to a clear, easy to follow structure of the document. In its function as a handbook, this document may also be regarded as a legitimate and improved successor of well-known reference works like, e.g. the widely disseminated UNESCO “Terminology of documentation” of 1976 and others (see Bibliography).
- This document has 13 main classes. It aims to provide a logical structure in the field of information and documentation.
- The closer coalescence of the diverse professions Archives, Libraries, Museums, Printing and IT, within documentation, in some parts rests on digitization as the basis of this process. This has also led, to some degree, to the reformulation of documentation and its processes in terms of IT-driven concepts and models. Working with digital objects and systems has by no means diminished the importance of terminology and terminological precision for and in the subject field. On the contrary, this importance is underlined even more since the concepts and terms representing the objects need to be even more precise when, possibly, far-reaching automatic processing of data takes place. In any case, it is vital to keep conceptual conformance between the documentation terminology and the IT terminology in this subject field and to strive for the matching of terms and concepts so that an integrated, overall system of documentation and its applications remains visible.
- 0.2 Main contents of this document
- This document provides a well-balanced selection of both abstract and concrete concepts (and their terms). Documentation and work in the documentation field today are increasingly characterized by the standard use of abstract models of the information field and of the communication flows in it, also for the design and optimization of information systems. This type of work requires, substantially refers to, and rests upon the structuring and exploration of the field by abstract reasoning and models, incorporated in the respective abstract concepts. This document satisfies the need for such abstract concepts, but also the equally required provision of a large number of concrete concepts (and terms) for concrete objects, documents and processes. ISO 5127, in its balanced approach, thus covers main components that constitute the information field:
- — abstract general concepts for the nature of information, of systems building, of identifying concept systems, and of the basic communication features of language (thus also keeping the bridge to information science, and to other sciences relevant for documentation);
- — a basic stock of vocabulary required and demanded to understand, analyse, and apply main documentation operations (to represent concept systems, for indexing, cataloguing, classifying);
- — the required consideration of the storage and preservation of documents and of documentation results, and some legal aspects of documentation;
- — a basic stock of vocabulary required and demanded to understand, analyse, and work with the institutions in the field;
- — and, in particular, a basic stock of vocabulary required and demanded to understand, analyse, and work with the main “raw material” basis of documentation, the large variety of documents and components of documents. Vocabulary is provided for the general types of documents and their main subdivisions, and a number of concepts and their terms for particular special kinds of documents which are highly relevant but not always encountered in daily mass practice. Notably, some needs of special collections are addressed here, too. Both documents that are the result of, or considerably assist in, documentation are in focus, and a number of documents and their parts whose terminology is needed because these documents constitute important main objects for making societal documentation and information processes work.
- This particular attention to “documents” and their parts concerns old and new ones: both those that are, and need to be, subject to documentation processes as well as those which are the result of such processes or serve as guidance in this work.
- 0.3 Functions of this document
- The present-day situation of documentation and its field is also largely characterized by closer cooperation and sometimes merging of its individual professional areas and professions like librarianship, archivistics, text documentation, editing, media documentation, printing, publishing, sound and visual documents, broadcasting, museology, document conservation and more. ISO 5127 is intended to serve as a tool for the representation, and mutual understanding, of the specific terminology in the documentation field and at the same time for the closer cooperation of its different professional branches, while at the same time respecting the organizational autonomy, traditions and specific work procedures and related terminology of and between them.
- As a terminology standard, among the main functions it serves are the following:
- — to be a quick one-stop shop, a reference pool showing a comprehensive overview of the entirety of the terminology (terms) and its individual pieces in the field, also for ISO/TC 46 and its field of work;
- — to provide an interrelated conceptual overview, based on the underlying elaborate concept system, of the field of information and documentation as a whole, thus creating a summary of main terminology of the field, for the use of ISO/TC 46, related Committees and the entire information community;
- — to facilitate international communication both between countries and within international organizations, on all matters within the scope of this document; and so, at the same time (both national and international) between the individual professions and disciplines involved in the documentation field;
- — to be at hand as a reference tool for questions as to individual items in the field and for ensuring the correct understanding of individual terms as they may be used in different places;
- — to act, as a nucleus of validated terminology, as a reference point and for the establishing of national language versions (translations) of this terminology; so it would assist both in the exact understanding/interpretation of certain technical terms and in their translation and exchange between different languages;
- — to provide, as much as is in its scope, solid foundational assistance in the teaching of “documentation”;
- — to serve as a stock of precisely defined items (concepts) that are at hand when data elements for all sorts of information and documentation data exchange systems and networks are to be defined, agreed and machine-implemented;
- — to serve as a vocabulary pool for indexing, abstracting and cataloguing services covering, and active in, the field of documentation;
- — to serve as the source and starting point for creating metadata, also keeping in mind the developments of linked data;
- — to provide a pool, as a starting and reference point, for further and proper formalization of concepts into directly applicable IT-conforming entities;
- — to as well provide necessary material for future establishing of ontologies of parts of the documentation field or of the whole field, for more elaborate operation of automated IT processes;
- — to maintain the connection to all classification systems that undertake, for any purpose, to classify and to order the field of documentation; through its own richly cross-referenced structure, to serve as a first collection for the possible building of one or more thesauri of the field;
- — to assist further study and scientific exploration of the field, and the sciences, of information and documentation.
- In its approach to related concepts and their definitions through generic relations, and to, in a number of instances, connect entries through “See references” in the “Notes to entry”, ISO 5127 presents a slight look and feel in the direction of paving the way for a thesaurus application.
- 0.4 A coherent terminology
- In view of the now widespread formation and application of terminology of and for documentation, the coherent terminology offered in ISO 5127 also provides, to the degree required, information on the relation of some terms and concepts from this document to those in other ISO standards to maintain this information and the relation mentioned, for the benefit of the users of ISO 5127. In partially fulfilling the function of a general overview, net and vocabulary on which the individual standards in ISO/TC 46 are built, this document may also serve as far as possible, when drafting ISO/TC 46 or other standards, as a source of good and workable definitions. When such ISO 5127 definitions need to be tailored to specific further-reaching applications in individual Committees’ definitions, this can be done using “Notes to entry”, adaptations and similar means.
- As the terminology standard of ISO/TC 46, in addition to providing the basic concept system, ISO 5127 offers a collection of terminology as laid down in various ISO/TC 46 and other ISO standards. Notwithstanding that, ISO 5127 is, and persists as, a solid corpus of terminology in its own right, being not just a mere compilation but a proper, interrelated system. As a proper terminology standard (following the rules from ISO/TC 37), it is built on an underlying concept system, aims at well-balanced coverage of the whole field, is arranged in all its Clauses from the general to the specific and in keeping adjacent, neighbouring, or antonymic terms always close to each other. ISO 5127 also respects the rule of definitions as short, generic expressions of a concept, the rule to avoid circular definitions, and of defining concepts whenever possible by referring to their broader concept. Finally, a terminology standard is more than a dictionary, not least because it does not show the sometimes several meanings of a term under just one entry word but separates different meanings (concepts) of a word into different (separate) entries. In real-life practice, terms representing the concepts of a subject field like “documentation” are, of course, often also used metaphorically; while this is, of course, possible any such use lies outside the scope of this document.
- 0.5 Organization of entries
- The entries in this document are organized according to ISO 10241-2. They are comprised of the entry number and preferred term, identified synonyms, the definition and the source of the definition. In some cases the definition is complemented by examples and “Notes to entry” for better explanation of the term and its relationship with correlative terms in other domains. The selection of terms and the wording of definitions follow the rules established in ISO 704.Terms, definitions, examples and notes are provided using British spelling. The terms may, of course, occasionally be used with other spellings, obtained e.g. from an authoritative dictionary, in accordance with ISO Directives Part 2, 6.6.2.
- “information center” instead of “information centre”.
- As a convention, “or” in this document is generally to be understood as “and/or”. If a definition in ISO 5127 is taken from other standards, the priority of selection generally is: ISO/TC 46 technical standards, then technical standards in other relevant fields within ISO, and then other terminology-related standards.
- The source citations in this document are provided for traceability and to support interoperability with other International Standards. Variations of definitions from the sources have “modified” written in the “SOURCE” indication below the definition. Individual terms and their definitions from all ISO standards can at any time be searched and verified as to their current use with the help of the ISO Online Browsing Platform ( Users of ISO 5127 are also encouraged to consult, whenever appropriate, the terminology standards from ISO/TC 46 neighbouring TCs, such as ISO/IEC 2382, which is now mainly accessible only online.
- A further revised and augmented edition of ISO 5127 is planned for the near future.
- 1 Scope
- This document provides a concept system and general vocabulary for the field of documentation within the whole information field. It has been created with a balanced representation of major work areas in mind: documentation, libraries, archives, media, museums, records management, conservation as well as legal aspects of documentation. The scope of the vocabulary provided in this document corresponds to that of ISO/TC 46: standardization of practices relating to libraries, documentation and information centres, publishing, archives, records management, museum documentation, indexing and abstracting services, and information science.
- 2 Normative references
- There are no normative references in this document.
- 3 Terms and definitions
- For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
- ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
- — ISO Online browsing platform: available at
- — IEC Electropedia: available at
- 3.1 Basic and framework concepts
- 3.1.1 Basic concepts
- 1 622.342 2 Gold mining - Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
- 2 A scholar’s library.
- 3 A unique series of cars, parfumes, books, etc.
- 4 AACR
- 5 abbreviation
- 6 aboutness
- 7 abrasion
- 8 abridgement
- 9 Abridgement, illustrated edition, shortened edition, arrangement, translation (2) <document> , remake, theatre play made after a film, the contents of a poem presented as a novel, etc.
- 10 absorbency
- 11 abstract
- 12 academic librarian
- 13 academic library
- 14 accelerated aging
- 15 access
- 16 access control
- 17 access hours, pl
- 18 access point
- 19 access rights
- 20 access to information
- 21 accessibility
- 22 accession
- 23 accession list
- 24 accession register
- 25 accessioning
- 26 accompanying material
- 27 accrual
- 28 accumulation
- 29 acid deterioration
- 30 acid migration
- 31 acid-free paper
- 32 acquisition
- 33 acronym
- 34 act
- 35 action copy
- 36 active borrower
- 37 active data
- 38 actual date of publication
- 39 adaptation
- 40 added copy
- 41 addendum
- 42 adhesive
- 43 adhesive binding
- 44 administrative document
- 45 administrative history
- 46 administrative library
- 47 administrative metadata
- 48 administrative value
- 49 advertising journal
- 50 aging
- 51 albumen print
- 52 alienation
- 53 alkali reserve
- 54 allotype
- 55 all-through alphabetization
- 56 alphabet
- 57 alphabetic catalogue
- 58 alphabetic language
- 59 alphabetical display (of a thesaurus)
- 60 alphabetico-classified catalogue
- 61 alternative title
- 62 alum
- 63 An idea, a tool or an art object (
- 64 analogue document
- 65 analytic relation
- 66 analytical method (of thesaurus construction)
- 67 annotation
- 68 anonymized data
- 69 anonymous document
- 70 anthology
- 71 anthroponym
- 72 antiquarian book shop
- 73 antique
- 74 apocryphal document estate
- 75 appendix
- 76 appraisal
- 77 aquarium
- 78 aquatint
- 79 aqueous deacidification
- 80 arboretum
- 81 archaeology museum
- 82 archival description
- 83 Archival guide.
- 84 archival item
- 85 archival jurisdiction
- 86 archival quality
- 87 archival science
- 88 archival subseries
- 89 archival system
- 90 archival unit
- 91 archive group
- 92 archives (1), pl
- 93 archives (2), pl
- 94 archivist
- 95 arrangement (1)
- 96 arrangement (2)
- 97 array
- 98 art lending library
- 99 art library
- 100 art museum
- 101 art object
- 102 art objects estate
- 103 art paper (1)
- 104 art paper (2)
- 105 artefact (1)
- 106 artefact (2)
- 107 article
- 108 articles in press
- 109 artificial language
- 110 artist’s book
- 111 artist’s signature
- 112 artistic estate (1)
- 113 artistic photo
- 114 asset
- 115 assigned indexing
- 116 associative relationship
- 117 astrotoponym
- 118 atlas
- 119 audio guide
- 120 audiography
- 121 audiovisual document
- 122 audiovisual record
- 123 audiovisual work
- 124 auditive communication
- 125 authentication
- 126 authenticity metadata
- 127 author
- 128 author abstract
- 129 author affiliation
- 130 author catalogue
- 131 author heading
- 132 author’s editor
- 133 authoritative source
- 134 authority control
- 135 authority file
- 136 authority record
- 137 author's rights, pl
- 138 autobiography
- 139 autograph (2)
- 140 automated search
- 141 automatic indexing
- 142 auxiliary table
- 143 availability
- 144 back
- 145 back up, verb
- 146 backing
- 147 backlist
- 148 backlog
- 149 back-to-back shelving
- 150 back-up service
- 151 bamboo-slips
- 152 bar code
- 153 barrier sheet
- 154 barrier-free access
- 155 base
- 156 base form
- 157 basic collection
- 158 batch search
- 159 bay
- 160 bay shelving
- 161 bibliographic classification
- 162 bibliographic coupling
- 163 bibliographic database
- 164 bibliographic description
- 165 bibliographic element
- 166 bibliographic entry
- 167 bibliographic format
- 168 bibliographic resource
- 169 bibliographic retrieval system
- 170 bibliographic unit
- 171 bibliography (1)
- 172 bibliography (2)
- 173 bibliology
- 174 bibliometrics
- 175 big data
- 176 binder's board
- 177 binding (1)
- 178 binding (2)
- 179 binding edge
- 180 biodeterioration
- 181 biographical dictionary
- 182 biographical note
- 183 biography
- 184 biological cleaning
- 185 birch bark scroll
- 186 black-and-white film
- 187 blank character
- 188 bleaching (1)
- 189 bleaching (2)
- 190 bleeding
- 191 blend
- 192 blister
- 193 block letters
- 194 blocking
- 195 blog
- 196 blurb
- 197 board (1)
- 198 board (2)
- 199 bond strength
- 200 book (1)
- 201 book block
- 202 book drop
- 203 book louse
- 204 book science
- 205 book shop
- 206 book transport system
- 207 bookplate
- 208 books (2), periodicals issues, posters, sound recordings, films, DVDs, MP3 files, an original oil painting, etc.
- 209 bookworm
- 210 Boolean search
- 211 bootleg
- 212 born digital
- 213 borrowed term
- 214 botanic garden
- 215 box
- 216 Braille script; microform (
- 217 branch library
- 218 Bridge:1) structure carrying traffic over a gap; 2) part of a string instrument; 3) dental plate.
- 219 brief
- 220 brittleness
- 221 broadcast
- 222 broadcast archives
- 223 broadcast station
- 224 broader term
- 225 brochure
- 226 broke
- 227 browsing (1)
- 228 browsing (2)
- 229 buckling
- 230 buffer
- 231 bursting strength
- 232 business archives
- 233 business document
- 234 business system
- 235 byline
- 236 calendar (1)
- 237 calendar (2)
- 238 calendered paper
- 239 call number
- 240 camouflage document
- 241 candidate term
- 242 canonical order
- 243 caption
- 244 carbon print
- 245 card catalogue
- 246 carrier
- 247 cartographic document
- 248 cartoon (2)
- 249 case
- 250 casing-in
- 251 catalogue (2)
- 252 catalogue discontinuation
- 253 catalogue enrichment
- 254 catalogue entry
- 255 catalogue record
- 256 cataloguing
- 257 cataloguing in publication
- 259 categorization
- 260 category
- 261 CD-ROM
- 262 cellulose acetate
- 263 central library (1)
- 264 centralized cataloguing
- 265 centroid
- 266 ceramic
- 267 certification (1)
- 268 certification (2)
- 269 certified copy
- 270 chain
- 271 chain index (1)
- 272 chain index (2)
- 273 chapter
- 274 character
- 275 character string
- 276 characteristic
- 277 characteristic of division
- 278 characterizing portion
- 279 charge out
- 280 charge out register
- 281 chart
- 282 check character
- 283 chemical cleaning
- 284 chemical damage
- 285 chief registrar
- 286 children's library
- 287 choronym
- 288 chronological file
- 289 chronological order
- 290 cinematographic film
- 291 circulation
- 292 circulation figure
- 293 citable data
- 294 citation
- 295 citation index
- 296 citation metadata
- 297 citation order
- 298 citation system
- 299 city museum
- 300 civil register(s)
- 301 claim
- 302 class
- 303 class number
- 304 classification system
- 305 classified catalogue
- 306 classified collection
- 307 classified data
- 308 classified display
- 309 classified indexing
- 310 classified order
- 311 classified shelving
- 312 classifying
- 313 clay tablet
- 314 cleaning
- 315 clearance
- 316 clearinghouse
- 317 clipping
- 318 closed access
- 319 closed file
- 320 closed record group
- 321 closed shelves, pl
- 322 closed stacks, pl
- 323 closed user group
- 324 cloth binding
- 325 clustering
- 326 coated paper
- 327 coating
- 328 co-citation
- 329 cockling
- 330 code (1)
- 331 code (2)
- 332 code element
- 333 codicology
- 334 coding
- 335 coined term
- 336 collage
- 337 collating
- 338 collation
- 339 collected edition
- 340 collection (1)
- 341 collection (2)
- 342 collection (3)
- 343 collection breadth
- 344 collection currency
- 345 collection depth
- 346 collection development
- 347 collection management
- 348 collection policy
- 349 collection use figure
- 350 collective knowledge
- 351 collective rights society
- 352 collective title
- 353 collodion print
- 354 collotype print
- 355 colophon
- 356 colour
- 357 colour fastness
- 358 colour film
- 359 column (1)
- 360 column (2)
- 361 column head
- 362 comb binding
- 363 command
- 364 commercial
- 365 commercial copy
- 366 commercial use
- 367 common title
- 368 commonplace book
- 369 communication
- 370 communication system
- 371 communication theory
- 372 compact disc
- 373 compact shelving
- 374 company library
- 375 competitive intelligence
- 376 complementary document
- 377 complete document estate
- 378 complex term
- 379 composite class
- 380 composite manuscript
- 381 compound equivalence
- 382 compound term
- 383 comprehensive collection
- 384 computer word
- 385 concept
- 386 concept system
- 387 conceptual data model
- 388 conceptual model
- 389 conceptual object
- 390 conceptual schema
- 391 concordance list
- 392 confidential data
- 393 consent
- 394 conservation
- 395 conservation record
- 396 conservator
- 397 consolidation
- 398 content analysis
- 399 content description
- 400 content descriptor
- 401 content metadata
- 402 content provider
- 403 context
- 404 contextual metadata
- 405 continuation record
- 406 continuing resource
- 407 contraction
- 408 contributor
- 409 control character
- 410 controlled vocabulary
- 411 convolute
- 412 cooperative catalogue
- 413 coordinate concept
- 414 copper engraving
- 415 copy
- 416 copy (1)
- 417 copy (2)
- 418 copy cataloguing
- 419 copy editor
- 420 copying
- 421 copy-paste writing
- 422 copyright
- 423 copyright library
- 424 copyright notice
- 425 corporate author
- 426 corporate body
- 427 corpus
- 428 country code
- 429 cover (1)
- 430 cover (2)
- 431 cover title
- 432 cover version
- 433 coverage
- 434 coverage ratio
- 435 cracking
- 436 crawler
- 437 crazing
- 438 creasability
- 439 creator
- 440 creep (1)
- 441 creep (2)
- 442 CRM
- 443 cropping
- 444 cross direction
- 445 cross-language equivalence
- 446 cultural property law
- 447 cuneiform tablet
- 448 curator
- 449 curling
- 450 currency code
- 451 current awareness service
- 452 current records
- 453 custody
- 454 daguerreotype
- 455 daily newspaper
- 456 damage
- 457 damp stain
- 458 damp stretching
- 459 data access
- 460 data analysis
- 461 data archiving
- 462 data attribute
- 463 data broker
- 464 data citation
- 465 data cleaning
- 466 data curation
- 467 data deposit
- 468 data description
- 469 data element
- 470 data entry
- 471 data field
- 472 data format
- 473 data handler
- 474 data holder
- 475 data integration
- 476 data integrity
- 477 data linkage
- 478 data medium
- 479 data migration
- 480 data mining
- 481 data model
- 482 data processing
- 483 data protection
- 484 data protection supervisory authority
- 485 data publishing
- 486 data quality
- 487 data registration
- 488 data repository
- 489 data security
- 490 data store
- 491 data subject
- 492 data transformation
- 493 data type
- 494 data user
- 495 data, pl
- 496 database
- 497 date of acceptance
- 498 date of publication
- 499 date of submission
- 500 DDC
- 501 de-accession register
- 502 de-accessioning
- 503 deacidification
- 504 dead file
- 505 declassification
- 506 deep web
- 507 definition
- 508 dehumidification
- 509 delamination (1)
- 510 delamination (2)
- 511 delivery note
- 512 demonym
- 513 department archives
- 514 departmental records office
- 515 dependency
- 516 dependent claim
- 517 dependent title
- 518 deposit
- 519 deposit library
- 520 deprecated term
- 521 depth indexing
- 522 derived document
- 523 derived indexing
- 524 description (2)
- 525 descriptive entry
- 526 descriptive metadata
- 527 descriptive title
- 528 desiderata, pl
- 529 design document
- 530 designation
- 531 destruction
- 532 deterioration
- 533 diacritic
- 534 diary
- 535 diazo printing
- 536 dictionary
- 537 dictionary catalogue
- 538 digit
- 539 digital collection
- 540 digital data
- 541 digital document
- 542 digital fingerprint
- 543 digital library
- 544 digital library document
- 545 Digital Object Identifier
- 546 digital preservation
- 547 digital resource
- 548 Digital Rights Management
- 549 digital watermark
- 550 digitization (1)
- 551 digitization (2)
- 552 digitized document
- 553 digraph
- 554 dimensional stability
- 555 diploma (1)
- 556 diploma (2)
- 557 direct access
- 558 direct printing
- 559 direct storage
- 560 director’s cut
- 561 directory
- 562 disaster control plan
- 563 disc
- 564 disclaimer
- 565 disclosure
- 566 discography
- 567 discolouration
- 568 disinfection
- 569 disinfestation
- 570 disjunct classification
- 571 diskette
- 572 display
- 573 disposition
- 574 distinctive title of manifestation
- 575 divisional application
- 576 document
- 577 document consultation frequency
- 578 document delivery service
- 579 document delivery time
- 580 document description
- 581 document estate
- 582 document exposure
- 583 document retrieval
- 584 document type
- 585 documentary film
- 586 documentary photo
- 587 documentation (1)
- 588 documentation (2)
- 589 documentation centre
- 590 documentology
- 591 dog-eared
- 592 domain
- 593 domain name
- 594 donation
- 595 dossier
- 596 downgrading
- 597 draft
- 598 drawing
- 599 dromonym
- 600 dry cleaning
- 601 dry mounting
- 602 dry point
- 603 drymonym
- 604 dubbing
- 605 Dublin Core metadata
- 606 duchsustus
- 607 dummy
- 608 duplicate
- 609 duplicate
- 610 duplicate publishing
- 611 durability
- 612 durable paper
- 613 dust retention
- 614 DVD
- 615 dye
- 616 dynamic data
- 617 ecomuseum
- 618 economic rights, pl
- 619 edited volume
- 620 editing
- 621 edition (1)
- 622 edition (2)
- 623 editor
- 624 editorial
- 625 editorial department
- 626 editorial system
- 627 effectiveness
- 628 efficiency
- 629 elasticity
- 630 electronic book
- 631 electronic delivery
- 632 electronic journal
- 633 electronic mail (1)
- 634 electronic mail (2)
- 635 electronic publication
- 636 electronic record
- 637 electronic resource
- 638 element
- 639 elemental class
- 640 embrittlement
- 641 emission
- 642 empirical knowledge
- 643 emulation
- 644 encapsulation
- 645 encapsulation mounting
- 646 encoding
- 647 encyclopedia
- 648 end titles
- 649 end user
- 650 endnote
- 651 endonym
- 652 endorsement
- 653 endpaper
- 654 engraving (1)
- 655 engraving (2)
- 656 engrossed copy
- 657 enriched document estate
- 658 entity
- 659 entry
- 660 entry vocabulary
- 661 enumerative classification system
- 662 ephemera, pl
- 663 epigraph
- 664 episode
- 665 equivalence mapping
- 666 equivalence relationship
- 667 erasability
- 668 erase
- 669 errata, pl
- 670 essential characteristic
- 671 estate
- 672 estray
- 673 etching
- 674 ethnography and anthropology museum
- 675 evaluation
- 676 everyday communication
- 677 evidence
- 678 evidential value
- 679 ex situ
- 680 EXAMPLE:
- 681 exchange
- 682 exchange format
- 683 exclusive rights, pl
- 684 exemplar
- 685 exhibition
- 686 exhibition catalogue
- 687 exonym
- 688 expert user
- 689 explicit knowledge
- 690 expression
- 691 expressiveness
- 692 expurgated edition
- 693 extensibility
- 694 Extensible Markup Language
- 695 extension
- 696 extensional definition
- 697 external user
- 698 extrinsic data
- 699 face recognition
- 700 facet
- 701 facet analysis
- 702 facet indicator
- 703 facet label
- 704 faceted classification system
- 705 face-to-face communication
- 706 facsimile
- 707 fading
- 708 failure
- 709 fair dealing
- 710 fallout
- 711 family archives
- 712 fatigue failure
- 713 fax
- 714 ferrotype
- 715 festschrift
- 716 field-book
- 717 file (1)
- 718 file (2)
- 719 file cover
- 720 file name
- 721 filing (1)
- 722 filing (2)
- 723 filing (3)
- 724 filing character
- 725 filing level
- 726 filing unit
- 727 filler
- 728 film archives
- 729 film director
- 730 film distributor
- 731 film editing
- 732 filmography
- 733 filmstrip
- 734 finding aid
- 735 finish
- 736 finissage
- 737 fire resistance
- 738 first author
- 739 first edition
- 740 fiscal value
- 741 fix column head
- 742 flat filing
- 743 flattening
- 744 flexibility
- 745 flexible binding
- 746 flexographic printing
- 747 flexural strength
- 748 fly-leaf
- 749 focus
- 750 folding endurance
- 751 foldout
- 752 foliation
- 753 fonds (1)
- 754 font
- 755 footage
- 756 footer
- 757 footnote
- 758 fore edge
- 759 form
- 760 form descriptor
- 761 form heading
- 762 formal definition
- 763 formal order
- 764 formal relation
- 765 forwarding
- 766 foxing
- 767 FRANAR
- 768 FRBR
- 769 free access
- 770 free indexing
- 771 freedom of panorama
- 772 free-text search
- 773 frontal display
- 774 frontlist
- 775 frozen record
- 776 FRSAD
- 777 F-score
- 778 fugitive colours
- 779 full binding
- 780 full newspaper
- 781 full plagiarism
- 782 full text database
- 783 full-cover editorial department
- 784 full-text search
- 785 full-text storage
- 786 fumigation
- 787 functional space
- 788 fungus
- 789 gallery
- 790 gap
- 791 gazetteer
- 792 general concept
- 793 General International Standard for Archival Description
- 794 general library
- 795 general material designation
- 796 general museum
- 797 general records schedule
- 798 generality
- 799 generalize
- 800 generic concept
- 801 generic relation
- 802 generic title word
- 803 genuine document estate
- 804 geodata
- 805 geographical information system
- 806 gestalt method (of thesaurus construction)
- 807 globe
- 808 glossary
- 809 glossonym
- 810 gluing-off
- 811 glyph
- 812 government document
- 813 gramophone record
- 814 grapheme
- 815 graphic character
- 816 graphic document
- 817 graphical language
- 818 gravure printing
- 819 ground wood paper
- 820 GTIN
- 821 guarantees, warranties; heart attack, myocardial infarction; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
- 822 guard
- 823 guestbook (1)
- 824 guestbook (2)
- 825 guide (1)
- 826 guide (2)
- 827 gutter
- 828 half binding
- 829 half title
- 830 hand press print
- 831 handbook
- 832 handling
- 833 handwriting
- 834 hard copy
- 835 hard cover
- 836 harddrive
- 837 hardware
- 838 header
- 839 heading (1)
- 840 heading (2)
- 841 headline
- 842 headword
- 843 heat-sealing
- 844 help desk
- 845 hidden bibliography
- 846 hierarchical relation
- 847 hinge
- 848 historical gazetteer
- 849 history museum
- 850 hit
- 851 holdings
- 852 holdings record
- 853 holdings statement
- 854 holiday
- 855 hologram
- 856 holograph (2)
- 857 holotype
- 858 homepage
- 859 homograph
- 860 homonymy
- 861 homophony
- 862 honeycombing
- 863 hospitality
- 864 host
- 865 HTTP
- 866 human communication
- 867 humidification (1)
- 868 humidification (2)
- 869 hybrid system
- 870 hydronym
- 871 hyperlink
- 872 hypertext
- 873 Hypertext Markup Language
- 874 hypertext storage
- 875 iconography
- 876 iconology
- 877 identification
- 878 identifier
- 879 illustration
- 880 image
- 881 image agency
- 882 image enhancement
- 883 image library
- 884 image rendition
- 885 imagination
- 886 imitation art paper
- 887 impact factor
- 888 implicit knowledge
- 889 impregnation
- 890 imprescriptibility
- 891 impression
- 892 imprint
- 893 improvement patent
- 894 IMRAD
- 895 in situ
- 896 inalienability
- 897 incipit
- 898 incunabulum
- 899 independent claim
- 900 index
- 901 index card
- 902 index term
- 903 indexing
- 904 indexing language
- 905 India paper
- 906 indicative abstract
- 907 indirect communication
- 908 indirect printing
- 909 indirect quotation
- 910 individual concept
- 911 individual knowledge
- 912 individualization
- 913 industrial museum
- 914 industrial property
- 915 industrial property title
- 916 infilling
- 917 infometrics
- 918 information
- 919 information and documentation organization
- 920 information architecture
- 921 information centre
- 922 information commons
- 923 information copy
- 924 information demand
- 925 information dissemination
- 926 information ecology
- 927 information literacy
- 928 information management
- 929 information manager
- 930 information need
- 931 information overflow
- 932 information processing
- 933 information repackaging
- 934 information resource
- 935 information retrieval
- 936 information science
- 937 information service
- 938 information service network
- 939 information system
- 940 information user
- 941 information value
- 942 information visualization
- 943 informational question
- 944 informative abstract
- 945 inheritance
- 946 inhouse use of documents
- 947 initialism
- 948 input format
- 949 insert
- 950 instalment (1)
- 951 instance
- 952 instance relationship
- 953 institutional inventory
- 954 institutional repository
- 955 intaglio printing
- 956 integrated repository
- 957 integrating resource
- 958 intellectual property
- 959 intellectual work
- 960 intension
- 961 intensional definition
- 962 interactive search
- 963 interactive spaces
- 964 interfacet relation
- 965 interlibrary loan
- 966 intermediate storage
- 967 intermediate user
- 968 internal data format
- 969 International Standard Audiovisual Number
- 970 International Standard Audiovisual Version Number
- 971 International Standard Bibliographic Description
- 972 International Standard Book Number
- 973 International Standard Collection Identifier
- 974 International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Institutions
- 975 International Standard Linking Identifier
- 976 International Standard Music Number
- 977 International Standard Musical Work Code
- 978 International Standard Name Identifier
- 979 International Standard Recording Code
- 980 International Standard Serial Number
- 981 International Standard Text Code
- 982 internet
- 983 internet domain
- 984 internet platform
- 985 internet portal
- 986 interoperability
- 987 intrafacet relation
- 988 intrinsic data
- 989 intrinsic value
- 990 introduction
- 991 invention
- 992 inventor's certificate
- 993 inventory (1)
- 994 inventory (2)
- 995 ISBN-A
- 996 issue
- 997 item (1)
- 998 item entry system
- 999 itemized knowledge
- 1 000 jingle
- 1 001 joint
- 1 002 joint archives
- 1 003 journal (1)
- 1 004 journal (2)
- 1 005 journal editor
- 1 006 juridical document
- 1 007 kettle stitch (1)
- 1 008 kettle stitch (2)
- 1 009 key title
- 1 010 keyword
- 1 011 knowledge
- 1 012 knowledge entirety
- 1 013 knowledge management
- 1 014 knowledge network
- 1 015 knowledge organization
- 1 016 known item retrieval
- 1 017 KWIC index
- 1 018 label (1)
- 1 019 label (2)
- 1 020 lacuna
- 1 021 lamination
- 1 022 language
- 1 023 language code
- 1 024 language dictionary
- 1 025 leading article
- 1 026 leaf
- 1 027 leaf casting
- 1 028 lectotype
- 1 029 ledger
- 1 030 legal deposit
- 1 031 legal document
- 1 032 legal value
- 1 033 lemma
- 1 034 lending frequency
- 1 035 lending library
- 1 036 letter (1)
- 1 037 letter (2)
- 1 038 letter to the editor (1)
- 1 039 letter to the editor (2)
- 1 040 letterbook
- 1 041 letterpress printing
- 1 042 letters patent
- 1 043 level of arrangement
- 1 044 level of description
- 1 045 lexeme
- 1 046 lexical language
- 1 047 lexicographic order
- 1 048 lexicography
- 1 049 librarian
- 1 050 librarianship
- 1 051 library
- 1 052 library binding
- 1 053 library collection
- 1 054 library consortium
- 1 055 library impact
- 1 056 library science
- 1 057 libretto
- 1 058 licence
- 1 059 LIDO
- 1 060 lifecycle of a resource
- 1 061 lightfastness
- 1 062 linear meter
- 1 063 liner notes
- 1 064 lining
- 1 065 link
- 1 066 linked data
- 1 067 linking ISSN
- 1 068 linocut
- 1 069 list
- 1 070 list of references
- 1 071 literal quotation
- 1 072 literary archives
- 1 073 literary document
- 1 074 literary estate (2)
- 1 075 literary title protection
- 1 076 lithograph (1)
- 1 077 lithograph (2)
- 1 078 living archive(s)
- 1 079 living collection
- 1 080 living legacy
- 1 081 loan
- 1 082 loan availability
- 1 083 loan collection
- 1 084 loan desk
- 1 085 loan period
- 1 086 loan term
- 1 087 loan-renewal request
- 1 088 local archives
- 1 089 local record
- 1 090 local request number
- 1 091 locally/regionally governed museum
- 1 092 location index
- 1 093 LOCODE
- 1 094 log file
- 1 095 logistics
- 1 096 logogram
- 1 097 logographic language
- 1 098 long film
- 1 099 loose-leaf edition
- 1 100 loss
- 1 101 LP
- 1 102 LP version
- 1 103 machine code
- 1 104 machine communication
- 1 105 machine direction
- 1 106 MAchine-Readable Cataloguing
- 1 107 macrothesaurus
- 1 108 magazine
- 1 109 magnetic disc
- 1 110 magnetic tape
- 1 111 main claim
- 1 112 main class
- 1 113 main document
- 1 114 main entry
- 1 115 main library
- 1 116 main patent
- 1 117 main subject library
- 1 118 main table
- 1 119 malware
- 1 120 management information system
- 1 121 manifestation
- 1 122 manual
- 1 123 manuscript (1)
- 1 124 manuscript (2)
- 1 125 map
- 1 126 mapping
- 1 127 mapping a knowledge domain
- 1 128 marginal note
- 1 129 markup
- 1 130 markup language
- 1 131 masking
- 1 132 mass communication
- 1 133 mass conservation
- 1 134 mass data
- 1 135 master copy
- 1 136 master data
- 1 137 master tape
- 1 138 matching function
- 1 139 material object
- 1 140 matricle
- 1 141 matrix number
- 1 142 May take the form of a notation (1) <symbols> (, sound, image (, object ( movement or text (
- 1 143 meaning
- 1 144 mechanical binding
- 1 145 mechanical cleaning
- 1 146 mechanical damage
- 1 147 media disruption
- 1 148 media format
- 1 149 medical document
- 1 150 mediography
- 1 151 medium
- 1 152 medley
- 1 153 memorandum
- 1 154 memory organization
- 1 155 mental representation (1)
- 1 156 mental representation (2)
- 1 157 mentefact
- 1 158 menu-based search
- 1 159 message
- 1 160 metadata
- 1 161 metadata for managing records
- 1 162 metadata registry
- 1 163 metadata schema
- 1 164 metal relief cut
- 1 165 metal relief etching
- 1 166 metalanguage
- 1 167 mezzotint
- 1 168 microcard
- 1 169 microfiche
- 1 170 microfilm
- 1 171 microform
- 1 172 micro-organism
- 1 173 microthesaurus
- 1 174 military document
- 1 175 miniature
- 1 176 minutes, pl
- 1 177 misnomer
- 1 178 mission statement
- 1 179 mixed manuscript
- 1 180 mixing
- 1 181 mobile device
- 1 182 mobile library
- 1 183 mock-up
- 1 184 model (1)
- 1 185 modification of data
- 1 186 monographic resource
- 1 187 monographic series
- 1 188 monohierarchical structure
- 1 189 monolingual thesaurus
- 1 190 monothetic classification
- 1 191 monotype
- 1 192 monument
- 1 193 moral right
- 1 194 morpheme
- 1 195 morphology
- 1 196 motion picture
- 1 197 mounting
- 1 198 movement
- 1 199 movement area
- 1 200 multilingual thesaurus
- 1 201 multimedia resource
- 1 202 multiplum
- 1 203 multi-word term
- 1 204 museography
- 1 205 museology
- 1 206 museum
- 1 207 museum exhibition (1)
- 1 208 museum exhibition (2)
- 1 209 music
- 1 210 music recognition
- 1 211 musical estate
- 1 212 musical work
- 1 213 name
- 1 214 narrower term
- 1 215 national archives
- 1 216 national bibliography
- 1 217 national library
- 1 218 national museum
- 1 219 national patent
- 1 220 naturafact
- 1 221 natural history museum
- 1 222 natural language
- 1 223 neighbouring rights, pl
- 1 224 neologism
- 1 225 neotype
- 1 226 network user identification
- 1 227 new edition
- 1 228 news agency
- 1 229 news document
- 1 230 news programme
- 1 231 news section
- 1 232 newsletter
- 1 233 newspaper
- 1 234 newsprint
- 1 235 newsreel
- 1 236 nipping
- 1 237 node label
- 1 238 noise
- 1 239 nomen
- 1 240 nomenclature (1)
- 1 241 nomenclature (2)
- 1 242 nominal date of publication
- 1 243 non-aqueous deacidification
- 1 244 non-author abstract
- 1 245 non-booktrade document
- 1 246 non-combustibility
- 1 247 noncurrent records
- 1 248 non-destructive investigation
- 1 249 non-flammability
- 1 250 non-gap break
- 1 251 non-preferred term
- 1 252 non-textual resource
- 1 253 non-user
- 1 254 normalized precision
- 1 255 normalized recall
- 1 256 notated music
- 1 257 notation (1)
- 1 258 notation system
- 1 259 notching
- 1 260 note (1)
- 1 261 note (2)
- 1 262 Note 2 to entry: Archives (1) <organization> is sometimes treated as a singular noun.
- 1 263 Note 2 to entry: Bibliographies (2) may contain a description ( of the contents of documents.
- 1 264 Note 2 to entry: In general language, copy <(1)> <copy original> often is referred to as “original”.
- 1 265 Note 2 to entry: pamphlet” often have their sections ( held together by saddle stitching (
- 1 266 Note 2 to entry: Publishers fulfill some functions of an information and documentation organization (
- 1 267 Note 2 to entry: See also “unit of description” (
- 1 268 Note 2 to entry: See also arrangement (2) <adaptation> (
- 1 269 Note 2 to entry: See also autograph (1) <handwritten document> (; holograph (2) <handwritten document> (
- 1 270 Note 2 to entry: See also board (2) <cover> (; ISO 4046-3:2016, definition 3.16.
- 1 271 Note 2 to entry: See also column (2) <vertical division> (, “editorial” (, leader (
- 1 272 Note 2 to entry: See also delamination (2) <conservation measure> (; ISO 6707-1:2014, definition 9.3.9.; ISO 10254:2016, definition 2.2.38; ISO 14692-1:-, definition 2.2.16; ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.49; ISO 18925:2013, definition 3.5; ISO 18938:2014, definition 3.9.
- 1 273 Note 2 to entry: See also edition (1) <exemplars> (
- 1 274 Note 2 to entry: See also engraving (1) <intaglio print> (
- 1 275 Note 2 to entry: See also guestbook (1) <register of guests> (
- 1 276 Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.1.11.
- 1 277 Note 2 to entry: See also medium (
- 1 278 Note 2 to entry: See also original document (; work (; original work (
- 1 279 Note 2 to entry: See also parchment (; paper (2) <document> (; paper (3) <scientific text> (; ISO 4046-3:2016, definition 3.95.
- 1 280 Note 2 to entry: See also poster (1) <pictorial print> (
- 1 281 Note 2 to entry: See also printing (2) <handwriting> (; printer (; and ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 60.
- 1 282 Note 2 to entry: See also record (2) <set of data> (; documentation (2) <collection> (; file (1) <set of records> (; file (2) <unit of documents> (; record (3) <sound carrier> (
- 1 283 Note 2 to entry: See also request (1) <document acquisition> (, query (
- 1 284 Note 2 to entry: See also signature (1) <autograph> (; signature (2) <artist’s signature> (
- 1 285 Note 2 to entry: See also transfer (1) <picture> (
- 1 286 Note 2 to entry: The more specific concept has a broader intension, but a narrower extension than the generic concept.
- 1 287 Note 2 to entry: This can be done by removing one or more characteristics ( or by replacing the characterizing concept ( in one or more characteristics with a more generic concept.
- 1 288 Note 3 to entry: See also classification system (; terminology (
- 1 289 Note 3 to entry: See also ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.11.
- 1 290 Note 3 to entry: See also nomenclature (1) (; taxonomy (; and ISO/TS 14048:2002, definition 3.6.
- 1 291 Note 3 to entry: The ‘external stimuli’ can, when applying certain technical operations like photographing (, be fixed onto a data medium ( and thus a document ( be created from the image.
- 1 292 Note 3 to entry: The corresponding phenomenon in film is often called “length direction” (ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.104).
- 1 293 Note 4 to entry: For “library” in a data processing sense, see also ISO/TS 13584-35:2010 and ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2122125.
- 1 294 Note 7 to entry: See also gallery (
- 1 295 notes, pl
- 1 296 nothing-before-something alphabetization
- 1 297 novelty
- 1 298 number
- 1 299 numeral
- 1 300 object
- 1 301 objective knowledge (1)
- 1 302 objective knowledge (2)
- 1 303 obligation of notification
- 1 304 obsolescence
- 1 305 occupational communication
- 1 306 office file(s) (1)
- 1 307 office file(s) (2)
- 1 308 office of origin
- 1 309 official bulletin
- 1 310 official gazetteer
- 1 311 offprint
- 1 312 offset lithographic printing
- 1 313 off-setting
- 1 314 off-site collection
- 1 315 ofness
- 1 316 ogham stick
- 1 317 oikodonym
- 1 318 oikonym
- 1 319 omnibus review
- 1 320 one person library
- 1 321 online public access catalogue
- 1 322 on-site collection (2)
- 1 323 on-site loan
- 1 324 on-site storage
- 1 325 ontology
- 1 326 opacity
- 1 327 open access
- 1 328 open air museum
- 1 329 open data
- 1 330 open shelves collection
- 1 331 open shelves, pl
- 1 332 opening hours
- 1 333 OpenURL
- 1 334 optical disc
- 1 335 opus number
- 1 336 oracle bone
- 1 337 oral communication
- 1 338 ORCID ID
- 1 339 order
- 1 340 organization
- 1 341 original article
- 1 342 original cataloguing
- 1 343 original document
- 1 344 original title
- 1 345 original work
- 1 346 originality
- 1 347 oronym
- 1 348 orphan work
- 1 349 orthographic word
- 1 350 ostracon
- 1 351 outcome
- 1 352 output
- 1 353 output format
- 1 354 outreach programme
- 1 355 outreach service
- 1 356 outtake
- 1 357 overdue notice
- 1 358 oversewing
- 1 359 oxidation
- 1 360 page
- 1 361 pagination
- 1 362 paint
- 1 363 painting
- 1 364 palimpsest
- 1 365 pamphlet
- 1 366 pannotype
- 1 367 papal bull
- 1 368 paper (1)
- 1 369 paper (2)
- 1 370 paper (3)
- 1 371 paper splitting
- 1 372 papers, pl
- 1 373 papyrus
- 1 374 paradigmatic relationship
- 1 375 paragraph (1)
- 1 376 paragraph sign
- 1 377 paralectotype
- 1 378 parallel submission
- 1 379 parallel title
- 1 380 paratype
- 1 381 parchment
- 1 382 parish register(s)
- 1 383 parliamentary paper
- 1 384 part of speech
- 1 385 partial literary estate
- 1 386 partitive concept
- 1 387 partitive relation
- 1 388 paste-down
- 1 389 pastiche
- 1 390 patent
- 1 391 patent abstract
- 1 392 patent application
- 1 393 patent of addition
- 1 394 patent office
- 1 395 patent register
- 1 396 patent specification
- 1 397 path
- 1 398 pattern recognition
- 1 399 peer review
- 1 400 perception
- 1 401 performance indicator
- 1 402 periodical
- 1 403 permanence
- 1 404 permanent exhibition
- 1 405 permanent paper
- 1 406 permeability
- 1 407 personal bibliography
- 1 408 personal communication
- 1 409 personal data
- 1 410 personal document
- 1 411 personal estate
- 1 412 personal inventory
- 1 413 pertinence
- 1 414 petty patent
- 1 415 pH value
- 1 416 phase relation
- 1 417 phoneme
- 1 418 phonology
- 1 419 photocopy
- 1 420 photodegradation
- 1 421 photograph
- 1 422 photographing
- 1 423 phototypesetting
- 1 424 physical description
- 1 425 pick list
- 1 426 pictorial communication
- 1 427 picture
- 1 428 picture dictionary
- 1 429 PID
- 1 430 piece
- 1 431 pigment
- 1 432 piracy
- 1 433 pitch
- 1 434 place of publication
- 1 435 plagiarism
- 1 436 plagiary
- 1 437 plan
- 1 438 plan cabinet
- 1 439 plan paper
- 1 440 planographic printing
- 1 441 plasticity
- 1 442 point-to-multipoint communication
- 1 443 point-to-point communication
- 1 444 polyhierarchical structure
- 1 445 polysemy
- 1 446 polythetic classification
- 1 447 porosity
- 1 448 postcard
- 1 449 postcoordinate index
- 1 450 post-coordination
- 1 451 poster (1)
- 1 452 poster (2)
- 1 453 potential user
- 1 454 preamble
- 1 455 precision
- 1 456 precoordinate index
- 1 457 pre-coordination
- 1 458 preface
- 1 459 preferred term
- 1 460 preliminary pages
- 1 461 pre-order search
- 1 462 preparator
- 1 463 presentation format
- 1 464 presentation programme
- 1 465 preservation
- 1 466 press clipping service
- 1 467 primary document (1)
- 1 468 primary document (2)
- 1 469 primary journal
- 1 470 primary value
- 1 471 principle of division
- 1 472 principle of inversion
- 1 473 principle of original order
- 1 474 principle of pertinence
- 1 475 principle of provenance
- 1 476 print
- 1 477 print on demand
- 1 478 print on demand publication
- 1 479 print sheet
- 1 480 printed document
- 1 481 printing (1)
- 1 482 printing house
- 1 483 prior art
- 1 484 prior disclosure
- 1 485 priority date
- 1 486 private communication
- 1 487 private copy
- 1 488 private document
- 1 489 private library (1)
- 1 490 private library (2)
- 1 491 private photo
- 1 492 private use
- 1 493 private-governed museum
- 1 494 probabilistic retrieval
- 1 495 proceedings, pl
- 1 496 processed data
- 1 497 processing permit
- 1 498 prodonym
- 1 499 producer
- 1 500 production archive
- 1 501 professional journal
- 1 502 proof
- 1 503 property
- 1 504 proprietary identifier
- 1 505 protection
- 1 506 protocol
- 1 507 prototype
- 1 508 provenance
- 1 509 provenance metadata
- 1 510 provincial museum
- 1 511 pseudonym
- 1 512 public document
- 1 513 public domain
- 1 514 public library
- 1 515 public records (1)
- 1 516 public records (2)
- 1 517 public/private partnership museum
- 1 518 publication
- 1 519 publication bias
- 1 520 publisher
- 1 521 publisher’s archives
- 1 522 publishing
- 1 523 publishing system
- 1 524 pulling
- 1 525 punched card
- 1 526 punched tape
- 1 527 qualifier (1)
- 1 528 qualifier (2)
- 1 529 quality
- 1 530 quarter binding
- 1 531 quasi-synonym
- 1 532 query
- 1 533 quotation
- 1 534 radio channel
- 1 535 radio disc
- 1 536 radio play
- 1 537 radio programme
- 1 538 radio station
- 1 539 rank, verb
- 1 540 rare book library
- 1 541 raw data
- 1 542 RDA
- 1 543 RDF
- 1 544 read
- 1 545 reader
- 1 546 reader area
- 1 547 reading room
- 1 548 real-time data
- 1 549 reappraisal
- 1 550 reasoning
- 1 551 recall
- 1 552 recall notice
- 1 553 receptivity
- 1 554 reclaimed paper
- 1 555 reconstruction
- 1 556 record (2)
- 1 557 record copy
- 1 558 record(s) (1)
- 1 559 recorded information
- 1 560 recording
- 1 561 recording tape
- 1 562 records application software
- 1 563 records management
- 1 564 records policy
- 1 565 records series
- 1 566 records survey
- 1 567 recto
- 1 568 recycled paper
- 1 569 redundancy
- 1 570 re-edition
- 1 571 referable data
- 1 572 reference collection
- 1 573 reference data
- 1 574 reference interview
- 1 575 reference library
- 1 576 reference question
- 1 577 reference retrieval
- 1 578 reference service
- 1 579 reference work
- 1 580 referral service
- 1 581 regional archives
- 1 582 regional bibliography
- 1 583 regional newspaper
- 1 584 regional patent
- 1 585 register
- 1 586 register of data files
- 1 587 registered data
- 1 588 registered trade mark notice
- 1 589 registered user
- 1 590 registrant
- 1 591 registrar
- 1 592 registration
- 1 593 registry
- 1 594 regrading
- 1 595 related term
- 1 596 relationship
- 1 597 relative index
- 1 598 relaxation
- 1 599 relevance
- 1 600 relief half-tone print
- 1 601 relief print
- 1 602 religious document
- 1 603 remake
- 1 604 remix
- 1 605 remote access
- 1 606 remote storage
- 1 607 remote use of documents
- 1 608 removed archives
- 1 609 renewal of loan
- 1 610 repair
- 1 611 repair tissue
- 1 612 replay
- 1 613 replevin
- 1 614 replica
- 1 615 report
- 1 616 repository
- 1 617 reproduction
- 1 618 reprography
- 1 619 request (1)
- 1 620 request (2)
- 1 621 request profile
- 1 622 request satisfaction
- 1 623 rerun
- 1 624 research data
- 1 625 research library
- 1 626 reserve books collection
- 1 627 resizing
- 1 628 resolver
- 1 629 restoration
- 1 630 retention period
- 1 631 retention schedule
- 1 632 retouching
- 1 633 retraction
- 1 634 retrieval
- 1 635 retrieval system
- 1 636 retroactive notation
- 1 637 retrospective
- 1 638 reversibility
- 1 639 review
- 1 640 revised edition
- 1 641 revocably entrusted fonds
- 1 642 RFID
- 1 643 right of adaptation
- 1 644 right of complaint
- 1 645 right of correction or withdrawal
- 1 646 right of disclosure
- 1 647 right of inspection
- 1 648 right of parallel recording
- 1 649 right of posthumous publication
- 1 650 right of public performance
- 1 651 right of reproduction
- 1 652 right of translation
- 1 653 right to be identified
- 1 654 right to be informed
- 1 655 right to correction
- 1 656 right to data blocking
- 1 657 right to deletion of data
- 1 658 right to inspect
- 1 659 right to know
- 1 660 right to object to derogatory treatment
- 1 661 right to royalties
- 1 662 right to the protection of one’s image
- 1 663 rigidity
- 1 664 roll (2)
- 1 665 romanization
- 1 666 roombook (1)
- 1 667 roombook (2)
- 1 668 rounding and backing
- 1 669 rubbing
- 1 670 running head
- 1 671 running text
- 1 672 running title
- 1 673 saddle stitching
- 1 674 sales catalogue
- 1 675 sales exhibition
- 1 676 sampler
- 1 677 sampling
- 1 678 schedule
- 1 679 scholarly editing
- 1 680 scholarly edition
- 1 681 school library
- 1 682 school piece
- 1 683 school textbook
- 1 684 science and technology museum
- 1 685 science data
- 1 686 scientific communication
- 1 687 scientific editor
- 1 688 scientific journal
- 1 689 scope note
- 1 690 score
- 1 691 screen image
- 1 692 screen print
- 1 693 screening
- 1 694 screenplay
- 1 695 script
- 1 696 script conversion
- 1 697 script direction
- 1 698 sculpture
- 1 699 seal (1)
- 1 700 seal (2)
- 1 701 search and retrieval
- 1 702 search engine
- 1 703 search evaluation
- 1 704 search history
- 1 705 search language
- 1 706 search strategy
- 1 707 search term
- 1 708 season
- 1 709 second hand book shop
- 1 710 secondary bibliographic unit
- 1 711 secondary document
- 1 712 secondary value
- 1 713 section (1)
- 1 714 section (2)
- 1 715 section title
- 1 716 security paper
- 1 717 security print
- 1 718 Segments of time may be e.g. years, months, weeks, days, hours.
- 1 719 selective dissemination of information
- 1 720 self-duplication
- 1 721 self-quotation
- 1 722 semantic relation
- 1 723 semantic web
- 1 724 semicurrent records
- 1 725 sensitive data
- 1 726 sequel
- 1 727 sequential access
- 1 728 sequential relation
- 1 729 serendipity factor
- 1 730 serendipity find
- 1 731 serial
- 1 732 serial audiovisual work
- 1 733 series statement
- 1 734 service
- 1 735 service area
- 1 736 service mark
- 1 737 set
- 1 738 sewing
- 1 739 shallow indexing
- 1 740 shared archives
- 1 741 shared cataloguing
- 1 742 sheet (1)
- 1 743 sheet music
- 1 744 shelf
- 1 745 shelf capacity
- 1 746 shelf life (1)
- 1 747 shelf life (2)
- 1 748 shelf list
- 1 749 shelving
- 1 750 short film
- 1 751 short loan collection
- 1 752 shrinking
- 1 753 sibling concept
- 1 754 sibling term
- 1 755 side edition (of a newspaper)
- 1 756 side stitching
- 1 757 sign
- 1 758 signage
- 1 759 signal
- 1 760 signature (1)
- 1 761 signature (3)
- 1 762 silence
- 1 763 silent film
- 1 764 silking
- 1 765 similarity measure
- 1 766 simple class
- 1 767 Simple Knowledge Organization System
- 1 768 simple term
- 1 769 single
- 1 770 single version
- 1 771 single-faced shelf
- 1 772 size
- 1 773 sizing
- 1 774 slide
- 1 775 slide show (1)
- 1 776 slide show (2)
- 1 777 smoothness
- 1 778 social impact
- 1 779 social network
- 1 780 social network service
- 1 781 soft copy
- 1 782 soft ground etching
- 1 783 software
- 1 784 solvent lamination
- 1 785 sorting
- 1 786 sound carrier
- 1 787 sound disc
- 1 788 sound film
- 1 789 sound tape
- 1 790 source language
- 1 791 source vocabulary
- 1 792 special collection
- 1 793 special interest communication
- 1 794 special language
- 1 795 special library
- 1 796 specialize
- 1 797 specialized communication
- 1 798 specialized museum
- 1 799 specific concept
- 1 800 specific material designation
- 1 801 specificity
- 1 802 specimen
- 1 803 speech recognition
- 1 804 spine
- 1 805 spiral binding
- 1 806 splinter of an estate
- 1 807 split estate
- 1 808 spoken language
- 1 809 stacks, pl
- 1 810 stain
- 1 811 stamp
- 1 812 stamping
- 1 813 standard
- 1 814 Standard Address Number
- 1 815 Standard Generalized Markup Language
- 1 816 statement of edition
- 1 817 stencil print
- 1 818 stereograph
- 1 819 stitching
- 1 820 stock photography
- 1 821 storage (1)
- 1 822 storage (2)
- 1 823 storage area
- 1 824 storage format
- 1 825 storage library
- 1 826 storage life
- 1 827 storage plan
- 1 828 storage space
- 1 829 string
- 1 830 string search
- 1 831 strip cartoon
- 1 832 structural metadata
- 1 833 structured vocabulary
- 1 834 studio piece
- 1 835 study cabin
- 1 836 style guide
- 1 837 subclass
- 1 838 subfacet
- 1 839 sub-fonds
- 1 840 subgroup
- 1 841 subheading
- 1 842 subject catalogue
- 1 843 subject field
- 1 844 subject heading
- 1 845 subject heading scheme
- 1 846 subject index
- 1 847 subject indexing
- 1 848 subject scope
- 1 849 subject specialist
- 1 850 subjective knowledge
- 1 851 subordinate concept
- 1 852 subseries
- 1 853 subtitle
- 1 854 subtitling
- 1 855 summary
- 1 856 super
- 1 857 superimposed class
- 1 858 superordinate concept
- 1 859 supplement
- 1 860 supra-regional newspaper
- 1 861 surfing
- 1 862 syllabary
- 1 863 syllabogram
- 1 864 symbol
- 1 865 synonym
- 1 866 synonym ring
- 1 867 synonymy
- 1 868 syntagmatic relationship
- 1 869 synthetic relation
- 1 870 syntype
- 1 871 system
- 1 872 system metadata
- 1 873 table
- 1 874 table of contents
- 1 875 tacit knowledge
- 1 876 tactile alphabet
- 1 877 tag (1)
- 1 878 tag (2)
- 1 879 talking book
- 1 880 target language
- 1 881 target population
- 1 882 target vocabulary
- 1 883 taxonomy
- 1 884 tear resistance
- 1 885 technical document
- 1 886 technical drawing
- 1 887 technical metadata
- 1 888 technical product documentation
- 1 889 technical writer
- 1 890 technical/scientific knowledge
- 1 891 technology migration
- 1 892 telecommunication
- 1 893 telecommunication channel
- 1 894 temporary exhibition
- 1 895 tensile strength
- 1 896 term
- 1 897 term discrimination value
- 1 898 term entry system
- 1 899 term/document matrix
- 1 900 terminated archive(s)
- 1 901 terminography
- 1 902 terminological phrase
- 1 903 terminology (1)
- 1 904 terminology science
- 1 905 terminology work
- 1 906 terms of usage
- 1 907 tertiary document
- 1 908 tête-bêche
- 1 909 tetragraph
- 1 910 text
- 1 911 text processing
- 1 912 textbook
- 1 913 textual document
- 1 914 textual manifestation
- 1 915 textual work
- 1 916 thema
- 1 917 theoretical knowledge
- 1 918 thesaurus
- 1 919 thesaurus diagramme
- 1 920 thesis
- 1 921 third party
- 1 922 thread
- 1 923 three-quarter binding
- 1 924 tipping-in
- 1 925 tissue
- 1 926 title
- 1 927 title page
- 1 928 title proper
- 1 929 title-page substitute
- 1 930 top term
- 1 931 topical metadata
- 1 932 toponym
- 1 933 topotype
- 1 934 tracing (1)
- 1 935 tracing (2)
- 1 936 track (1)
- 1 937 track (2)
- 1 938 tracking
- 1 939 trade document
- 1 940 trade exhibition
- 1 941 trademark
- 1 942 traditional knowledge
- 1 943 trailer (1)
- 1 944 trailer (2)
- 1 945 transcription (2)
- 1 946 transcription system
- 1 947 transfer (1)
- 1 948 transfer (2)
- 1 949 transfer list
- 1 950 translated plagiarism
- 1 951 translation (1)
- 1 952 translation (2)
- 1 953 translation science
- 1 954 transliteration
- 1 955 transliteration key
- 1 956 translucence
- 1 957 transparency
- 1 958 travelling exhibition
- 1 959 travelling library
- 1 960 triple
- 1 961 truncation
- 1 962 TV channel
- 1 963 TV film
- 1 964 TV programme
- 1 965 TV station
- 1 966 type specimen
- 1 967 typescript
- 1 968 UDC
- 1 969 ultrafiche
- 1 970 unicum
- 1 971 uniform title
- 1 972 union catalogue (1)
- 1 973 union catalogue (2)
- 1 974 union priority right
- 1 975 unit of description
- 1 976 Universally Unique Identifier
- 1 977 university archives
- 1 978 university museum
- 1 979 unpublished document
- 1 980 unsized paper
- 1 981 Updating loose-leaf editions; updating websites.
- 1 982 URI
- 1 983 URL
- 1 984 URN
- 1 985 usable area
- 1 986 use of information
- 1 987 user education
- 1 988 user feedback
- 1 989 user group
- 1 990 user identification card
- 1 991 user orientation guide
- 1 992 user password
- 1 993 user place
- 1 994 user profile
- 1 995 user satisfaction
- 1 996 user service area
- 1 997 user study
- 1 998 utility model patent
- 1 999 vellum
- 2 000 vendor
- 2 001 vernissage
- 2 002 version
- 2 003 verso
- 2 004 vertical filing
- 2 005 video
- 2 006 videography
- 2 007 videotape
- 2 008 vidimus
- 2 009 virtual document
- 2 010 virtual exhibition
- 2 011 virtual museum
- 2 012 virtual reference
- 2 013 virtual visit
- 2 014 visible web
- 2 015 visit
- 2 016 vitrotype
- 2 017 vocabulary
- 2 018 vocabulary control
- 2 019 voice recognition
- 2 020 volume
- 2 021 volume editor
- 2 022 voucher
- 2 023 war diary
- 2 024 wash drawing
- 2 025 washing
- 2 026 water resistance
- 2 027 watercolour
- 2 028 wear and tear
- 2 029 Web 1.0
- 2 030 Web 2.0
- 2 031 Web 4.0
- 2 032 webmaster
- 2 033 webmetrics
- 2 034 webography
- 2 035 webpage
- 2 036 website
- 2 037 weeding
- 2 038 weekly newspaper
- 2 039 weighting
- 2 040 wet collection
- 2 041 wet strength
- 2 042 whiteness
- 2 043 will
- 2 044 withdrawal (1)
- 2 045 withdrawal (2)
- 2 046 wood engraving
- 2 047 woodcut
- 2 048 woodfree paper
- 2 049 work
- 2 050 work manuscripts
- 2 051 world knowledge
- 2 052 write
- 2 053 writing system
- 2 054 written communication
- 2 055 written language
- 2 056 Xuan paper
- 2 057 yearbook
- 2 058 yellowing
- 2 059 zoned edition
- 2 060 zoo
- 2 061 ==
622.342 2 Gold mining - Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)[modifier]
- 373.3.016:51 Mathematics curriculum in primary schools - Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
- SBS XEJB Endangered species law - Bliss Bibliographic Classification
- (H40-H42 Glaucoma - International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems)
- Note 1 to entry: A notation (3) is sometimes used to sort and/or locate concepts in a pre-determined systematic order and, optionally, to display how the components of complex concepts have been structured and grouped. A notation (3) can provide the link ( between alphabetical and systematic lists in a thesaurus. In the context of classification schemes, “concepts” are often known as “subjects”, especially when they are complex as in the examples above.
- Note 2 to entry: See also notation (1) <symbols> (; notation (2) <notation system> (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.40]
- (
A scholar’s library.[modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: See also private library (1) <non-state library> (
- ( Archives)
- (
A unique series of cars, parfumes, books, etc.[modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: See also edition (2) <identical documents> (
- (
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
- standard ( for creating catalogues (2) <holdings-related list> ( of collections (2) <gathering> (, especially library collections (, including the consistent description ( of those materials and the formation and assignment of access points ( under which those descriptions are arranged
- (
- designation ( formed by omitting words (1) <orthographic word> ( or letters (1) <character> ( from a longer form and designating the same concept (
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.4.9]
- (
- relation ( between a work ( and its subject matter
- Note 1 to entry: Aboutness includes human interpretation and the inclusion of cultural historic knowledge.
- [SOURCE: FRSAD, page 10]
- (
- damage ( caused by the rubbing or wearing away of a material
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.1.
- (
- document ( resulting from the condensation of another document to its essence
- (
Abridgement, illustrated edition, shortened edition, arrangement, translation (2) <document> , remake, theatre play made after a film, the contents of a poem presented as a novel, etc.[modifier]
- (
- property ( of a material which allows it to take up and retain a fluid with which it is in contact
- Note 1 to entry: See also “receptivity” (
- (
- document ( or part of a document, achieved through an intellectual procedure, giving, in verbal form, a general indication of the content of another document
- (
academic librarian[modifier]
- librarian ( who provides support to members of an academic community consisting of students, researchers and lecturing staff by managing, organizing, evaluating and disseminating ( (
- (
academic library[modifier]
- library ( whose primary function is to cover the information ( needs of learning and research
- Note 1 to entry: Academic library includes libraries of institutions of higher education and general research libraries.
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.1.1]
- (
accelerated aging[modifier]
- test methods to approximate the effect of aging ( on a material by exposure to increased levels of environmental conditions causing deterioration (
- (
- right, opportunity, means of finding, using, or retrieving ( (
- [SOURCE: ISO 15489-1:2016, definition 3.1]
- Note 1 to entry: See also data access (; publication (; and ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.1.
- (
access control[modifier]
- measure taken to limit access ( to data users ( possessing the appropriate clearance (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 13569:2005, definition 3.1; ISO/IEC 27000:2016, definition 2.1.
- (
access hours, pl[modifier]
- hours, days or periods of the year when an information and documentation organization ( may be utilized by information users (
- (
access point[modifier]
- element ( under which a bibliographic entry ( may be searched and identified (
- Name, term, code (2) , etc.
- Note 1 to entry: See also heading (2) <access point> (
- (
access rights[modifier]
- privileges granted to an end user ( to use particular resources or interact with a specified information system (
- Note 1 to entry: Access rights do not govern copying (, storage (, public broadcast ( or public performance.
- (
access to information[modifier]
- freedom of information
- right to obtain information (, subject to certain conditions
- (
- usability of a product, service (, environment or facility by people with the widest range of capabilities
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC TR 29156:2015, definition 3.1]
- (
- document ( or group of documents added to the holdings ( of an information and documentation organization (
- Note 1 to entry: See also accessioning (
- (
accession list[modifier]
- list ( of the documents ( or other material objects ( added to the holdings ( of an information and documentation organization ( during a specific period of time
- Note 1 to entry: See also “accession register” (
- (
accession register[modifier]
- register ( of all accessions ( arranged in chronological order ( by date of receipt
- Note 1 to entry: See also “accession list” (
- (
- operations of integrating an accession ( into the holdings ( of a collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
accompanying material[modifier]
- any physically separate material (usually of a different nature) issued directly together with the main part(s) of the resource being described and intended to be used with it, available simultaneously with the resource and usually referenced in the resource or in its wrapping
- [SOURCE: ISBD Consolidated Edition 2011, Appendix E, modified]
- (
- accession ( to a records series ( already held by an archive(s) (1) <organization> (
- (
- process by which records (1) <document(s)> ( and archives (2) <records> ( are created in the conduct of affairs of any kind
- Note 1 to entry: The term also denotes the result of that process. See also collection (2) <gathering> ( and holdings (
- (
acid deterioration[modifier]
- deterioration ( generated by the reaction of internal or external chemical agents
- (
acid migration[modifier]
- transfer of an acid from an acidic material to one of less acidity with which it is in contact
- (
acid-free paper[modifier]
- paper (1) <material> ( with a pH value ( which indicates that it is neutral or alkaline
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.6.
- (
- operation for establishing, enlarging or updating the holdings ( of an information and documentation organization (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 21127:2014, class “E 8”.
- (
- abbreviation ( forming a new, artificial but pronounceable word (1) <orthographic word> ( out of the initial letters (1) <character> ( of a name ( or designation ( consisting of a sequence of several words (1)
- (
- legal document ( formally embodying prescriptions or rules issued by a legislative body or other highest public authority and addressed to a country’s citizens to be observed as generally valid in the conduct of public or private life
- (
action copy[modifier]
- copy (2) (<reproduction> ( or copy (3) <exemplar> ( of a document ( sent to an agency, office, or individual with the appropriate authority to respond
- (
active borrower[modifier]
- registered user ( who has borrowed at least one document ( during the reporting period
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.2.2, modified]
- (
active data[modifier]
- data ( that denotes virtual units of data objects ( which are created dynamically by executable code
- (
actual date of publication[modifier]
- date on which a publication ( is actually available, particularly in respect to a given place or places
- (
- work ( derived from another, especially when intended for a different medium ( or genre, in a different literary or musical form
- (
added copy[modifier]
- duplicate ( acquired for, or retained in, a collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
- document ( containing supplementary matter to a document and produced subsequently but intended to accompany it, completing or correcting passages of text ( and clearly stating its intended function
- (
- substance with the capability of bonding materials to each other by chemical or mechanical action or both
- (
adhesive binding[modifier]
- binding (1) <covers> (, hard cover or soft cover, in which the signatures (4) <folded leaves> ( are milled and the separate leaves ( glued together by means of an adhesive (
- [SOURCE: ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.1, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definitions 3.2.1 and 3.2.4; ISO 12637-4:2008, definition 2.2.
- (
administrative document[modifier]
- document ( created in pursuing the daily activities of a territorial corporate body ( or any organization ( in general
- (
administrative history[modifier]
- part of the records (1) <document(s)> ( (1) <activity> ( indicating the organization ( that created or accumulated ( the holdings ( and its history
- (
administrative library[modifier]
- library ( established within a governmental body and mainly intended for use by staff
- (
administrative metadata[modifier]
- metadata ( about the maintenance and housekeeping for digital data ( or digital documents (, including records (2) <set of data> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.3.
- (
administrative value[modifier]
- primary value ( of documents (, records (1) <document(s)> ( and archives (2) <records> ( for the conduct of administrative business
- (
advertising journal[modifier]
- newspaper ( publication ( consisting essentially of advertisements for products, shops and events, largely financed by the interested business and often distributed free of charge to a general audience
- (
- deterioration ( with the passage of time
- Note 1 to entry: See also EN 15898:2011, definition 3.2.6; “natural ageing” (ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.122).
- (
albumen print[modifier]
- photographic ( ( obtained in a coating ( of albumen which is made light sensitive with silver salts and exposed to light through a photographic negative
- (
- transfer (2) <activity> ( or loss of custody ( of records (1) <documents> ( or archives (2) <records> ( by their custodian or owner to someone not legally entitled to them
- Note 1 to entry: See also “inalienability” ( and “removed archives” (
- (
alkali reserve[modifier]
- measure of a chemical compound added to paper (1) <material> ( to neutralize any acid generated by natural aging ( or from atmospheric pollution, determined by specified conditions of test
- (
- single biological specimen ( chosen from the paratype ( which has the opposite sex to the holotype (
- (
all-through alphabetization[modifier]
- letter-by-letter arrangement
- something-before-nothing order
- character ( (2) <sorting of characters> ( in which the space character is ignored so that all text ( characters in the entity to be filed are filed consecutively as one text string, as if they were one word (1) <orthographic word>
- (
- ordered set ( of characters ( that are used to record messages ( for a specific language (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121567, and ISO 7098:2015, definition 2.2.
- (
alphabetic catalogue[modifier]
- catalogue ordered in alphabetic order ( of its entries (
- Note 1 to entry: Most often a catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
alphabetic language[modifier]
- language (, the written form of which is based on letters (1) <character> ( or symbols ( used to represent speech sounds
- Note 1 to entry: Like most European languages, Arabic, or Hebrew.
- [SOURCE: ISO 5776:2016, definition 2.1]
- (
alphabetical display (of a thesaurus)[modifier]
- display ( of a thesaurus ( showing terms ( and their relations ( to other index terms ( and equivalent terms in alphabetical order (, sometimes including scope notes (
- (
alphabetico-classified catalogue[modifier]
- catalogue based on alphabetically ordered broad classes ( subdivided by subjects, also arranged alphabetically, and the entries ( arranged alphabetically within each subject
- Note 1 to entry: Most often a catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
alternative title[modifier]
- second part of the title proper ( of a document ( linked to the first by “or”
- (
- aluminium sulphate used in combination with rosin as a size (
- Note 1 to entry: This is one of the potential sources of acidity in paper (1) <material> .
- (
An idea, a tool or an art object ([modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: Objects created for their aesthetic value are considered art objects.
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.5.4]
- Note 2 to entry: See also artefact (2) <distortion> ( ISO 21127:2014, classes E 22 and E 24.
- (
analogue document[modifier]
- analogue resource
- document ( usable without digital equipment
- (
analytic relation[modifier]
- formal relation ( made explicit in tables ( or the term ( list of an indexing language (
- (
analytical method (of thesaurus construction)[modifier]
- a posteriori method
- thesaurus ( construction method based on the analysis of documents ( and used for the construction of controlled vocabularies (
- (
- part of a document ( giving a short verbal content description ( of another document (, a part of it, or a short comment on either document
- Note 1 to entry: Annotations may be an original part of the document or may have been added later in handwriting ( Also, they may be contained in a “catalogue record” ( or may be “marginal notes” ( in a document itself. They usually consist of only one phrase or sentence.
- (
anonymized data[modifier]
- personal data ( modified in such a way that direct reference to data subjects ( is eliminated
- (
anonymous document[modifier]
- document ( by an unknown or unmentioned author (
- (
- selected extracts
- document ( consisting of a collection (2) <gathering> ( of full documents or of extracts, usually of literary works (
- (
- personal name
- name ( of a human being
- (
antiquarian book shop[modifier]
- book shop ( for the sale of older books (1) <intellectual work> ( no longer widely available, out-of-print books (1), sometimes of particularly valuable and precious books (1), as well as often of arts and craft, paintings (, graphic objects ( or personal papers ( and manuscripts (1) <non-printed document> (
- Note 1 to entry: An antiquarian book shop may be a department of a bookshop. Also, second-hand book shops and antiquarian book shops are sometimes combined into one. Antiquarian book shops also fulfill partial functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
- artefact (1) <man-made object> ( stemming from the period of classical Greek and Roman antiquity (from approximately 2000 B.C. to 400 A. D.) and representing a certain style of works of art (
- (
apocryphal document estate[modifier]
- artificial document estate
- facticious document estate
- ficticious document estate
- pseudo document estate
- spurious document estate
- (document estate ( as composed ex post, in the absence of actual core holdings ( of documents ( having descended from a single provenance (, by bringing together from various provenances documents related to the deceased person into a collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
- document ( part containing text ( or pictures ( or evidence documents elaborating in greater detail on topics treated in a document than is the case in its general balanced disposition, complementing the main text ( and therefore placed after the regular components that make up the document
- Statistical tables, photographs, questionnaires, reproductions of original documents.
- Note 1 to entry: See also accompanying material (, supplement (, addendum (
- (
- process of determining the value of records (1) <documents> ( or other documents ( for the purpose of determining disposition ( or acquisition ( actions, or in some cases, financial value (
- ( Acquisition)
- (
- establishment that maintains a collection (2) <gathering> ( of live aquatic animals and plants for display to the public, study, and conservation (
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.1]
- (
- print ( from a plate of metal initially coated with powdered resin or asphalt, in which the design has been made by partially removing and adding extra powder, thus exposing the plate to varying degrees of etching with acid
- (
aqueous deacidification[modifier]
- deacidification ( using water-based solutions
- (
- botanic garden ( devoted to trees
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.2]
- (
archaeology museum[modifier]
- museum ( owing all or a part of its collections (2) <gathering> ( to excavations
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.3]
- (
archival description[modifier]
- creation of an accurate representation of a unit of description ( and its component parts, if any, by capturing, analyzing, organizing and recording information ( that serves to identify, manage, locate and explain archival materials and the context ( and records (1) <document(s)> ( ( which produced it
- Note 1 to entry: Archival description also refers to the products of the process.
- [SOURCE: ISAD (G):2009 Glossary of terms associated with the general rules]
- (
Archival guide.[modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: See also guide (1) <introductory document> (
- (
archival item[modifier]
- item (2)
- smallest intellectually indivisible archival unit (
- A letter (2) <document> , memorandum, report, photograph, sound recording.
- [SOURCE: ISAD (G):1999 Glossary of terms associated with the general rules]
- (
archival jurisdiction[modifier]
- organizational ( or geographical area legally determined as an archives’ (1) <organization> ( area of competence and responsibility for the transfer ( of documents ( from the relevant corporate bodies ( in the area legally required to transfer documents into an archives (1) <organization>
- Note 1 to entry: See also “service area” (
- (3.1.2 Framework concepts)
- (
archival quality[modifier]
- physical properties ( inherent in a document ( or the materials used in its conservation ( or restoration ( permitting its indefinite preservation ( and use under controlled conditions
- (
archival science[modifier]
- branch of information science ( applied to the organization, administration and operations of archives (2) <records> ( or archives (1) <organization> (
- (
archival subseries[modifier]
- records series ( within a records series
- Note 1 to entry: See also subseries (
- (
archival system[modifier]
- organized collection (2) <gathering> ( of hardware (, software (, policies, procedures and people, which maintains, stores (, manages and makes available records (1) <document(s)> ( over time
- [SOURCE: ISO 23081-2:2009, definition 3.1]
- (
archival unit[modifier]
- single document ( or set ( of documents in an archives (2) <records> (, treated as an entity (
- (
archive group[modifier]
- record group
- fonds (2)
- <primary arrangement division> primary division in archival arrangement (1) <archival operation> ( at the level of the independent originating ( unit or agency
- Note 1 to entry: For Continental European countries the equivalent is fonds (2) <primary arrangement division> ( See alsofonds (1) <whole of the records> ( ; fonds (3) <closed record group (
- (
archives (1), pl[modifier]
- record office
- <organization> organization ( or part of an organization responsible for selection, acquisition (, preservation ( and availability ( of one or more archives (2) <records> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also archives (2) <records> (
archives (2), pl[modifier]
- permanent records
- <records> materials created or received by a person, family or organization (, public or private, in the conduct of their affairs and preserved ( because of the enduring value contained in them or as evidence ( of the functions and responsibilities of their creator (, especially those materials maintained using the principles of provenance (, of original order ( and of collective control
- [SOURCE: ISO 16175-1:2010, page 15]
- Note 1 to entry: See also archives (1) <organization> (
- (
- person serving in the archival field with professional training in archival science ( or professional skills gained in the work
- (
arrangement (1)[modifier]
- <archival operation> intellectual and/or physical operations for organizing and controlling documents (
- Note 1 to entry: Arrangement (1) is often used to designate the result of such operations.
arrangement (2)[modifier]
- <adaptation> adaptation ( of a music ( ( for performance by voices or instruments other than those for which it was originally composed or by musicians or singers of a different level of ability from that originally intended
- Note 1 to entry: See also arrangement (1) <archival operation> (
- (
- group of sibling concepts (
- Note 1 to entry: An array includes only the direct children of a parent concept, and does not include narrower concepts of these.
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.1]
- (
art lending library[modifier]
- organization ( or department of a public library ( with collections (2) <gathering> ( of art books (1) <intellectual work> (, works of art ( [e.g. pictures (, sculptures (] and reproductions (, commissioned to lend those books (1) and works of art for a specified time period to users
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.4, modified]
- (
art library[modifier]
- collection (2) <gathering> ( of the relevant literature referring to art and sometimes of original works of art ( or reproductions ( thereof
- (
art museum[modifier]
- museum ( concerned with works ( of visual art
- Note 1 to entry: Includes museums of sculpture, picture galleries, museums of photography and cinema, and museums of architecture.
- Note 2 to entry: Commercial art galleries are excluded.
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.3]
- (
art object[modifier]
- work of art
- artistic document
- work ( made with an artistic intention or considered of artistic value
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.5.3, modified]
- (
art objects estate[modifier]
- artistic estate (2)
- <external artistic works> artistic estate (1) <all artistic works> ( or part of it that consists of art objects ( or arts and crafts objects ( encountered in the estate of, but not created by, the deceased person
- Note 1 to entry: See also artistic estate (1) <all artistic works> (
- (
art paper (1)[modifier]
- <drawing paper> high-grade drawing ( (1) <material> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also art paper (2) <coated paper> (
- (
art paper (2)[modifier]
- <coated paper> coated paper (, free from ground wood paper (, intended for fine screen printing (1) <technical process> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also art paper (1) <drawing paper> (
- (
artefact (1)[modifier]
- <man-made object> object ( made or shaped by a human
artefact (2)[modifier]
- <distortion> distortion of the correct image ( or sound rendering of an electrical or digital device
- Note 1 to entry: See also artefact (1) <man-made object> (
- (
- document ( in the form of an independent text ( forming a part of a publication (
- (
articles in press[modifier]
- full-text ( ( that have been accepted for publication ( in a journal ( and have been made available online to customers, and which will be assigned a publication date ( of the current year or a future year
- (
artificial language[modifier]
- language ( whose rules are explicitly established prior to its use
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121380]
- (
artist’s book[modifier]
- volume ( made with an artistic intention
- (
artist’s signature[modifier]
- signature (2)
- signature (1) <autograph> ( of its creator on a non-textual ( ( or sculptural ( of art ( stating authorship
- Note 1 to entry: See also signature (1) <autograph> (; signature (3) <printing> ( (4) <folded leaves> (
- (
artistic estate (1)[modifier]
- all artistic works personal estate ( or part of it that consists of material objects ( embodying artistic work(s) ( in non-verbal from
- Note 1 to entry: Includes drawings, paintings, artistic textiles, sculptures, etc.
- Note 2 to entry: See also artistic estate (2) <external artistic works> (
- (
artistic photo[modifier]
- photograph ( taken to implement an artistic intention into a work of art (
- (
- anything that has value to the organization (
- Note 1 to entry: There are many types of assets, including: a) information (; b) software (, such as a computer program; c) physical, such as computer; d) services; e) people, and their qualifications, skills, and experience; and f) intangibles, such as reputation and image.
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 10668:2010, definition 2.1; ISO/IEC TR 21000-1:2004, definition 2.2.
- (
assigned indexing[modifier]
- controlled indexing
- indexing ( method where the index terms ( are taken from an indexing language (
- (
associative relationship[modifier]
- relationship ( between a pair of concepts ( that are not related hierarchically but share a strong semantic connection
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.2]
- (
- toponym ( of an extraterrestrial topographic object (
- (
- document ( being a collection (2) <gathering> ( of maps (
- (
audio guide[modifier]
- hand-held device providing recorded audio information ( for visitors touring a museum (, gallery (, or other place of interest
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.4.1]
- (
- list ( or retrieval system ( allowing access ( to data ( which describe ( and uniquely identify ( audio recordings (
- Note 1 to entry: Special types of audiographies do focus on a certain artist, genre, time period or production company.
- (
audiovisual document[modifier]
- document ( in which sound and/or pictures ( are prominent, and which requires the use of special equipment to be seen and/or heard
- Note 1 to entry: This includes audio documents such as phonographic records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, DVDs, files of digital audio recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies; and combined audiovisual documents, such as motion pictures, video recordings, computer games, etc.
- Note 2 to entry: For library ( and museum ( statistics purposes, microforms ( are excluded.
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.5.5, modified]
- (
audiovisual record[modifier]
- carrier ( for the recording ( and storage (1) <placement> ( of sounds and images (
- (
audiovisual work[modifier]
- work ( consisting of a sequence of related images ( with accompanying sound, which is intended to be made visible as a moving image ( through the use of devices
- (
auditive communication[modifier]
- communication ( executed through the auditive perception ( of a hearing organ
- Note 1 to entry: Auditive communication takes place, i.a., in the reception of music ( and in oral communication (
- (
- act of verifying that a document ( is what it purports to be
- [SOURCE: International Council on Archives, “Dictionary of Archival Terminology” (Draft Third Edition/DAT III, 1999), modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TS 16791:2014, definition 3.1.3.
- (
authenticity metadata[modifier]
- metadata ( that conveys information ( needed to link ( a data object ( to its original source
- Note 1 to entry: Authenticity is provided by appropriate metadata, within an archive and digital retention and preservation context, results from verifying that a digital object and its state information has not changed.
- (
- person considered to be responsible for the creation of a document ( or of research data (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “pseudonym” ( and “right to be identified” (
- (
author abstract[modifier]
- abstract ( provided by the author ( of the abstracted work (
- (
author affiliation[modifier]
- corporate body ( to which an author ( is attached
- (
author catalogue[modifier]
- catalogue with only author ( and title ( ( as access points (
- Note 1 to entry: Most often a catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
author heading[modifier]
- heading (2) <access point> ( based on the name ( of the author (
- Note 1 to entry: Author headings are sometimes followed by function, title or dates relating to the author.
- (
author’s editor[modifier]
- person or organization ( undertaking editing ( for an author ( and hired by him or her
- (
authoritative source[modifier]
- work ( known to be reliable because its authority or authenticity is widely recognized by experts in the field
- (
authority control[modifier]
- operations to ensure standardized allocation of access points ( to a document ( in a retrieval system (
- (
authority file[modifier]
- standardized list ( of access points (, including names (, in a vocabulary (
- (
authority record[modifier]
- entry ( in an authority file (
- (
author's rights, pl[modifier]
- all the rights conferred on the author ( of an intellectual work (
- (
- biography ( for which the portrayed person or organization ( themselves take responsibility
- (
autograph (2)[modifier]
- holograph (1)
- <name in handwriting> short text ( or the name ( or pseudonym ( of a person written in the person's own handwriting (
- Note 1 to entry: autographs (2) of prominent persons are often sought-after collectibles.
automated search[modifier]
- search from a discovery layer or similar technology where multiple databases ( are searched simultaneously with a single query ( from the user interface
- Note 1 to entry: The end user ( is not responsible for selecting which databases are being searched.
- (3.10.3 Search operations and evaluation of their results)
- (
automatic indexing[modifier]
- indexing ( done by means of a computer programme
- (
auxiliary table[modifier]
- part of a classification system ( containing general subdivisions for application in two or more main classes (
- (3.8.6 Types of classifications)
- (
- degree to which materials, facilities or information services ( are actually provided by an information and documentation organization ( at the time they are required by information users (
- [SOURCE: ISO 16439:2014, definition 3.6]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TS 27790:2009, definition 3.10.
- (
- combined binding edges ( of a book block (
- (
back up, verb[modifier]
- to copy ( and store ( electronic data ( for security or later processing
- (3.1.12 Digital data processing)
- (
- conservation ( measure of adding a strengthening layer of material behind a flat document ( while keeping the document as close as possible to its original state
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.1.1.
- (
- list ( from a publisher ( of their publications ( ( at an earlier date but still available
- (
- total quantity of items that should have been processed at a certain date but have not
- Number of documents ( to be ordered or catalogued (; number of information ( ( to be answered; etc.
- (
back-to-back shelving[modifier]
- shelving ( on two rows of shelves ( with adjacent backs ( of the documents (
- (
back-up service[modifier]
- follow-up information service ( providing the documents ( selected after a successful search
- (
- strips of bamboo or wood brushed with text ( (, sequentially organized and bound with leather strips or silk strings
- Note 1 to entry: One of major styles of books in ancient China (ca. 8th century B.C.-5th century).
- (
bar code[modifier]
- digital coding ( ( showing an eye-visible linear array of rectangular marks of (possibly) varying width, height and vertical alignment, separated by spaces of (possibly) varying width in which the positioning and size of marks and spaces are used to code information ( to identify various types of material objects (
- [SOURCE: ISO 29404:2015, definition 3.2, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 6196-8:1998, definition 08.06.05; ISOIEC 2382-2015, definition 2125632; ISO 17712:2013, definition 3.1.6; ISO 12651-1:2012, definition 4.16; ISO/TS 16791:2014, definition 3.1.8.
- (
barrier sheet[modifier]
- sheet of paper (1) <material> ( inserted to prevent either off-setting ( from one page ( to another or migration of a chemical agent
- (
barrier-free access[modifier]
- universal access
- accessibility ( of the information and documentation organization ( to users with physical requirements other than those of the average user, e.g. as to the height of shelves (, tables and equipment or as to working places for visually impaired persons
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.8]
- (
- character ( ( of a notation (2) <notation system> (
- (
base form[modifier]
- reference form
- word (1) <orthographic word> ( form chosen according to lexicographical conventions representing the forms of a paradigm
- Bind: bind, bound, binds, binding.
- Note 1 to entry: The concept base form is also applied to multi-word terms.
- (
basic collection[modifier]
- basic level collection
- basic stock
- library collection ( that supplies the documents ( providing the basic knowledge ( of one or more subject fields (
- (
batch search[modifier]
- deferred search
- search method by which several queries ( are brought together for joint processing in a scheduled job of the retrieval system (
- (
- carrel
- work space for information users ( in the reader area ( which is shielded against its environment but not completely closed
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.12]
- Note 1 to entry: In a bay, loans ( or working papers may be kept for continuous research.
- (
bay shelving[modifier]
- shelving ( in single- or double-sided units of shelves ( arranged horizontally and enclosed between uprights or upright frames
- Note 1 to entry: Bay-shelving units may offer access ( on both sides.
- (
bibliographic classification[modifier]
- library classification
- book classification
- classification system ( designed to allow libraries ( to label (1) <identifier> ( each volume ( with only one notation (3) <class number> (
- Bliss Bibliographic Classification, 1900-; 1967-.
- (
bibliographic coupling[modifier]
- method of indexing ( or classifying ( based on the link ( formed between two documents ( and by their common citation ( of one or more other documents
- (
bibliographic database[modifier]
- bibliographic retrieval system ( in the form of a database (
- Note 1 to entry: A bibliographic database frequently also contains content descriptions (1) <activity> ( and index terms (
- (3.10.2 Search methods and elements)
- (
bibliographic description[modifier]
- description (1) <activity> ( of a bibliographic resource ( according to established rules, based on data ( transcribed from specific sources mainly within the bibliographic resource (
- Note 1 to entry: Bibliographic description also refers to the products of the process.
- (
bibliographic element[modifier]
- data element ( used in bibliographic description (
- Date of publication, publication place, title.
- (
bibliographic entry[modifier]
- entry ( containing a bibliographic description (
- (
bibliographic format[modifier]
- cataloguing format
- prescribed sequence of elements ( of description (1) <activity> ( with their corresponding code elements ( and rules of application
- Note 1 to entry: See also data format (
- (
bibliographic resource[modifier]
- resource, either serial ( or non-serial, that forms the basis for a single resource description (1) <activity> (
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.7, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: Bibliographic resources include documents containing text, music, still and moving images, etc.
bibliographic retrieval system[modifier]
- retrieval system ( allowing access ( to bibliographic data (
- (
bibliographic unit[modifier]
- unit of description ( used in bibliographic description (
- Volume, digital file, map, film reel.
- (
bibliography (1)[modifier]
- <activity> theories, activities and techniques of identification ( and description ( of documents (
- Note 1 to entry: See also bibliography (2) <universal document list> (
- (
bibliography (2)[modifier]
- <universal document list> list ( or bibliographic retrieval system ( allowing access ( to data ( which describe ( and uniquely identify ( (, independently of whether or not they are contained in a specific collection (2) <gathering> ( or a citation ( is made to them in a given document
- Note 1 to entry: See also bibliography (1) <activity> (; list of references (; catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- study of the techniques of the production and the dissemination of books (1) <intellectual work> ( and volumes (
- (
- mathematical and statistical methods applied to the use of documents ( and the patterns of publication (
- (
big data[modifier]
- extensive datasets/collections ( data ( primarily characterized ( by big volume (, extensive variety, high velocity (creation and use), and/or variability that together require a scalable architecture for efficient data storage (1) <placement> (, manipulation, and analysis
- (
binder's board[modifier]
- rigid solid board (1) <paper> (, made from a base stock of paper (1) <material> ( pulp and of a grammage of 225 g/m2 or more for use as board (2) <cover> (
- [SOURCE: ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.6, modified]
- (
binding (1)[modifier]
- book binding (1)
- <covers> covers (2) <covering material> ( attached to one edge of the book block (
- Note 1 to entry: See also binding (2) <activity> ( and ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.5.
- (
binding (2)[modifier]
- book binding (2)
- <activity> process or techniques of fastening leaves ( together and attaching them to covers (2) <covering material> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also binding (1) <covers> (; ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.5; and ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.1.2.
- (
binding edge[modifier]
- rear edge of the leaves ( or sections (2) <folded leaves> ( of a volume (
- [SOURCE: ISO 14416:2003, definition 3.4, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.3.1.
- (
- deterioration ( caused by biological agents
- (
biographical dictionary[modifier]
- dictionary ( consisting of entries ( on persons with information ( about their lives as a whole or of certain aspects of these lives
- Note 1 to entry: biographical dictionaries may be worldwide or national, restricted to living or to historical persons, or focusing on persons in a specific subject area.
- Note 2 to entry: See also biography (
- (3.5.6 Services to obtain documents)
- (
biographical note[modifier]
- notes ( containing a few data ( on the biography of a person
- (
- document ( portraying the life of one or more persons or organizations (
- (
biological cleaning[modifier]
- cleaning ( by the application of enzymes
- (
birch bark scroll[modifier]
- thin sheets of flattened bark used as a writing ( ( by the Anishinaabe people of North America
- (
black-and-white film[modifier]
- film which produces a monochromatic picture ( in shades of grey [usually a metallic silver image (]
- [SOURCE: ISO 4246:1994, definition 46]
- (
blank character[modifier]
- space character
- character ( defining a void space within a sequence of characters
- (
bleaching (1)[modifier]
- <paper brightness> treatment of pulp with chemical substances to improve the brightness of the resulting paper (1) <material> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also bleaching (2) <chemical cleaning> (
- (3.12.4 Types of damage to documents)
- (
bleaching (2)[modifier]
- <chemical cleaning> chemical cleaning ( by means of an oxidizing or reducing agent
- Note 1 to entry: See also bleaching (1) <paper brightness> (
- (
- washing out or migration of a pigment ( or dye ( into a neighbouring area through contact with a liquid
- (
- word (1) <orthographic word> ( formed by clipping ( and combining two separate words (1) <orthographic word>
- “brunch” for “breakfast and lunch”.
- (
- local convex deformation at the surface of a material caused by entrapped air, gas or liquid
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.18; ISO 4618:2014, definition 2.29.
- (
block letters[modifier]
- printing (2)
- <handwriting> handwriting ( in the form of capital letters (1) <character> (, executed one by one when writing ( a word (1) <orthographic word> (, instead of a continuous flow of writing
- Note 1 to entry: See also printing (1) (
- (
- sticking together of similar or dissimilar materials in physical contact
- [SOURCE: ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.20]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 12651-1:2012, definition 4.21.
- weblog
- web page ( that is a frequent continuing resource ( of web links ( and/or comments on a particular topic ( or subject (broad or narrow in scope), often in the form of short articles ( arranged in reverse chronological order (, the most recently added piece of information ( appearing first
- Note 1 to entry: The information can be written ( or collected by the site owner or be contributed by users.
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.2.4, modified]
- (
- text ( on a publication ( or on a separate leaflet containing a short publisher's ( description, usually also for advertising purposes, of the document ( and possibly information ( on its author (
- Note 1 to entry: See also liner notes (
- (
board (1)[modifier]
- <paper> paper (1) <material> ( of a relatively high rigidity (
- Note 1 to entry: The term “paper (1) <material>” may be used for both paper (1) <material > and board (1) <paper> . Materials of grammage less than 225g/m2 are generally considered to be paper (1), and materials of grammage of 225g/m2 or more to be board (1) <paper > .
board (2)[modifier]
- <cover> board (1) <paper> ( affixed to either side of the book block ( as part of the cover (2) <covering material> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also board (1) <paper> (
- (
bond strength[modifier]
- measure of adhesion determined by specified conditions of test
- Note 1 to entry: Bond strength is normally expressed in terms of the unit load required to break apart two adhered materials.
- (
book (1)[modifier]
- < intellectual work> intellectual work ( ( either in handwritten (, printed (1) <technical process> ( or electronic form, usually paginated ( and forming a physical unit
- Note 1 to entry: See also book (2) <stack of leaves> (
- (
book block[modifier]
- leaves ( of a volume ( which have been securely attached together preparatory to binding (2) <activity> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.4.1
- (
book drop[modifier]
- box ( or chute that allows information users ( to return loans ( without the assistance of staff and which may be accessible ( when the library ( is closed
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.10.
- (
book louse[modifier]
- psocid which feeds on microscopic fungi ( on materials of plant origin
- (
book science[modifier]
- study of the nature, production, history, dissemination ( and use of books (1) <intellectual work> ( of all kinds and of related graphic objects (
- (
book shop[modifier]
- book store
- individual retail point for the sale of books (1) <intellectual work> (, sometimes combined with the sale of other publications (, as well as of related material like stationery and gift items (1) <exemplar> (
- Note 1 to entry: Book shops are sometimes divided into scientific book shops and general book shops. Book shops also fulfill partial functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
book transport system[modifier]
- conveyor transporting media ( Note 4) from closed stacks ( to the check-out or user service area ( and back again after check-in
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.11, modified]
- (
- label (2) <exterior visual identifier> ( indicating ownership when fixed onto a document (
- (
books (2), periodicals issues, posters, sound recordings, films, DVDs, MP3 files, an original oil painting, etc.[modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 21000-1:2004, definition 2.6.
- (
- larva of any of a number of species of beetles known to attack documents (
- (3.12.6 Conservation measures)
- (
Boolean search[modifier]
- search formulation using the logical operators AND, OR, AND NOT
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 8777:1993, definition 3.10.1.
- (
- bootleg record
- audio or visual recording ( made available while infringing on the right of disclosure ( and the right of reproduction (
- (3.4.3 Documents by acquisition status)
- (
born digital[modifier]
- document ( that from the outset has been created in digital form
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.5.7.
- (
borrowed term[modifier]
- term ( taken from another language ( or from another subject field (
- (
botanic garden[modifier]
- establishment where plants are grown for scientific study and display to the public
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.5]
- Note 1 to entry: Botanic gardens also fulfill partial functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
- storage (1) <placement> ( container intended to protect documents ( and facilitate their shelving ( and handling (
- [SOURCE: ISO 16245:2009, definition 3.1.1]
- (3.13 Legal aspects of information and documentation)
Braille script; microform ([modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “document type” (
- (
branch library[modifier]
- part of a larger administrative unit providing, in separate local quarters, a service ( for a particular user group ( (e.g. children, faculties) or for a locally defined clientele
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.1.3]
- Note 1 to entry: See also main library (
- (
Bridge:1) structure carrying traffic over a gap; 2) part of a string instrument; 3) dental plate.[modifier]
- (
- summary (, abstract ( or abridgement ( of the contents of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 10209:2012, definition 11.18.
- (
- liability of a rigid ( material to sudden failure ( when subject to mechanical forces
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.22.
- (
- virtual document ( that exists in the moment of its emission ( and the reception parallel to it and which can be turned into recorded information ( when applying adequate techniques at the right moment
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 21000-19:2010, definition 3.1.9; ISO 13183:2012, definition 4.1; ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2124422.
- (
broadcast archives[modifier]
- archives (1) <organization> ( for TV programmes ( or radio programmes (
- Note 1 to entry: A broadcast archive is usually a public achive(s) (1) <organization> (; but some radio stations ( or TV stations ( also have broadcast archives of their own.
- (
broadcast station[modifier]
- institution that emits ( ( over radio frequency waves for distributed reception with a radio or TV set or over the internet (
- (
broader term[modifier]
- BT
- preferred term ( representing a concept ( that is broader than the one in question
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.3]
- (
- pamphlet ( of an ephemeral nature
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.3.5.
- (
- paper (1) <material> ( which is discarded at any stage during paper (1) <material> manufacture
- (
browsing (1)[modifier]
- <non-targeted navigation> looking through a collection of documents ( or data ( from some starting point and with no fixed desired end result in mind, the further sequence of navigation depending on spontaneous, unforeseeable decisions based on the inspirational quality ( of the results obtained hitherto
- Note 1 to entry: See also browsing (2) <search method> (; serendipity find (
- (
browsing (2)[modifier]
- <search method> search method allowing the user to view query ( results, such as by looking through a collection (2) <gathering> ( of documents ( or through records (1) <document(s)> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also browsing (1) <non-targeted navigation> (; surfing (
- (
- loss of original shape by distortion in one or more planes
- (
- substance used to establish an alkali reserve (
- (
bursting strength[modifier]
- maximum uniformly distributed pressure, applied at right angles to its surface, that a test piece will stand before it breaks under conditions specified in the standard test methods
- [SOURCE: ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.7]
- (
business archives[modifier]
- company archives archives (1) <organization> ( of or relating to a commercial enterprise
- (
business document[modifier]
- document ( created by any functional role within a commercial enterprise
- (
business system[modifier]
- organized collection (2) <gathering> ( of hardware (, software (, supplies, policies, procedures and people, which stores (, processes and provides access ( to an organization’s ( business information (
- [SOURCE: ISO 23081-2:2009, definition 3.3]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “management information system” (
- (
- line of text ( in a journal (2) <specialized journal> ( or newspaper ( ( giving the name ( and position/affiliation of the author ( as well as often a date and a very short indication related to the contents of the article
- (
calendar (1)[modifier]
- <archival list> archival (1) <organization> ( (, usually in chronological order (, of single documents ( in the same records series ( or class or of a specified kind from a variety of sources, with a summary ( of each document
- Note 1 to entry: See also calendar (2) <time-indicating document> (
- (
calendar (2)[modifier]
- <time-indicating document> document ( displaying segments of time, often accompanied by additional information (
calendered paper[modifier]
- paper (1) <material> ( which has been given a smooth surface by passing it through rollers one or more times
- (
call number[modifier]
- reference provided to enable the custodian to locate a resource within a repository (
- [SOURCE: ISO 690:2010, definition 2.1]
- (
camouflage document[modifier]
- clandestine document
- document ( containing under a camouflage title ( a contents that is not openly disclosed ( by its originator because it is prohibited or may entail serious consequences like persecution
- (
candidate term[modifier]
- provisional term
- term ( under consideration for admission into a controlled vocabulary ( because of its potential usefulness
- [SOURCE: ANSI/NISOZ39.19-2015 (R2010), definition 4.1]
- (
canonical order[modifier]
- order ( expressing a historically emerged convention originating from the material and its history and not following any (other) stated formal criterion
- Note 1 to entry: ‘Stated formal criterion’ may mean formal order, classified order, hierarchical order etc.
- [SOURCE: ISO 7154:1983, definition 3.4, modified]
- (
- short text ( accompanying an illustration ( or table (, explaining it, and giving any legally required credits
- (
carbon print[modifier]
- photographic ( ( transferred during development onto paper ( or any other film support from a carbon tissue ( initially exposed to light through a photographic negative
- (
card catalogue[modifier]
- analogue catalogue made up of index cards ( carrying information (
- Note 1 to entry: Often a catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
- mechanism by which information ( is transported over distance or time
- Note 1 to entry: For manuscripts or printed documents, the carrier consists of a base and the medium, typically paper and ink. For photographs, the carrier includes the base, commonly paper, film, glass, or metal; the substance that forms the image, such as silver or dye; and any binder, such as gelatine or albumen. For digital information the carrier may be physical, such as a disk or a tape with a magnetic or optical layer, or a signal convened by radio frequency or electrical current.
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.25.
- (
cartographic document[modifier]
- document ( showing a conventional representation, on a reduced scale, of concrete or abstract phenomena which can be localized in space and time
- Note 1 to entry: This includes documents such as two- and three-dimensional maps, globes, plans, topographic models (2), tactile maps and aerial representations, but for library ( statistics purposes, excludes atlases and any other cartographic documents in codex, micro, audiovisual and electronic form.
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.6, modified]
- (
cartoon (2)[modifier]
- <preparatory drawing> preparatory drawing ( for a painting (, mosaic or decoration which is usually of the same size as the finished work (
- Note 1 to entry: See also cartoon (1) <pictures> (
- (
- cover (2) <covering material> ( that is made complete before being affixed to the book block (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.4.3.
- (
- applying adhesive ( to the outermost endpapers ( of a book block ( and fitting the book block into its case (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16637:2016, definition 3.1.3.
- (
catalogue (2)[modifier]
- catalog, US
- <holdings-related list> list ( or bibliographic retrieval system ( allowing access ( to data ( and addresses of documents ( in one or several collections (2) <gathering> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also finding aid (; catalogue (1) <sales catalogue> (; catalogue (3) <exhibition catalogue> (; bibliography (2) <universal document list> (; directory (
- (
catalogue discontinuation[modifier]
- officially ceasing the proper and regular maintenance of a catalogue (2) (
- Note 1 to entry: This can be caused by a change of cataloguing ( rules which requires a new order ( and arrangement of the catalogue; by discontinuation of the acquisition ( of the types of documents ( (; by the termination of existence of the organization ( maintaining the catalogue, etc.
- (
catalogue enrichment[modifier]
- provision of further description (1) <activity> ( ( by the cataloguing ( agency in the catalogue ( ( other than the formal cataloguing ( data of a document (
- Showing the cover image of the document, giving access to tables of contents, to reviews, indicating related documents, etc.
- (
catalogue entry[modifier]
- entry ( in a catalogue (2) (
- Note 1 to entry: Catalogue entries normally contain data (, bibliographic or not, relating a document ( to a specific collection (2) <gathering>.
- (
catalogue record[modifier]
- bibliographic record established for a bibliographic item (
- Note 1 to entry: Catalogue records are sometimes prepared centrally by an agency with a view to being re-used in many other institutions within a programme of centralized cataloguing.
- (
- cataloging, US
- preparation and maintenance of catalogues (2) <holdings-related list> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also document description (
- (
cataloguing in publication[modifier]
- bibliographic description ( prepared by the publisher ( or a bibliographic agency when, or sometimes before, issuing the document (
- Note 1 to entry: CIP may include subject headings, index terms, class numbers.
- (
- [285]The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science / Heartsill Young (ed.). - Chicago : ALA, 1983. - 245 p. // Glosario ALA de bibliotecologia y ciencias de la informacíon / Heartsill Young (ed.). - Madrid : Ediciones Diaz de Santos, 1988
- [286]Anglo-American Cataloging Rules [AACR] / American Library Association [ALA], … Library Association, .. - 2nded, 2002 revision. - Ottawa : Canadian Library Assoc. ; … Chicago : ALA. - 676 p. - Glossary. - - [Translations exist in 26 languages]
- [287]Diccionario técnico de biblioteconomia : Espanol - Ingles, English - Spanish / Massa de Gil, Beatrice ; Trautmann, Ray … . - Mexico : Ed. Trillas, 1973. - 387 p.
- [288]Elsevier's dictionary of library science, information and documentation ; in 6 languages: en, fr, es, it, nl, de / Comp. … by Willem Elbertus Clason. With an Arabic suppl. by Shawky Salem (Sauq I Salim). - 2nd pr. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier Sc. Publ., 1976. - 708 p.
- [289]FRANAR Functional Requirements for Authority Data : a conceptual model : final report / Glenn Patton ; IFLA Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records. - München : Saur, 2009. - 101 p.
- [290]FRBR Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records / IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. - [Berlin] : de Gruyter, 2013. - 136 p.
- [291]FRSAD Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data / Maja Zumer et al ; IFLA Working Group on Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records. - Berlin : de Gruyter Saur, 2011. - 74 p.
- [292]Institut international de bibliographie (IIB), Draft for an international cataloguing code (English / French). Annex: Glossary. - Bruxelles : IIB, 1905
- [293]ISBDs
- [294]ISSN Manual:
- [295]MARC formats and fields lists:
- [296]Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Material [LCGFT]. 2015-12-03. -;
- [297]Multilingual dictionary of cataloguing terms and concepts (MuldiCat) / edited by Barbara Tillet [IFLA, founded by Monika Münnich]. -; http://iflastandards/ns/muldicat. Also via
- [298]RDA Resource Description & Access / developed in a collaborative process led by the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC).-Chicago, Ill. : American Library Assoc. [et al.], 2011. - Loose-leaf edition. - ISBN0-8389-1093-9 ; 978-0-8389-1093-1 ; 978-0-88802-335-3 ; 978-1-85604-794-4. - Online version as a paying subscription.
- [299]Salinié, Frances; Hubert, Souad: Bilingual glossary of terms in librarianship and information science : Anglais / Francais / Anglais = Glossaire bilingue …. - London : Library Services, 1990. - 372 p.
- [300]UNIMARC Manual : Bibliographic format. - 2nd ed. - München [et al.] : Saur, 2005. - 248 p.
- [301]Manuel UNIMARC : format bibliographique : Version française. - 4ème édition. - Traduit par Marc Chauveinc. - München : K.G. Saur 2002. - 546 p. - [There are also versions in Italian, Slovene, Spanish ...]
- [302]Vocabulaire technique de la bibliothéconomie et de la bibliographie / Coulombe, V. ; Rolland-Thomas, P. - Montreal : Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue francaise, 1969. - 187 p.
- [303]Elizarenkova, Tatjana Petrovna: English - Russian bookman’s glossary = Anglo-russkij slovar’ knigovedeskich terminov. - Moskva : Sovetskaja rossija, 1962. - 520 p.
- [304]Haag, Elke: Fachwörterbuch Buchhandel, Druck und Verlag : Französisch - Deutsch [Français - Allemand]. - Hamburg : Buske, 2010. - 223 p.
- [305]Multilingual dictionary of publishing, printing and bookselling : [7 languages : en, fr, de, it, pt, es, sv] / [Contributors: Hans Smith, …]. - London : Cassel, 1992. - 439 p.
- [306]Orne, Jerrold: the language of the foreign book trade : Abbreviations, terms, phrases. - 3rd ed. - Chicago : American Library Association, 1976. - 333 p.
- [307]Pipics, Zoltán: Dictionarium bibliothecarii practicum : Ad usum internationalem in XXII linguis = Librarian’s practical dictionary. - 7th ed. - München : Verlag Dokumentation, 1977. - 385 p.
- [308]PONS-Fachwörterbuch Druck- und Verlagswesen : [English-German], Deutsch-Englisch / P[eter] H. Collin ; Eva Sawers ; Rupert Livesey. - Stuttgart [u.a.] : Klett, 1993. - 296, 68 p.
- [309]Schuwer, Philippe: Bilingual dictionary of book publishing. - Paris : Cercle de la librairie, 1993. - ISBN 2-7654-0500-X. - 447 p.
- [310]Stiehl, Ulrich: Satzwörterbuch des Buch- und Verlagswesens Deutsch - Englisch = Dictionary of book publishing German - English : With 1.200 sample sentences and phrases. - München : Verlag Dokumentation, 1977
- [311]Vocabulaire technique de l'éditeur en sept langues. - 2e édition. - Berne : Congrès International des éditeurs, 1913. - 364 p. - [de, en, es, fr, hu, it, nl. 3.529 entries, with definitions in fr]
- [312]Wörterbuch des Verlagswesens in 20 Sprachen = The publisher's practical dictionary / ed. Imre Mora. - München : Verlag Dokumentation 1984. - 416 p.
- [313]Wörterbuch Druckindustrie und Verlagswesen = Diccionario … = Dizionario … = Dictionnaire … : zweisprachige Fachwörterbücher [de - …].- 3 vol. - [Hans] Schnellmann, Widnau [CH] : 2002. - 480, 480, 478 p.
- [314]ASIS&T : Thesaurus of information science, technology, and librarianship / Redmond-Neal, Alice (ed.). - 3rd ed. - Nedford, NJ : Information Today, c2005. - 255 p.
- [315]BS DD (British Standard Draft for Development) 247:1998 Documentation - Vocabulary. - London : BSI [British Standards Institution], 1999. - 114 p.
- [316]Concise dictionary of library and information science / Stella Keenan. - London : Bowker-Saur, 1994. - 214 p.
- [317]Diccionario de bibliologia y ciencas afines : Terminologia relativa a la archivistica, bibliofilia, bibliografia, bibliologia, bibibliotecologia, biblioteconomia, codicologia, documentologia, ecdótica, epigrafia, hermeneutica, incunabulogia, informatica, lexicografia, paleografia, papirologia, tipografía, etc. / José Martinez de Sousa. - 2 ed. aum. y act. - Madrid [etc.] : Fundacion Germán Sánchez Ruipérez ; Madrid : piramide, 1993. - 992 [i.e. 962] p. - (Biblioteca del libro ; S). - [All entries defined in Spanish; terms in es, en, fr]
- [318]Gilreath, Charles T.: Terms, symbols and ordinals: A taxonomy of designators. - In: Knowledge Organisation 20(1993)2, p. 80-86
- [319]Glossary of library and information science : English - Chinese / Chinese - English / Su Chen ; Shi Deng. - München : Saur, 2006. - XXI, 343 p.
- [320]GOST 7.0-1999+, 7.0.3-2006, 7.48-2002, 7.60-2003+, 7.69-1995, 7.73-1996+, 7.74-1996, 7.76-1996, 7.83-2001, 13.0.001/002+, 13699-1991 [Terms and definitions in the unified bibliographical system], - et al. - Moscow : All Union Institute for Standardisation, GOST R. - +: Also in English.
- [321]Harrod's librarians' glossary and reference book : a directory of over 12.200 terms, .. projects, … library science, publishing, archive management / comp. by Ray Prytherch. - 10th ed. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2005. - 753 p.
- [322]Indian Standard IS 796: Glossary of cataloguing terms. - New Delhi : Indian Standards Institute, 1966. - 86 p. - [With the cooperation of S. R. Ranganathan]
- [323]Indian standard IS 2550: Glossary of classification terms. - New Delhi : Indian Standards Institute, 1964. - 110 p. - [With the cooperation of S. R. Ranganathan]
- [324]Informationsordbogen : Ordbog for informationshandtering, bog og bibliotek / utarb. af [Jens-B. Friis-Hansen - 2nd ed.], Poul Steen Larsen…[et al.]. - Charlottenlund : Dansk Standard, 2001 [ie. 2002]. - 220 p. - (DS-Handbog ; 109). - [The first edition, "DS Inf.27-1983" had the definitions in English, British Standard BS 5408; and terms in English and Danish; "DS Inf 27 2.utg.1991" terms and def. in Danish, terms in Engl.; 3rd ed. 1996]. - Current edition at:
- [325]Library data collection handbook / Helen Eckard ; Mary Jo Lynch. - Chicago : ALA [American Library Association], 1981. - 288 p.
- [326]MARC Relator Code List / Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office. - [21 October 2014]
- [327]ODLIS online library dictionary / Joan M. Reitz. - - 2002-2014. - Print edition: Dictionary for Library and Information Science / Joan M. Reitz. - Westport, Conn. [et al.] : Libraries Unlimited, 2004. - 788 p.
- [328]ONIX-RDA Categorization framework for documents. -;
- [329]Terminologie der Information und Dokumentation [TID] / Komitee Terminologie und Sprachfragen (KTS) der Dt. Ges. für Informationswissenschaft … (DGI). - München : Saur, 1975. - (Second edition: 2006, Frankfurt/Main.). -
- [330]Terminology of documentation = Terminologie … = Terminologie …. = Terminologia … : A selection of 1.200 basic terms … / comp. by Gernot Wersig ; Ulrich Neveling. - Paris : UNESCO Press ; München : Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. - 274 p.
- [331]Terminologiceskij slovar po informatike = Dictionnaire des sciences de l’information = Dictionary … / S. T. Arsenov. - Moskva : MCNTI, 1975. - 752 p. - In 14 languages: ru (definitions), cs, de, en, es, fr, bg, hu, mk, sr/hr, ro, sk, sl, uk. - COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
- [332]Vocabulaire de la documentation / INTD-ER [Institut national des techniques de la documentation - Cercle Etudes et Recherche], coord. par Arlette Boulogne. - Paris : ADBS [Association des Documentaires et Bibliothèques spécialisées - Now: Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation], 2004. - 334 p., 685 entries.
- (A revised successor to the following publications:)
- [333]Vocabulaire de la documentation = Glossary of documentation terms / Association francaise de normalisation [AFNOR]. - Paris : AFNOR, 1987. - 159 p. // First edition : Vocabulaire de la documentation: … notions fondamentales, documents traditionnels .. et audiovisuels, traitement des documents, langages documentaires. - Paris : AFNOR, 1985. - (Les dossiers de la normalisation). - [French edition of the respective parts of ISO 5127]
- [334]Vocabularium bibliothecarii : English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Slovak / comp. Anthony Thompson .. - 2nd ed. - Martin : Vyd Slovendka, 1970. - 686 p. - Further editions containing Dutch ("Biblioteekterminologie" 1967), Hungarian (1972), Nordic languages (1968). - 1st ed. UNESCO 1953; 2nd ed. UNESCO 1962
- [335]Vocabulary of terms on UDC theory and practice = Terminologiceskoe posobie po teorii i metodike primenenija UDK : slovar' germinov s opredelenijami = Fachwörterbuch … = Vocabulaire = …Diccionario … = Terminologiceskoje … [Comp. by I. E. Gendlina ; G. I. Kalinina ; A. I. Smirnova. A. I. Mikhailov] Moscow : VINITI, 1986. - 511 p. - (FID 650). - ISBN oo
- [336]Vocabulary of terms on UDC theory and practice = Terminologiceskoe posobie po teorii i metodike primenenija UDK : slovar' germinov s opredelenijami = Fachwörterbuch … = Vocabulaire = …Diccionario … = Terminologiceskoje … [Comp. by I. E. Gendlina ; G. I. Kalinina ; A. I. Smirnova. A. I. Mikhailov] Moscow : VINITI, 1986. - 511 p. - (FID 650). - ISBN oo
- [337]Keitz, Saideh von; Keitz, Wolfgang von: Dictionnaire des sciences de l’ìnformation, de la bibliothèque et de la documentation. - Weinheim [DE] : Wiley-VCH, 1994. - 323 p.
- [338]Sauppe, Eberhardt : Dictionary of librarianship : Wörterbuch des Bibliothekswesen. - München: Saur, 1988 / 2003. - 428 p. - - Diccionario de biblioteconomia. 1997. - Dizionario de biblioteconomia. 2001.
- [339]SSH ISO 5127:2008 Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - Tirane-Shqiperi : Dreeitoria e Pergiithshme e Standardizimit (DPS). - Albanian Standard, in English language
- [340]AS/NZS ISO 5127:2004 Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - Sydney : Standards Australia (SA) ; Wellington : New Zealand Standards Organization (NZSO). - Standard in English
- [341]ÖNORM [Austrian Standard] ISO 5127-2(1990), -5(1993), -6 (1996). - Wien : Österr. Normungsinstitut. - [Transl. of part 2 and 3a=5 of the first ed. ISO 5127 from 1981, 1983]
- [342]BDS ISO 5127:2009 Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - Sofia : Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS). - Standard in Bulgarian language
- [343]BAS ISO 5127:2009 Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - Istocno Sarajevo : Institute for Standardization of Bosnia-Hercegovina (BAS). - Standard in English language.
- [344]GB/T 4894-2009 信息与文献术语 [A Chinese National Standard modified ISO 5127:2001, in Chinese with English terms]
- [345]HRN/ISO 5127:2008 Informacije i dokumentacija - Terminološki rječnik (Vocabulary of information and documentation). - Zagreb : HZN (Hrvatski zavod za norme), 2008. - 354 p. - [Croatian Standard, gives ISO 5127:2001 in English and in Croat]
- [346]CZ ISO 5127 Ceska technicka norma: Informace a dokumentace - Slovnik = ISO 5127:2001 Vocabulary of information and documentation. Praha:CSN, 2003
- [347]DS/ISO 5127:2001 Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - Nordhavn : Danish Standards (DS). - Standard in English language.
- [348]EVS-ISO 5127:2004 Eesti Standard - Informatsioon ja dokumentatsioon : Sonastik = Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - [Standard in Estonian, with terms in English, Finnish, French]
- [349]SFS-ISO 5127:2004 Tieto- ja dokumentointisanasto = Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - [Standard in Finnish, with English terms]
- [350]AFNOR … Vocabulaire … 1987 see above under "Library and information science …". Gives the French status of the ISO 5127 parts as of early 1987.
- [351]UNI ISO 5127-2, -3a, -6, -11. - Milano : Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione [UNI]. [Transl. of part 2 and 3a=5 of the first ed. ISO 5127 from 1981, 1983]
- [352]Indian National Standard IS 13550:2003 Information and documentation - Vocabulary = ISO 5127:2001 Vocabulary of information and documentation. New Delhi : Bureau of Indian Standards, 2003
- [353]JIS X 0701:2005 Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - Tokyo : Japanese Industrial Stamdards Committee. - Standard in Japanese, a modified ISO 5127.
- [354]LST ISO 5127:2008 Informacija ir dokumentavimas: Aiskinamasis zodynas (tapatus ISO 5127:2001) = Lthuanian Standard ISO 5127 Vocabulary of information and documentation. Vilnius, 2008. 168 p.
- [355]NS-ISO 5127:2009 Norsk Standard: Informasjon og dokumentasjon : Terminologi. - [Standard in Norwegian, with English and French terms]
- [356]PN-ISO 5127:2005 Informacja i dokumentacja : Terminologia. - [Polish Standard, gives ISO 5127 in English and in Polish]
- [357]Medunarodni standard ISO 5127 Informacije i dokumentacija - Terminologija prevod na srpski jezik / deo Snezana Ljubanic .. ; redakcija prevoda: Milena Matic .. [Serbian standard ISO 5127 Vocabulary of information and documentation - Draft as of 2008]. - Draft, terms and definitions in Serbian, with ISO reference number
- [358]SANS 15127:2005, Ed. 1 South African National Standard - Information and documentation : Vocabulary. - ISBN 978-0-626-25340-0. - [Standard in English, with French terms]
- [359]UNE-ISO 5127:2010-02. - Documentación e información - Vocabolario. - Madrid : AENOR. - [Spanish Standard, gives ISO 5127:2001 in Spanish]
- [360]SS [Svensk Standard] ISO 5127: Dokumentation - Terminologi. - Stockholm : SIS, 2002-01. - 163 p. - [A Swedish edition of ISO 5127, reproducing the original English text and adding the Swedish term to each entry.]
- [361]Ukrainian National Standard DStU 931/5127 Informacija i dokumentacija slovnik = ISO 5127:2001. Kiew : DStU [Standards Ukraine]. Terms and definitions in Ukrainian, with ISO reference number
- [362]TCVN:5453-2009 (ISO 5127:2001). - Vietnamese Standard, giving ISO 5127:2001 terms and definitions in original structure in Vietnamese. -
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- © 2017 ISO — All rights reserved
- assignment of symbols ( of categories ( to documents ( to allow their arrangement (1) <archival operation> ( in a way that reflects the presumed interests of the information user (
- (
- broad facet
- primary division of a classification system ( or of a main class ( of a general classification system
- (
- Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
- computer-based information ( (1) <placement> ( and retrieval ( ( based on laser technology that contains data ( in text ( and/or multimedia formats (
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.8]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 12037:1998, definition 3.4; ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.29; ISO 18913:2012 also shows “compact disc” / CD (3.36) and “read only medium” (3.157).
- (
cellulose acetate[modifier]
- cellulose ester
- synthetic material composed of the carbohydrate salt of acetic acid
- Note 1 to entry: Cellulose acetate is used as a data medium for photographic documents.
- (
central library (1)[modifier]
- <library services> library ( providing specified services ( to other libraries within a region or organization (
- Note 1 to entry: See also central library (2) <main library> (
- (
centralized cataloguing[modifier]
- cataloguing ( done by one designated bibliographic agency or library ( in place of two or more information and documentation organizations ( for a defined quantity of bibliographic units ( to avoid duplication of efforts
- Note 1 to entry: The “defined quantity” may be a given amount of documents ( accumulated, the totality of documents expected in a certain period in the future, etc.
- (
- virtual document ( representing a class ( of documents ( in a cluster
- (
- small material object ( made of clay and fired in a kiln
- (
certification (1)[modifier]
- <activity> act of attesting the official character of an original document ( or of a copy (1) <copy original> ( or copy (2) <reproduction> ( thereof
- Note 1 to entry: See also certification (2) (
- (
certification (2)[modifier]
- <statement> statement within a control process establishing the extent to which products and services ( meet prescribed requirements
- Note 1 to entry: See also certification (1) (
- (
certified copy[modifier]
- copy (2) <reproduction> ( that has undergone certification (1) <activity> (
- (
- series of classes ( in which each is subordinate ( to the preceding one, except the first class in the hierarchy
- (
chain index (1)[modifier]
- <subject index> subject index ( established through chain ( analysis of the class ( (
- Note 1 to entry: See also chain index (2) <browsing> (
- (
chain index (2)[modifier]
- <browsing> repeated browsing (2) <search method> ( from one website ( to another using hyperlinks (
- Note 1 to entry: See also chain index (1) <subject index> (
- (
- numbered or titled ( division of a document ( which is in general self-sufficient but is related to the divisions that precede or follow it, and stands directly above or below any sections (1) <text subdivision> (
- (
- member of a set ( of elements ( that is used for the representation, organization, or control of data (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015(en), 2121335]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 7098:2015, definition 2.1.
- (
character string[modifier]
- string ( of letters (1) <character)> (, digits (, punctuation marks or other symbols (
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.13]
- (
- abstraction of a property ( of an object ( or of a set ( of objects
- Note 1 to entry: Characteristics are used for describing concepts (
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.2.4]
- (
characteristic of division[modifier]
- attribute by which a concept ( can be subdivided into an array ( of narrower concepts ( each having a distinct value of that attribute
- In the following, “age group” is the characteristic of division applied to the concept of people: “people (people by age group); children, youths; adults”.
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.4]
- Note 1 to entry: See also facet analysis (; node label (
- (
characterizing portion[modifier]
- second part of a claim ( stating the scope of protection ( demanded or obtained and specifically describing ( the parts of the invention ( which possess the necessary novelty ( or originality (
- (
charge out[modifier]
- act of recording the removal of documents ( from their places of storage (1) <placement> (, for loan (, inspection, display, moving, or restoration (
- Note 1 to entry: See also charge out register (
- (
charge out register[modifier]
- register ( used to record charge out (
- Note 1 to entry: See also charge out (
- (
- document ( showing tabulated or methodically arranged information ( in graphic form
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 10209:2012, definition 11.26.
- (
check character[modifier]
- character ( used to verify the accuracy of the string ( through a mathematical relationship ( to a string
- [SOURCE: ISO 15706-1:2002, definition 3.2, modified]
- (
chemical cleaning[modifier]
- cleaning ( by immersion in, or by the surface application of, a chemical substance
- (
chemical damage[modifier]
- damage ( resulting from changes in the substances composing a material object ( brought about by their own instability or by interaction with external influences
- (
chief registrar[modifier]
- head of the registry ( of an information and documentation organization (
- (
children's library[modifier]
- library ( which specialises in providing books (1) <intellectual work> ( usually written ( especially for children
- Note 1 to entry: A children's library can also be a department within a larger institution.
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.15.
- (
- toponym ( designating a regionally or politically defined spatial area of a country
- (
chronological file[modifier]
- file (2) <unit of documents> ( or file (1) <set of records> ( containing copies (3) <exemplar> ( of documents ( arranged in chronological order (
- Note 1 to entry: Especially of daily copies (2) <reproduction> ( of letters (2) <document> sent.
- (
chronological order[modifier]
- order ( along the sequence of dates in time
- (
cinematographic film[modifier]
- movie
- motion picture ( which enacts a story
- (
- number of documents ( lent by an information and documentation organization ( to information users ( in a specified period of time
- (
circulation figure[modifier]
- average number of copies (3) <exemplar> ( of a publication ( sold and/or otherwise distributed over a specified period
- [SOURCE: ISO 9707:2008, definition 2.5]
- (
citable data[modifier]
- referable data ( that has undergone registration ( and quality ( assessment and can be referred to as citations ( in publications ( and as part of research objects (
- (
- reference in one document ( to another document or to part of it
- Note 1 to entry: See also quotation ( and ISO 24619:2011, definition 3.1.16.
- (
citation index[modifier]
- index ( linking documents ( by means of the citations ( they contain
- Note 1 to entry: See also “impact factor” (
- (
citation metadata[modifier]
- metadata ( that provides an unambiguous identifier ( to the data ( cited, its location, and means of access (
- [SOURCE:, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also data citation (, citable data (
- (
citation order[modifier]
- facet formula
- order ( in which the various facets ( are presented in a compound subject
- (
citation system[modifier]
- citation style
- system ( used, or prescribed, for the construction of bibliographic references and their presentation
- (
city museum[modifier]
- municipal museum
- general museum ( serving a local community and responsible for the acquisition (, preservation ( and conservation ( of museum objects ( and artefacts (1) <man-made object> ( of significance to the community
- (
civil register(s)[modifier]
- vital statistics
- register(s) ( established and kept by a competent authority recording chronologically births, marriages and deaths and possibly related data (
- (
- document ( part giving a statement of the technical characteristics ( of an invention ( and defining the extent of protection ( demanded or obtained
- (
- set ( of elements ( having at least one characteristic ( in common
- Note 1 to entry: Where required, more specifically, class can be narrowed down in line with ISO 23081-1:2006, definition 3.4, to the description of a set of objects ( that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships (, and semantics
- Note 2 to entry: See also “concept” ( and ISO 21127:2014, definition 3.1.
- (
class number[modifier]
- class code
- notation (3)
- classmark
- notation (1) <symbols> ( representing a concept ( or class ( in a structured vocabulary (, especially a classification scheme (
- 07.04.4 Fishery policy and development - ILO Thesaurus
classification system[modifier]
- classification scheme
- schedule ( of concepts ( and pre-coordinated ( combinations of concepts, arranged by classification (
- Note 1 to entry: A classification scheme often also includes an index.
- Note 2 to entry: See also thesaurus (; ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015, definition 3.3.4; ISO 19144-1:2009, definition 4.1.5; ISO/PAS 16917:2002, definition 3.2.4.
- (
classified catalogue[modifier]
- catalogue where the entries ( are filed (1) <placement> ( based on a classification system ( and the catalogue contains a subject index (
- Note 1 to entry: Most often a catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
classified collection[modifier]
- collection (2) <gathering> ( of restricted access (
- (
classified data[modifier]
- data ( to which access ( is restricted by administrative means varying according to the degree of data protection ( or information ( protection sought
- (
classified display[modifier]
- display ( of a thesaurus ( showing the index terms ( in a structured sequence
- (
classified indexing[modifier]
- indexing ( in which subject analysis for document ( content and classification ( ( are administered
- (
classified order[modifier]
- order ( following the divisions established by a classification system (
- (
classified shelving[modifier]
- storage (1) <placement> ( of documents ( in the order ( of a subject classification system (
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.18, modified]
- (
- classification
- assignment to a document ( of class ( ( taken from a classification system (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 7200:2004, definition 3.1.
- (
clay tablet[modifier]
- writing ( ( composed of a lump of clay into which impressions of characters ( are made
- (
- conservation ( measure of removing foreign matter from a material object (
- Note 1 to entry: See also EN 15898:2011, definition 3.5.3; “precision cleaning” (2.25), “rough cleaning/precleaning” (2.27) and “visibly clean/VC” (2.35) in ISO 14952-1:2003.
- (
- authorization of access ( to specific classified data (
- (
- organization ( or part of an organization which is a service ( point charged with the supply of the documents ( produced or assembled by an organization
- Note 1 to entry: A clearinghouse fulfills the functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
- abbreviation ( that retains only the beginning of the word (1) <orthographic word> ( to be abbreviated
- (
closed access[modifier]
- access ( to information (, documents ( or information services ( limited by general or specific regulations
- (
closed file[modifier]
- file (2) <unit of documents> ( containing documents ( on which action has been completed and to which additional documents are not likely to be added
- (
closed record group[modifier]
- fonds (3)
- archive group ( to which further records (1) <documents> ( are unlikely to be added
- Note 1 to entry: For Continental European countries the equivalent is fonds (3) <closed record group>. See also closed archive(s) (;fonds (2) <primary arrangement division> (; fonds (1) <whole of the records>.
- (
closed shelves, pl[modifier]
- shelves ( normally not accessible ( to users
- Note 1 to entry: See also “open shelves” ( and “closed stacks” (
- (
closed stacks, pl[modifier]
- stacks ( that are not accessible to users
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.19]
- (
closed user group[modifier]
- user group ( with exclusive access ( to data ( or information ( carried on a public network or on a videotext system (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2124460.
- (
cloth binding[modifier]
- full binding ( in cloth with stiff boards (2) <cover> (
- (
- automatic classification ( of documents (, normally a polythetic classification (, which is un-ordered (, but often exclusive
- (
coated paper[modifier]
- paper (1) <material> ( which has been given a coating ( of clay or other materials to improve its finish
- (
- process of applying, to a surface, one or more layers of another material in fluid form
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 4618:2014, definition 2.49.
- (
- citation ( of one document ( in two or more other documents
- (
- buckling ( of a sheet (1) <piece> ( in one plane in the form of waves or ripples
- (
code (1)[modifier]
- <transformation rule> code (2) <data> ( showing the transformation of a language ( into another language
- Note 1 to entry: See also code (2) <data> (
- (
code (2)[modifier]
- <data> data ( transformed or represented in different forms according to a pre-established set ( of rules
- Note 1 to entry: See also code (1) <transformation rule> (
- (
code element[modifier]
- individual entry in a code (2) <data> (
- [SOURCE: ISO 639-4:2010, definition 3.4]
- (
- study of the nature, production, history, dissemination ( and use of manuscripts (1) <non-printed document> ( of all kinds
- (
- process of data ( representation or data transformation (
- Note 1 to entry: See also code (1) <transformation rule> (
- (
coined term[modifier]
- new term ( created to express a concept ( for which no suitable term exists in the required language
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.7]
- Note 1 to entry: See also neologism (
- (
- art object ( composed of various materials
- (3.3.3 Documents by medium)
- (
- checking procedures to ascertain that a document ( is complete and without production faults
- Note 1 to entry: See also “collation” (
- (
- checking for completeness and for putting the leaves (, issues ( or sections (2) <folded leaves> ( adocument ( in the correct order (
- [SOURCE: ISO 14416:2003, definition 3.10, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “collating” ( and ISO 12637-4:2008, definition 2.17.
- (
collected edition[modifier]
- edition (2) <identical documents> assembling works ( by one author ( that have already been published ( before
- (
collection (1)[modifier]
- <monographic document> document ( bringing together, normally under a common title (, works ( by one or more authors ( or editors ( on one or more subjects
- Note 1 to entry: See also collection (2) <gathering> (; collection (3) <manuscripts> (
- (
collection (2)[modifier]
- <gathering> gathering of items assembled on the basis of some common characteristic (, for some purpose, or as the result of some process
- Note 1 to entry: See also collection (1) <monographic document> (, collection (3) <manuscripts> (, set (, convolute (, holdings (, accumulation (
- (
collection (3)[modifier]
- <manuscripts> total holdings ( of a manuscript (1) <non-printed document> ( (
- Note 1 to entry: See also collection (1) <monographic document> (; collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
collection breadth[modifier]
- degree of completeness of a collection (2) <gathering> ( in relation to its subject scope (
- (
collection currency[modifier]
- degree to which documents ( in a collection (2) <gathering> ( reflect up-to-date knowledge (
- (
collection depth[modifier]
- degree of completeness of a collection (2) <gathering> ( in each subject field ( covered
- (
collection development[modifier]
- field of application of an information and documentation organization ( embracing the planning, establishment, growth and maintenance of a collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
collection management[modifier]
- planning and execution of operations required to implement the collection policy (
- (
collection policy[modifier]
- statement by an information and documentation organization ( of the strategies to be followed for the effective use of the resources allocated to collection development (
- (
collection use figure[modifier]
- number of times that a collection (2) <gathering> ( is consulted by information users ( within a specified period of time
- (
collective knowledge[modifier]
- knowledge ( which is shared by a larger group or by a society as a whole
- (
collective rights society[modifier]
- collecting society
- copyright collective
- organization ( collectively administering rights on behalf of authors (, artists or publishers (
- [SOURCE: ISO 21047:2009, definition 3.34, modified]
- (
collective title[modifier]
- title ( or part of a title common to several units of description (
- (
collodion print[modifier]
- photographic ( ( obtained in a coating ( of collodion which is made light sensitive with silver salts and exposed to light through a photographic negative
- (
collotype print[modifier]
- print ( from a plate of metal initially coated with bichromated gelatin which, when exposed to light under a reversed photographic ( negative, hardens in proportion to the amount of light each part receives, and thus forms a planographic printing ( surface on which the ink adheres in proportion to its degree of hardness
- ( Manually produced artistic graphic documents)
- (
- combined statement in a volume ( of its authorship, copyright ( holders, details of production and publication (, either on the title page ( ( or at the end of the volume (
- Note 1 to entry: In early printed books (1) <intellectual work> (, the colophon refers to a symbol ( or logo representing the printer (
- Note 2 to entry: In a newspaper (, the colophon contains information about its editors (
- (3.5.8 Intellectual parts of documents)
- (
- color, US
- any of the hues of the rainbow and any tint or shade made by mixing those hues with white or black
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 19262:2015, definition 3.28; ISO 4618:2014, definition 2.58; ISO 5492:2008, definition 3.32.
- (
colour fastness[modifier]
- color fastness, US
- property ( of a pigment ( or dye ( which allows it to retain its original hue
- (
colour film[modifier]
- color film, US
- film carrying one or more emulsions which, during processing, yield dye images (, reproducing the brightness and colour ( value of a scene
- [SOURCE: ISO 4246:1994, definition 90]
- (
column (1)[modifier]
- <serial article> article ( usually with a non-specific general heading (1) <text line> ( appearing regularly in a serial (, giving comment or observations on seemingly paradoxical current societal issues, with its heading (1) <text line> remaining the same over a longer time
- Note 1 to entry: The heading (1) <text line> may be a word (1) <orthographic word> , phrase, symbol or a personal name
column (2)[modifier]
- <vertical division> vertical division of a layout medium
- Note 1 to entry: See also column (1) <serial article> (
- (
column head[modifier]
- heading (1) <text line> ( shown at the top of a page ( or column (2) <vertical division> ( throughout an entire document ( or in a part of it
- Note 1 to entry: Such parts may be chapters, articles, dictionary entries.
- (
comb binding[modifier]
- mechanical binding ( in which curved prongs extending from a plastic spine ( are inserted into slits in the leaves ( and side covers (1) <covering material> (
- (
- instruction given to a computer system (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 8777:1993, definition 3.2; ISO/TR 9007:1987 (page 30).
- (
- short film or short radio spot advertising a product or an event for commercial purposes
- Note 1 to entry: The principal division is between radio spots and TV adverts.
- (
commercial copy[modifier]
- copy (2) <reproduction> ( made to be disseminated ( for a monetary profit
- Note 1 to entry: See also private copy (
- (
commercial use[modifier]
- use of information ( for the purpose of making a monetary profit
- (3.11.3 Infrastructure)
- (
common title[modifier]
- part of a title ( common to several bibliographic units ( which form part of a set (
- (
commonplace book[modifier]
- memorandum book
- volume ( in which is entered, with or without arrangement (1) <archival operation> (, information ( of any kind to be remembered or referred to by the compiler
- Note 1 to entry: See also journal (1) <chronological record> (
- (
- process by which information ( is exchanged between individuals or systems ( using a common system of symbols (, signs (, or behaviour
- Note 1 to entry: See also “information dissemination” (
- (
communication system[modifier]
- system ( of managing communication ( processes
- (
communication theory[modifier]
- scientific discipline concerned with the study of communication ( processes and communication systems (
- (
compact disc[modifier]
- CD
- small optical disc (
- Note 1 to entry: Normally a compact disc has a diameter of 11.989 cm (4.72 in).
- (
compact shelving[modifier]
- shelving ( method based on mobile equipment for space saving and increased security
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.20.
- (
company library[modifier]
- library ( attached to a commercial enterprise and serving its professional goals as well as, sometimes, providing literature for the leisure interests of staff
- (
competitive intelligence[modifier]
- information ( gathered and analysed about competitors’ plans, products, customers, and pricing
- (
complementary document[modifier]
- modern time technical document ( for and in manufacturing processes, referenced in the main document ( and containing specifying information (
- [SOURCE: ISO 11005:2010, definition 3.4, modified]
- (3.5 Tertiary documents)
- (3.5.1 General concepts)
- (
complete document estate[modifier]
- totality of a document estate ( encountered in, or estimated (expected) as belonging to, the possessions of the deceased person
- Note 1 to entry: In some cases, the extent of a literary estate as it can be ideally supposed must be determined by estimation.
- (
complex term[modifier]
- term ( containing two or more roots
- Bookmaker, know-how, fault recognition circuit.
- (
composite class[modifier]
- class ( which expresses a non-hierarchical relation ( between two or more elemental classes ( and thus not resulting in a melting of these classes to form one new object (, instead keeping the combined objects discrete and separately identifiable
- Respiration of birds, timber for kayaks.
- (
composite manuscript[modifier]
- classical or medieval handwritten ( (1) <non-printed document> ( containing texts ( by different authors ( and forming a physical unit, either from the outset or through binding (2) <activity> ( previously separate units into one
- Note 1 to entry: The different texts may or may not have been written ( by different scribers.
- (
compound equivalence[modifier]
- relationship ( or mapping ( in which one term ( or concept ( in one context ( is represented by two or more terms ( or concepts ( in another
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.8]
- (
compound term[modifier]
- term ( that can be split morphologically ( into separate components
- In English:
- “copper mines” can be split into “copper” and “mines”; “lawnmowers” can be split into “lawns” and “mowers”
- In French:
- “mine de cuivre” can be split into “mine” and “cuivre”; “biodiversité” can be split into "biologie" and "diversité"
- Note 1 to entry: Compound terms can be multi-word terms (, or can consist of only one word (1) <orthographic word> .
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.9]
- (
comprehensive collection[modifier]
- collection (2) <gathering> ( aiming at completeness for a specified subject field (, time or provenance (
- (
computer word[modifier]
- machine word
- word (2)
- character string ( that is considered as a unit for a given purpose
- Note 1 to entry: See also word (1) ( and ISO 8777:1993, definition 3.30.
- (
- unit of knowledge ( created by a unique combination of characteristics (
- Note 1 to entry: Concepts are not necessarily bound to particular languages. They are, however, influenced by the social or cultural background, which often leads to different categorizations.
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.2.10]
- Note 2 to entry: Concepts represent objects (
concept system[modifier]
- system of concepts
- set ( of concepts ( structured according to the relations ( among them
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.2.11]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “thesaurus” ( and “classification” (; ISO 19104:2016, definition 4.6; ISO 17115:2007, definition A 3.2.11.
- (
conceptual data model[modifier]
- data model ( that represents an abstract view of the real world
- Note 1 to entry: A conceptual model represents the human understanding of a system (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015, definition 3.2.5]
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 25964-1:2011; definition 2.14.
- (
conceptual model[modifier]
- model that defines concepts ( of a universe of discourse
- [SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015 definition 4.11]
- (
conceptual object[modifier]
- object ( which is the product of the mental activity of applying abstraction in human mind activities
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 21127:2014, classes “E 28” and “E 65”.
- (
conceptual schema[modifier]
- formal description of a conceptual model (
- [SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015 definition 4.12]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 9007:1987 (pages 12, 27 and 72).
- (
concordance list[modifier]
- conversion list
- list ( of relations ( between the terms ( of two or more indexing languages ( or records (1) <document(s)> ( that are differently arranged and listed in finding aids (
- (
confidential data[modifier]
- data ( to which only a limited number of persons have access ( and which are meant for restricted use
- Note 1 to entry: See also “confidentiality” (ISO 20252:2012, definition 2.14).
- (
- data subject’s consent
- approval of the data subject ( required, except where provided by law, for the recording ( of personal data ( by a data holder (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TS 27790:2009, definition 3.22.
- (
- preservation ( measures and actions applied to prevent, arrest or delay deterioration ( of a document ( or other material object (
- Note 1 to entry: See also EN 15898:2011, definition 3.3.1; ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.39.
- Note 2 to entry: “conservation” consists of “preventive conservation” and “remedial conservation” (EN 15898:2011, definitions 3.3.5 and 3.3.6).
- (
conservation record[modifier]
- record (1) <document(s)> ( of the condition of a document ( or other material object ( or the conservation ( and restoration ( measures applied to it
- (
- person who performs the operations necessary to maintain the integrity and value of material objects ( in an information and documentation organization (
- Note 1 to entry: See also conservation (
- (
- strengthening of a data medium ( by the introduction of a suitable substance
- Note 1 to entry: See also EN 15898:2011, definition 3.5.4.
- (
content analysis[modifier]
- subject analysis
- analysis of a document ( to determine its content components with their relations ( to each other
- (
content description[modifier]
- description (1) <activity> ( based on data ( taken from the document ( and resulting from the assignment of index terms ( or notations (1) <symbols> ( from an indexing language (
- Note 1 to entry: Content description may also be achieved through textual representation, and the assignment of index terms may be derived intellectually or by means of software ( programmes.
- Note 2 to entry: See also “indexing” (; “abstract” (
- (
content descriptor[modifier]
- preferred term ( used to denote the subject of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “subject heading” (; form heading (
- (
content metadata[modifier]
- metadata ( about the specific contents recorded in a digital document (, including a record (2) <set of data> (
- (
content provider[modifier]
- organization ( whose function is to commission, create, collect, validate, host, distribute and trade information ( in electronic form
- Note 1 to entry: See also publisher (
- (
- all components of a situation, including material objects (, surrounding an object ( in present and past
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 17119:2005, definition 2.4; EN 15898:2011, definition 3.1.8
- (
contextual metadata[modifier]
- metadata ( needed for interpreting the relevance of data ( such as files (1) <set of records> ( in a collection (2) <gathering> (
- Note 1 to entry: The context includes provenance information ( (identifying the source of the data), descriptive metadata (defining the attributes of the data), structural data (defining data formats).
- Note 2 to entry: Some such metadata may be extracted from associated documents or mined from headers within the data.
- (
continuation record[modifier]
- record (2) <set of data> ( (1) <activity> ( the receipt of documents ( issued in parts as they are received
- Parts such as instalments (1) <incomplete part in delivery> ( or issues (
- (
continuing resource[modifier]
- publication (, in any medium (, that is issued over time with no predetermined conclusion and made available to the public
- [SOURCE: ISO 3297:2007, definition 2.1]
- (
- word (1) <orthographic word> ( ( that collocates several words (1) <orthographic word> into one and shortens one or more of them in this operation
- “don’t” for “do not”.
- (
- person or organization ( contributing to the intellectual making of a document ( in whole or in part
- [SOURCE: ISO 21047:2009, definition 3.4, modified]
- (
control character[modifier]
- character ( used for the organization of data (
- Note 1 to entry: A graphic character ( may be used as a control character.
- (
controlled vocabulary[modifier]
- prescribed list ( of terms (, headings (2) <access point> ( or codes (2) <data> (, each representing a concept (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.12]
- (
- bundle
- several material objects ( physically kept together on grounds of an identical external organizing feature
- Note 1 to entry: Such feature can be: same origin, physical packing, offer for sale, use etc.
- Note 2 to entry: See also set (; collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
cooperative catalogue[modifier]
- union catalogue (1) <comprehensive catalogue> ( bringing together bibliographic descriptions ( which follow different cataloguing ( rules so that the same bibliographic entity ( may be represented by several, differing bibliographic records (2) <set of data> ( and thus be contained in the catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> ( several times
- (
coordinate concept[modifier]
- related concept
- subordinate concept ( having the same nearest superordinate concept ( and the same criterion of subdivision as some other concept ( in a given concept system (
- (
copper engraving[modifier]
- print ( from a plate of copper, or of copper faced with steel, the printing (1) <technical process> ( areas of which have been engraved so that they are lower than the non-printing areas
- (
- read ( ( from a source data medium (, leaving the source data unchanged, and to write ( the same data on a destination data medium that may differ from that of the source
- To copy a file (1) <set of records> from a magnetic tape ( onto a magnetic disc (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2122157]
- (
copy (1)[modifier]
- <copy original> document ( which serves as the original matter from which a reproduction ( or a more finished document is eventually prepared
- Note 1 to entry: See also copy (2) <reproduction> (; copy (3) <exemplar> (; and ISO 3664:2009, definition 3.11.
copy (2)[modifier]
- <reproduction> reproduction ( or transcript of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also copy (1) <copy original> (, copy (3) <exemplar> (; ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.41.
- (
copy cataloguing[modifier]
- use of a pre-existing bibliographic description ( to fit the characteristics ( of the document ( to be catalogued (, editing this description (1) <activity> ( as necessary and attaching to it the local holdings ( (, if required
- (
copy editor[modifier]
- person or organization ( undertaking editing (, including all correction and surveillance work concerning grammar, orthography, and formal presentation of a manuscript (2) <dissemination manuscript> ( and for marking it in this respect for any typesetting
- (
- production of an image ( which is a reproduction ( of the image of another document (
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 50, modified]
- (
copy-paste writing[modifier]
- cut-paste writing
- re-use of relevant written ( ( from others in one's own manuscript (2) <dissemination manuscript> (, of small text passages but in frequent cases
- (
- exclusive right ( granted to the owner of an original work ( of authorship (, which is fixed in any tangible medium ( of expression, to reproduce (, publish (, perform, and/or sell the work
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC IEEE 24765:2010, definition 3.630]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “copyright notice” (
- (
copyright library[modifier]
- legal deposit ( ( in a country in which copyright ( depends or formerly depended upon the formal act of deposit ( in a designated library
- (
copyright notice[modifier]
- imprint ( notice on an item indicating year and owner of copyright ( in that item
- The sign ©.
- Note 1 to entry: See also “copyright” (
- (
corporate author[modifier]
- corporate body ( considered to be responsible for the creation of a document ( or of research data (
- (
corporate body[modifier]
- organization ( or group of persons that is identified by a particular name ( and that acts, or may act, as an entity (
- Note 1 to entry: "Corporate body” also includes an individual acting in a corporate capacity.
- [SOURCE: ISAAR (CPF):2003, 3 Glossary of terms and definitions]
- (
- set ( of documents ( or data ( that has a scientific meaning (
- Note 1 to entry: A corpus can be produced by an individual researcher’s activity (including its archival materials), or from a laboratory research, field campaign or science and culture heritage project, a survey, etc.
- Note 2 to entry: See also documentation (2) <collection> (
- (
country code[modifier]
- code element ( used to represent the name ( of a country, dependency, or other area of particular geopolitical interest
- Note 1 to entry: Country codes are specified in ISO 3166. ISO 3166 provides alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric-3 sets and three distinct codes (country code, country subdivision code and code for formerly used names of countries).
- (
cover (1)[modifier]
- <envelope> envelope for the protection of a physical carrier ( [e.g. CD-ROM ( or phonograph record (] usually showing information (
- Note 1 to entry: See also cover (2) <covering material> (; ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.65.
- (
cover (2)[modifier]
- <covering material> materials affixed to the spine ( and sides of the book block ( to protect it in use
- Note 1 to entry: See also cover (1) <envelope> ( and ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.4.4.
- (
cover title[modifier]
- title ( printed on the original front cover of a document (
- [SOURCE: ISBD Consolidated Edition 2011, Appendix E]
- (
cover version[modifier]
- version ( of a piece of non-classical music ( played differently from the original work (, and by (a) musician(s) different from the original one(s)
- (
- degree of completeness of a collection (2) <gathering> ( by collection breadth (, collection depth ( and collection currency (
- (
coverage ratio[modifier]
- measure of collection breadth ( in relation to the estimated totality of documents ( in a given subject field (
- (
- damage ( in the form of discontinuity on the surface or within a material object (
- (
- DEPRECATED: spider
- any automated software ( programme or script which visits websites ( and systematically retrieves ( ( from them, often to provide indexes ( for search engines (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.12.
- (3.1.13 Data representation in databases)
- (
- cracking ( extending in a pattern over a whole surface of a material object (
- Craquelure.
- (
- ability of a sheet (1) <piece> ( of material to be folded without cracking (
- (
- any entity ( (corporate body (, family or person) that created, accumulated ( and/or maintained records (1) <document(s)> ( in the conduct of personal or corporate activity
- (
creep (1)[modifier]
- <spread of adhesive> spread of an adhesive ( over time beyond the point of its initial application
- Note 1 to entry: See also creep (2) <deformation> (
- (
creep (2)[modifier]
- <deformation> deformation of a document ( in the form of dimensional expansion over time due to a constant load
- Note 1 to entry: See also creep (1) <spread of adhesive> (
- (
- Conceptual Reference Model
- ontology ( for the cultural (heritage) field/sector, established by CIDOC (the Documentation Committee of ICOM), comprising 86 classes ( and 124 relations ( which express, in reversible relations, the necessary and adamant logic relations constituting the field
- Note 1 to entry: CRM is specified in ISO 21127:2014.
- (
- cutting off part or parts of a document ( or graphic so that its dimensions, and possibly its information ( content, are changed
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 19754-3:2006, definition 4.1.3.
- (
cross direction[modifier]
- orientation of the grain in a paper (1) <material> ( or board (1) <paper> ( at right angles to the machine direction (
- (
cross-language equivalence[modifier]
- equivalence relationship ( between terms ( representing the same concept ( in different languages (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.13]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “synonymy” (
- (
cultural property law[modifier]
- act ( regulating the sale for export of certain privately owned documents ( and other material objects ( forming part of the national cultural heritage
- (
cuneiform tablet[modifier]
- document ( in the form of a clay tablet ( onto which logographic or syllable cuneiform script ( ( have been marked
- (
- person responsible for overseeing a collection (2) <gathering> ( or exhibition (
- (
- buckling ( of a sheet (1) <piece> ( in one plane so that it tends to roll up itself
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.45.
- (
currency code[modifier]
- code element ( used to represent the name ( of a currency
- Note 1 to entry: The international currency code is specified in ISO 4217 which provides an alpha-3 and a numeric-3 set.
- (
current awareness service[modifier]
- service ( or document ( for regular provision of information ( on newly available documents to information users ( relating to their interests
- (
current records[modifier]
- current archives
- records (1) <documents> ( regularly used for the conduct of the current business of an agency, institution or organization (
- Note 1 to entry: Current records are also called current archives, in Latin countries.
- (
- responsibility for the legal and physical preservation ( of documents (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “provenance” (
- (
- positive photograph ( fixed on a silver-coated copper plate
- (
daily newspaper[modifier]
- daily
- newspaper ( appearing at least four days a week
- (
- harmful alteration of the physical condition of a document ( due to external or internal action
- Note 1 to entry: See also EN 15898:2011, definition 3.2.7.
- (
damp stain[modifier]
- tide mark
- stain ( caused by contact with water
- (
damp stretching[modifier]
- deformation of a document ( in the form of dimensional expansion due to the absorption of moisture
- (
data access[modifier]
- process that enables users to retrieve ( or read ( ( (
- Note 1 to entry: See also access (
- (
data analysis[modifier]
- data ( lifecycle stage that involves the techniques used to satisfy analyst goals of producing informative knowledge ( from organized data
- (
data archiving[modifier]
- digital preservation ( process that is moving data ( into a managed form of storage (1) <placement> ( for long-term retention
- (
data attribute[modifier]
- single data element ( related to a data object ( such as in a database (
- (
data broker[modifier]
- data ( infrastructure that provides various low-barrier mediation and interconnection services ( to support cross domain ( and project activities
- (
data citation[modifier]
- practice of providing an identifying ( reference to data ( in a similar way that researchers routinely include a bibliographic reference to published ( resources
- Note 1 to entry: See also citation metadata (
- (
data cleaning[modifier]
- process used to improve data ( ( by detecting and correcting (or removing) defects and errors in data
- (
data curation[modifier]
- managed process, throughout the data ( (, by which data/data collections ( are cleansed, documented (, standardized (, formatted ( and interrelated
- (
data deposit[modifier]
- process by which data ( is stored ( in a data archive
- (
data description[modifier]
- formalized description (1) <activity> ( of a data element ( in the context ( of the data ( structure
- (
data element[modifier]
- smallest parcel of information ( within an identified data ( group
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29881:2010, definition 3.3]
- Note 1 to entry: See also data field (
- (
data entry[modifier]
- process of putting data ( onto a machine-readable medium (
- To enter data to a payroll file on a flexible disc from a terminal.
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2122167]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 20252:2012, definition 2.18.
- (
data field[modifier]
- field
- component in a data ( (2) <set of data> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also data element (
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 19762:2016, definition 01.01.28; ISO 8440:1986, definition 2.5; ISO 8777:1993, definition 3.7
- (Title (, author (, and date of publication ( are typical data fields in a bibliographic record.)
- (
data format[modifier]
- predetermined arrangement of data ( on a data medium (
- Note 1 to entry: See also media format (, bibliographic format (
- (
data handler[modifier]
- person authorized to operate on certain types of data (
- (
data holder[modifier]
- person or organization ( authorized to record ( and use certain types of data (
- (
data integration[modifier]
- systematic combining of data ( from different independent and potentially heterogeneous sources, to create a more compatible, unified view of these data for research purposes
- (
data integrity[modifier]
- quality ( of data ( lawfully acquired (, validated, stored (1) <placement> ( and kept up to date
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2126247; ISO 7498-2:1989; ISO/TS 19299:2015, definition 3.24; ISO/TS 21547:2010, definition 3.2.10; ISO/IEC 27000:2016, definition 2.40; ISO/TS 27790:2009, definition 3.36.
- (
data linkage[modifier]
- aggregation of data ( from several sources on one topic or data subject (
- (
data medium[modifier]
- medium ( in or on which data ( can be recorded and from which data can be retrieved
- Note 1 to entry: Sometimes referred to as “substrate”.
- (
data migration[modifier]
- migration
- process of transferring electronic information ( from one software ( (3.1.1215)environment or storage (1) <placement> ( ( to another environment or storage medium with little or no alteration of structure and no alteration in content and context (
- Move data from magnetic disc to magnetic tape, transfer database files from Oracle to SQL Server.
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 18492:2005, definition 3.9, modified]
- (
data mining[modifier]
- computational search and retrieval ( process that identifies ( patterns by analysing quantitative data ( from different perspectives and dimensions, categorizing ( it, and summarizing potential relationships ( and impacts
- [SOURCE: ISO 16439:2014, definition 3.13, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.15.
- (
data model[modifier]
- description of the organization of data ( in a manner that reflects an information ( structure
- [SOURCE: ISO 28258:2013, definition 3.9]
- (
data processing[modifier]
- DP
- systematic performance of operations upon data (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121276]
- (
data protection[modifier]
- legal, administrative, technical or physical measures taken to avoid unauthorized access ( to and use of data (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “privacy protection” in ISO/TS 21547:2010, definition 3.1.21.
- (
data protection supervisory authority[modifier]
- data privacy commissioner
- official body or person responsible for the enforcement of data protection ( legislation or regulations
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 19299:2015, definition 3.12.
- Seules les parties informatives des normes sont consultables gratuitement. L'accès au contenu intégral de la norme est payant. Pour acquérir la norme, cliquez sur "Acheter".
- Bibliography
- [1]ISO 215:1986, Documentation; Presentation of contributions to periodicals and other serials
- [2]ISO 216:2007, Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter — Trimmed sizes — A and B series, and indication of machine direction
- [3]ISO 639-4:2010, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 4: General principles of coding of the representation of names of languages and related entities, and application guidelines
- [4]ISO 690:2010, Information and documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources
- [5]ISO 704:2009, Terminology work — Principles and methods
- [6]ISO 1086:1991, Information and documentation — Title leaves of books
- [7]ISO 1087-1:2000, Terminology work- Vocabulary — Part 1: Theory and application
- [8]ISO 1213-1:1993, Solid mineral fuels; vocabulary; part 1: terms relating to coal preparation
- [9]ISO 1755:1987, Photography — Projector slides : Dimensions
- [10]ISO 1951:2007, Presentation/representation of entries in dictionaries — Requirements, recommendations and information
- [11]ISO 2108:2005, Information and documentation — International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- [12]ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993, Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 1: Fundamental terms
- [13]ISO/IEC 2382-4:1999, Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 4: Organization of data
- [14]ISO/IEC 2382-5:1999, Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 5: Representation of data
- [15]ISO/IEC 2382-29:1999, Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 29: Artificial intelligence — Speech recognition and synthesis
- [16]ISO/IEC 2382:2015, Information technology — Vocabulary
- [17]ISO 2789:2013, Information and documentation — International library statistics
- [18]ISO 3166-1:2013, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes
- [19]ISO 3297:2007, Information and documentation — International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- [20]ISO 3664:2009, Graphic technology and photography — Viewing conditions
- [21]ISO 3901:2001, Information and documentation — International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)
- [22]ISO 4046:2016, Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Parts 1 to 5
- [23]ISO 4087:2005, Micrographics — Microfilming of newspapers for archival purposes on 35 mm microfilm
- [24]ISO 4217:2015, Codes for the representation of currencies
- [25]ISO 4246:1994, Cinematography — Vocabulary
- [26]ISO 4618:2014, Paints and varnishes — Terms and definitions
- [27]ISO 5492:2008, Sensory analysis — Vocabulary
- [28]ISO 5776:2016, Graphic technology — Symbols for text proof correction
- [29]ISO 6196-4:1998, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 4: Materials and packaging
- [30]ISO 6196:1993-1999, Micrographics — Vocabulary — Parts 1 to 10
- [31]ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, Information technology — Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts — Part 1: Identification of organization identification schemes
- [32]ISO 6707-1:2014, Buildings and civil engineering works — Vocabulary — Part 1- General terms
- [33]ISO 7098:2015, Information and documentation — Romanization of Chinese
- [34]ISO 7154:1983, Documentation — Bibliographic filing principles
- [35]ISO 7200:2004 Technical product documentation — Data fields in title blocks and document headers
- [36]ISO 7372:2005, Trade data interchange — Trade data elements directory
- [37]ISO 7498-2:1989, Information processing systems; Open Systems Interconnection; Basis reference model; Part 2: Security architecture
- [38]ISO/IEC 8211:1994, Information technology — Specification for a data descriptive file for information interchange
- [39]ISO 8440:1986, Location of codes in trade documents
- [40]ISO 8459:2009, Information and documentation — Bibliographic data element directory for use in data exchange and enquiry
- [41]ISO/IEC 8613-1:1994, Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Introduction and general principles
- [42]ISO 8777:1993, Information and documentation — Commands for interactive text searching
- [43]ISO 8879:1986, Information processing — Text and office systems — Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
- [44]ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary (available in English only)
- [45]ISO/TR 9007, Information processing systems — Concepts and terminology for the conceptual schema and the information base (available in English only)
- [46]ISO 9241-302:2008, Ergonomics of human-system interaction — Part 302: Terminology for electronic visual displays
- [47]ISO/IEC 9541-1:2012, Information technology — Font information interchange — Part 1: Architecture
- [48]ISO/TR 9544:1988, Information processing — Computer-assisted publishing — Vocabulary
- [49]ISO 9706:1994, Information and documentation — Paper for documents — Requirements for permanence
- [50]ISO 9707:2008, Information and documentation — Statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic publications
- [51]ISO/IEC TR 9789:1994, Information technology — Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data interchange — Coding methods and principles
- [52]ISO 10160:1997, Information and documentation — Open Systems Interconnection — Interlibrary Loan Application Service Definition
- [53]ISO 10161-1:1997, Information and documentation — Open Systems Interconnection — Interlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification — Part 1: Protocol specification
- [54]ISO/IEC 10180:1995, Information technology — Processing languages — Standard Page Description Language (SPDL)
- [55]ISO 10209:2012, Technical product documentation — Vocabulary — Part 1 : Terms relating to technical drawings: General and types of drawings
- [56]ISO 10241-1:2011, Terminological entries in standards — Part 1: General requirements and examples of presentation
- [57]ISO 10241-2:2012, Terminological entries in standards — Part 2: Adoption of standardized terminological entries
- [58]ISO 10254:2016, Air cargo and ground equipment — Vocabulary
- [59]ISO 10303-11:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual
- [60]ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation — Holdings statements — Summary level
- [61]ISO 10523:2008, Water quality — Determination of pH
- [62]ISO 10668:2010, Brand valuation — Requirements for monetary brand valuation
- [63]ISO/IEC 10744:1997, Information technology — Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime)
- [64]ISO 10845-4:2011, Construction procurement — Part 4: Standard conditions for the calling for expressions of interest
- [65]ISO 10957:2009, Information and documentation — International Standard Music Number (ISMN)
- [66]ISO 11005:2010, Technical product documentation — Use of main documents
- [67]ISO/TR 11065:1992, Industrial automation glossary
- [68]ISO 11108:1996, Information and documentation — Archival paper — Requirements for permanence and durability
- [69]ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004, Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 1: Framework
- [70]ISO/TR 11219:2012, Information and documentation — Qualitative conditions and basic statistics for library buildings — Space, function and design
- [71]ISO/IEC 11404:2007, Information technology — General-Purpose Datatypes (GPD)
- [72]ISO 11620:2014, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
- [73]ISO 11798:1999, Information and documentation — Permanence and durability of writing, printing and copying on paper — Requirements and test methods
- [74]ISO 11799:2015, Information and documentation — Document storage requirements for archive and library materials
- [75]ISO 11800:1998, Information and documentation — Requirements for binding materials and methods used in the manufacture of books
- [76]ISO/TR 12037:1998, Electronic imaging — Recommendations for the expungement of information recorded on write-once optical media
- [77]ISO 12200:1999, Computer applications in terminology — Machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF)
- [78]ISO12231:2012 Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Vocabulary
- [79]ISO 12615:2004, Bibliographic references and source identifiers for terminology work
- [80]ISO 12620:2012, Terminology and other language and content resources — Specification of data categories and management of a Data Category Registry for language resources
- [81]ISO 12637-1:2006, Graphic technology — Vocabulary — Part 1: Fundamental terms
- [82]ISO 12637-4:2008, Graphic technology — Vocabulary — Part 4: Postpress terms
- [83]ISO 12651-1:2012, Electronic document management — Vocabulary — Part 1: Electronic document imaging
- [84]ISO/IEC 12785-1:2009, Information technology — Learning, education, and training — Content packaging — Part 1: Information model
- [85]ISO 13008:2012, Information and documentation — Digital records conversion and migration process
- [86]ISO/TR 13054:2012, Knowledge management of health information standards
- [87]ISO/TS 13399-4:2014, Cutting tool data representation and interchange — Part 4: Reference dictionary for adaptive items
- [88]ISO/TS 13584-35:2010, Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts library — Part 35: Implementation resources: Spreadsheet interface for parts library
- [89]ISO/TR 13569:2005, Financial services — Information security guidelines
- [90]ISO 13673:2000, Information technology — Document processing and related communication — Conformance testing for Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) systems
- [91]ISO/TS 14048:2002, Environmental assessment — Life cycle management — Data documentation format
- [92]ISO 14289-1:2014, Document management applications — Electronic document file format enhancement for accessibility — Part 1: Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF/UA-1)
- [93]ISO 14416:2003, Information and documentation — Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library use — Methods and materials
- [94]ISO 14641-1:2012, Electronic archiving — Part 1: Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation
- [95]ISO 14692-1:2002, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping — Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials
- [96]ISO 14813-5:2010, Intelligent transport systems — Reference model architecture(s) for the ITS sector — Part 5: Requirements for architecture description in ITS standards
- [97]ISO/TR 14873:2013, Information and documentation — Statistics and quality issues for web archiving
- [98]ISO 14952-1:2003, Space systems — Surface cleanliness of fluid systems — Part 1: Vocabulary
- [99]ISO/IEC 15288:2008, Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes
- [100]ISO/IEC 15444-8:2007, Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system: Secure JPEG 2000
- [101]ISO 15474-1:2002, Information technology — CDIF framework- Part 1: Overview
- [102]ISO 15489-1:2001, Information and documentation — Records management — Part 1: General
- [103]ISO 15511:2011, Information and documentation — International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL)
- [104]ISO 15531-1:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration — Industrial manufacturing management data — Part 1: General overview
- [105]ISO 15706-1:2002, Information and documentation — International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN)- Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier
- [106]ISO 15707:2001, Information and documentation — International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC)
- [107]ISO 15740:2013, Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Picture transfer protocol (PTP) for digital still photography devices
- [108]ISO 15836:2009, Information and documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element set
- [109]ISO 15924:2004, Information and documentation — Codes for the representation of names of scripts
- [110]ISO 15930-3:2002, Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Use of PDF — Part 3: Complete exchange suitable for colour-managed workflows (PDF/X-3)
- [111]ISO/IEC 15939:2007, Systems and software engineering — Measurement process
- [112]ISO/IEC 15944-7: 2009, Information technology — Business Operational View — Part 7: eBusiness vocabulary
- [113]ISO 16175-1:2010, Information and documentation — Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments — Part 1: Overview and statement of principles
- [114]ISO 16245:2009, Information and documentation — Boxes, file covers and other enclosures, made from cellulosic materials, for storage of paper and parchment documents
- [115]ISO/TR 16344:2012, Energy performance of buildings — Common terms, definitions and symbols for the overall energy performance rating and certification
- [116]ISO 16439:2014, Information and documentation — Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries
- [117]ISO 16708:2006, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Pipeline transportation systems — Reliability-based limit state methods
- [118]ISO 16763:2016, Graphic technology — Post-press — Requirements for bound products
- [119]ISO/TS 16791:2014, Health informatics — Requirements for international machine-readable coding of medicinal product packing identifiers
- [120]ISO/PAS 16917:2002, Ships and marine technology — Data transfer standard for maritime and intermodal transportation and security
- [121]ISO 17115:2007, Health informatics — Vocabulary for terminological systems
- [122]ISO 17316:2015, Information and documentation — International standard link identifier (ISLI)
- [123]ISO 17712:2013, Freight containers — Mechanical seals
- [124]ISO/TS 18152:2010, Ergonomics of human-system interaction — Specification for the process assessment of human-system issues
- [125]ISO/TR 18307:2001, Health informatics — Interoperability and compatibility in messaging and communication standards — Key characteristics
- [126]ISO 18323:2015, Jewellery — Consumer confidence in the diamond industry
- [127]ISO 18461:2016, International Museum Statistics
- [128]ISO/TR 18492:2005, Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information
- [129]ISO 18513:2003, Tourism services — Hotels and other types of accommodation — Terminology
- [130]ISO 18913:2012, Imaging materials — Permanence — Vocabulary
- [131]ISO 18925:2013, Imaging materials — Optical disc media — Storage practices
- [132]ISO 18938:2014, Imaging materials — Optical discs — Care and handling for extended storage
- [133]ISO 19005-1:2005, Document management — Electronic document file format for long-term preservation — Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A-1)
- [134]ISO 19101-1:2014, Geographic information — Reference model- Part 1: Fundamentals
- [135]ISO/TS 19103:2005, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
- [136]ISO 19104:2016, Geographic information — Terminology
- [137]ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
- [138]ISO 19146:2010, Geographic information — Cross-domain vocabularies
- [139]ISO 19153:2014, Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model- GeoDRM RM
- [140]ISO 19262:2015, Photography — Archiving systems — Vocabulary
- [141]ISO 19299:2015, Electronic fee collection — Security framework
- [142]ISO/IEC 19762:2016, Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques — Harmonized vocabulary
- [143]ISO 19338:2014, Performance and assessment requirements for design standards on structural concrete
- [144]ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011, Information technology — Service management — Part 1: Service management system requirements
- [145]ISO 20252:2012, Market, opinion and social research- Vocabulary and service requirements
- [146]ISO/TS 20282-2:2013, Usability of consumer products and products for public use — Part 2: Summative test method
- [147]ISO 20998-1:2006, Measurement and characterization of particles by acoustic methods — Part 1: Concepts and procedures in ultrasonic attenuation spectroscopy
- [148]ISO/IEC TR 21000-1:2004, Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21)- Part 1: Vision, Technologies and Strategy
- [149]ISO 21047:2009, Information and documentation — International Standard Text Code (ISTC)
- [150]ISO 21127:2014, Information and documentation — A reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information [CIDOC CRM Conceptual reference model. — See also relevant webpage of the CRM/SIG on this topic]
- [151]ISO 21217:2014, Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM)Architecture
- [152]ISO/TS 21547:2010, Health informatics — Security requirements for archiving of electronic health records — Principles
- [153]ISO 22320:2011, Societal security — Emergency management — Requirements for incident response
- [154]ISO 22742:2010, Packaging — Linear bar code and two-dimensional symbols for product packaging
- [155]ISO 22745-2:2010, Industrial automation systems and integration — Open technical dictionaries and their application to master data — Part 2: Vocabulary
- [156]ISO/TS 22789:2010, Health informatics — Conceptual framework for patient findings and problems in terminologies
- [157]ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016, Information technology — Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) — Part 15: Multimedia preservation application format
- [158]ISO 23081-2:2009, Information and documentation — Managing metadata for records — Part 2: Conceptual and implementation issues
- [159]ISO 23611-6:2012, Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 6: Guidance for the design of sampling programmes with soil invertebrates
- [160]ISO 24511:2007, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
- [161]ISO 24613:2008, Language resource management — Lexical markup framework (LMF)
- [162]ISO 24614-1:2010, Language resource management — Word segmentation of written texts — Part 1: Basic concepts and general principles
- [163]ISO 24619:2011, Language resource management — Persistent identification and sustainable access (PISA)
- [164]ISO/IEC 24727-6:2010, Identification cards — Integrated circuit card programming interfaces — Part 6: Registration authority procedures for the authentication protocols for interoperability
- [165]ISO/IEC 24751-2:2008, Information technology — Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training — Part 2: "Access for all" personal needs and preferences for digital delivery
- [166]ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011, Information technology — Security techniques — A framework for identity
- [167]ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010, Systems and software engineering — Vocabulary
- [168]ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012, Information technology — JPSearch- Part 1: System framework and components
- [169]ISO/IEC 25000:2005, Software Engineering — Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)- Guide to SQuaRE
- [170]ISO/IEC 25012:2008, Software engineering — Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Data quality model
- [171]ISO 25024:2015, Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Measurement of data quality
- [172]ISO/IEC 25062:2006, Software engineering — Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)- Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability test reports
- [173]ISO 25577:2013, Information and documentation — MarcXchange
- [174]ISO 25639-1:2008, Exhibitions, shows, fairs and conventions — Part 1: Vocabulary
- [175]ISO 25964-1:2011, Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies — Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval
- [176]ISO 25964-2:2013, Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies — Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies
- [177]ISO 26324:2012, Information and documentation — Digital object identifier system
- [178]ISO/IEC 26513:2009, Systems and software engineering — Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation
- [179]ISO/IEC 26514:2008, Systems and software engineering — Requirements for designers and developers of user documentation
- [180]ISO 26683-2:2013, Intelligent transport systems — Freight land conveyance content identification and communication — Part 2: Application interface profiles
- [181]ISO/IEC 27000:2016, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Overview and vocabulary
- [182]ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015, Information technology — Security techniques — Network security — Part 1: Overview and concepts
- [183]ISO 27729:2012, Information and documentation — International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)
- [184]ISO 27730:2012, Information and documentation — International Standard Collection Identifier (ISCI)
- [185]ISO/TS 27790:2009, Health informatics — Document registry framework
- [186]ISO/TR 28118:2009, Information and documentation — Performance indicators for national libraries
- [187]ISO 28258:2013, Soil quality — Digital exchange of soil-related data
- [188]ISO 28560-1:2014, Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 1: Data elements and general guidelines for implementation ; Part 2:2014, Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
- [189]ISO/IEC TR 29127:2011, Information technology — System Process and Architecture for Multilingual Semantic Reverse Query Expansion
- [190]ISO/IEC TR 29156:2015, Information technology — Guidance for specifying performance requirements to meet security and usability needs in applications using biometrics
- [191]ISO/IEC TR 29166:2011, Information technology — Document description and processing languages — Guidelines for translation between ISO/IEC 26300 and ISO/IEC 29500 document formats
- [192]ISO 29404:2015, Ships and marine technology — Offshore wind energy — Supply chain information flow
- [193]ISO 29845:2011, Technical product documentation — Document types
- [194]ISO/IEC 29881:2010, Information technology — Systems and software engineering — FiSMA 1.1 Functional size measurement method
- [195]ISO 30300:2011, Information and documentation — Management systems for records — Fundamentals and vocabulary
- [196]IEC 81346-1:2009, Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 1: Basic rules
- [197]IEC 82045-1:2001, Document management — Part 1: Principles and methods
- [198]ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, Standardization and related activities — General vocabulary
- [199]EN 13710:2011, European Ordering Rules — Ordering of characters from Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Georgian and Armenian scripts [EN: European Norm/Standard]
- [200]EN 15744:2009, Film identification — Minimum set of metadata for cinematographic works
- [201]EN 15898-2011, Conservation of cultural property : Main general terms and definitions. - [50 main definitions in en, fr, de]
- [202]EN 15907:2010, Film identification — Enhancing interoperability of metadata — Element sets and structures
- [203]IEEE Std 1220:2005, IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process
- [204]ISAAR (CPF):2003. International Standard Archival Record For Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families. Release 2003. Available at:
- [205]ISAD (G):1999. General International Standard Archival Description. Release 1999. Available at: (G).pdf
- [206]ISBD Consolidated Edition 2011. ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description Consolidated Edition. Release 2011. Available at:
- [207]UNESCO Classification of museums (cfr. 1984 UNESCO/STC/Q/853)
- [208]ANSI/NISOZ39.19-2015 (R2010), Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies (Inactive). Available at:
- [209]ANSI/NISO Z39.43-1993 (R2011). Standard Address Number (SAN) for the Publishing Industry. Available at:
- [210]ANSI/NISO Z39.88. ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004 (R2010) The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services. Available at:
- [211]Allen, C. G.: What in fact does it mean? Some interlinguistic problems in library semantics. - In: Journal of documentation, 34(1978)2, p. 101-109
- [212]Art and Architecture Thesaurus [AAT] / The Getty Art History Program, Toni Petersen, ed. - vol. 1, 2, 3. - 2nd ed. - 658, 1.087, 221 p. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press [OUP], 1994. - Frequently updated, current comprehensive version only online: - [Has large sections also on general "Document types" as well as on "Preservation". Spanish version:; Dutch:; Chinese: Partial versions in French ( and Italian exist, German version upcoming ( ]. - See particularly "Visual and Verbal Communication” (hierarchy name)
- [213]Bookbinding and the preservation of books : A glossary of descriptive terminology / Matt T. Roberts ; Donald Etherington. - Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 1982. 296 p. - Searchable : - Full text :;view=1up;seq=15
- [214]Kuhn, Hilde : Wörterbuch der Handbuchbinderei und der Restaurierung von Einbänden, Papyri, Handschriften, Graphiken, Autographen, Urkunden und Globen in deutscher, englischer, französischer und Italienischer Sprache = Dictionary of bookbinding and restauration … 3rd ed. - Hannover : Schlüter, 1985. - 66 p. - de, en, fr, it. - Czech edition Lubomir Krupka, Praha : Uvaly, 1985
- [215]Madrona Ortega, Javier : Vademécum del conservador : Terminologia applicada a la conservación del patrimonio cultural. - Madrid : Editorial tecnos, 2015. - 635 p.
- [216]DCMI Metadata Terms: [2007-05-21]; [See also ISO 15836:2003 The Dublin Core metadata element set]. - DCMI Glossary: -
- [217]Dictionary of lexicography / R[einhard] R[udolf] K[arl] Hartmann ; Gregory James. - London ; New York : Routledge, 1998. - 176 p. - [ca 2.000 entries; examples; bibliography]
- [218]Multilingual dictionary of technical terms in cartography = Dictionnaire … / International Cartographic Association (ICA), Commission Definition, Classification and Standardization of technical terms …. - Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1973. - LXXXIII, 573 p. - [en, fr, de, ru, es]
- [219]Neumann, Joachim: Encyclopedic dictionary of cartography in 25 languages = Enzyklopädisches … - 2nd ed. - München : Saur, 1997 (Repr. 2011). - 586 p.
- [220]Glossary of terms for the standardization of geographical names = Glossaire … = Glosario = … = … = … / United Nations, Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division, UN Group of Experts on Geographical Names [UNGEGN]. - New York : United Nations, 2002. - 261 p. - Also: - [Contains 375 entries in the 6 UN languages, as opposed to 175 in the precursor document "Glossary 330" : ST/CS/SER.F/ 330/rev.1, July 1986, 112 p. - The first ed. appeared ca. 1984, the 4th revision in 1998. - German edition: "Deutsches Glossar zur toponymischen Terminologie", 2. Ausg. 2002.]
- [221]Preservation and access technology : The relationship between digital and other media conversion processes : A structured glossary of technical terms / M. Stuart Lynn, The Technology Assessment Advisory Committee to the CPA. - Washington, DC : The Commission on Preservation and Access [CPA], 1990. - Printed by Cornell University. - 68 p. - - La relación ..., Caracas 1999. Bilgi ortaminin ... , Ankara 1994. [A structured glossary - the entries embedded in the logical sequence of narrative text - of technical reproduction techniques, of document types, and of document components.]
- [222]WIPO Glossary of terms of the Law of Copyright and Neighboring Rights = OMPI Glossaire … = OMPI Glosario … Geneva : WIPO, 1980. - 281 p. - (WIPO Publ. No. 816 EFS). - ISBN: oo - (265 legal terms or expressions)
- [223]Balkwill, Richard: Multilingual dictionary of copyright, rights and contracts. - London [et al.] : Blueprint, 1995. - 345 p.
- [224]
- [225]Buckland, Michael: What is a ‘document’ ? - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science (ASIS), 48 (1997) 9, p. 804-809
- [226]Challenges in creating a taxonomy of genres of digital documents / B. H. Kwasnik ; Y.-L. Chun ; K. Crowston; et al. - In: Knowledge organization for a global learning society : Proceedings of the 9th International ISKO Conference, 4-7 July 2006 Vienna / edited by … - Würzburg [DE] : Ergon Verlag, 2006. - p. 225-231
- [227]Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources,
- [228]
- [229]Research data alliance,
- [230]W3C Semantic Web,
- [231]International Digital Publishing Forum,
- [232]Describing archives : a content standard [DACS] / Society of American Archivists [SAA], Steven L. Hensen, 2004. - 269 p. - [Supersedes Hensen, APPM Archives, personal papers, ..]
- [233]Dictionary of archival terminology : English and French [definitions]; with equivalents [terms] in Dutch, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish = Dictionnaire … / Peter Walne [ed.], International Council on Archives. - 2nd ed. - München [u.a.] : Saur, 1988. - 212 p. [ca 400 entries]. - (ICA Handbook series; 7). Ataman, Bekir Kemal (Hg.), Arsivcilik terimleri sözlügü = Dictionary of archival terminology. Almanca, ingilizce, fransizca, italyanca, hollandaca, rusça ve ispanyolca kar siliklariyla / AREM, Marmara Üniversitesi, Arsivcilik ve Evrak Yönetimi Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi, Istanbul, Librairie de Péra 1995, XX, 169 S.
- [234]International Council on Archives, "Dictionary of Archival Terminology" (Draft Third Edition/DAT III, 1999)
- [235]ICA Multilingual archival terminology:
- [236]A glossary of archival and records terminology / Richard Pearce-Moses, Society of American Archivists [SAA], 2005. - 433 p. -
- [237]Glossary of records management terms / ARMA [Association of Records Managers and Administrators]. - 3rd ed. - Prairie Village, KS : ARMA International, 2007. - ISBN 978-1-931786-38-6. - [500 entries. 1st ed. 1989]. -
- [238]Hochedlinger, Michael: Aktenkunde : Urkunden- und Aktenlehre der Neuzeit. - Wien : Böhlau; München : Oldenbourg, 2009. - 292 p.
- [239]Kloosterhuis, Jürgen: Amtliche Aktenkunde der Neuzeit : Ein hilfswissenschaftliches Kompendium. In: Archiv für Diplomatik (45) 1999, p. 465 sqq. -
- [240]Meisner, Heinrich Otto: Archivalienkunde. - Leipzig : Köhler & Amelang = Göttingen : Vandenhoek und Ruprecht (Lizenzausgabe), 1969. - 365 p.
- [241]Meisner, Heinrich Otto: Archivarische Berufssprache. In: Archivalische Zeitschrift 42/43 (1934), S. 260-280; 39 (1930), S. 260-273
- [242]Polski slownik archiwalny / Grygier, Tadeusz; Maciejewska, Wanda. - Wydanie 2, reprint. - Warszawa 1993. - (First ed. 1974). - 131 p.
- [243]Rules for archival description [RAD] / prepared under … the Bureau of Canadian Archivists. - Ottawa : The Bureau, [1st ed. 1990], 1992-1998, with amendments up to 2003. - Loose-leaf ed., ca. 300 p. - ISBN 0-9690797-3-7. - Available from Bureau of Canadian Archivists, Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. -
- [244]Swedish / Svensk Standard SS 628010 (1976, 1989, 1995) : Arkivteknik : Terminologi. - Stockholm : SIS.
- [245]Terminologie der Schriftgutverwaltung [Terminology of paperwork management]. - Köln : Bundesverwaltungsamt BBB ; Eschborn [DE] : AWV, 1986. - 30 p.
- [246]Terminologie des Vordruckwesens [Terminology of forms]. - Köln : Bundesverwaltungsamt BBB ; Eschborn [DE] : AWV, 1986. - 40 p.
- [247]Tezaurus archiwistiky / Stanislaw Nawrocki. - Warszawa : Naczelna Dyr. Archiwów Pánstw., 1984. - 97 p.
- [248]Vocabulaire des archives : archivistique et diplomatique contemporaines / Association francaise de normalisation [AFNOR]. - Courbevoie : AFNOR, 1986. - 118 p. - ISBN 978-2-12-4842117. - (Les dossiers de la normalisation ; 9)
- [249]Bognár, Desi K.: International dictionary of broadcasting and film. - 2nd ed. - Boston : Focal Press, 2000. - 316 p. - ISBN 0-240-80376-0
- [250]Ellmore, R. Terry: NTC’s mass media dictionary. - Lincolnwood [UK] : National Textbook Company, 1991. - 668 p. - ISBN 0-8442-3186-X
- [251]Dictionnaire cinéma, audiovisuel, multimédia, réseaux : français - anglais; anglais - français / Georges Pessis; Guitta Pessis Pasternak. - Paris : Eds Dixit, 1997. - 451 p. - ISBN 2-906587-67-2. - 2nd ed.: 2001.
- [252]The FIAF Cataloguing Rules for Film Archives / comp. and edited by Harriet W. Harrison for the FIAF Cataloguing Commission. - München [et al.] : Saur, 1991. - 239 p. - Includes Annex: Glossary -, the FIAF Moving Image Material Cataloging Manual / Natasha Fairbairn, … 2016. -, Glossary of filmographic terms (13 languages). - 2014. - - Glossary of technical terms:
- [253]Glossary of Terms related to the Archiving of Audiovisual Materials / UNESCO, prep. by a WG from the Round Table on Audio-Visual Materials ; Gerald Gibson [LoC], comp. and editor ; Sven Allerstrand [Sveriges Radio], transl. coord. - Draft, unpubl. doc., prel.version pending publication. - Paris : UNESCO [Joie Springer], 29. 8. 2001. - 288 p. - TOPIC&URL_SECTIO URL_SECTION =201.html. - [www keyword search October 2006: "UNESCO glossary audiovisual"]. -
- [254]Lexik ELP : Press, radio and television = Presse écrite et audiovisuelle = prensa ecrita y audiovisual = Presse in Schrift, Bild und Ton / Denise Escarpit; Gisela Pokern; Elena Loyola. - Lorrez-le-Bocage : Elp Éditions, 1975. - 349 p. - ISBN 2-7213-0050-4. - ISSN 0338-6104
- [255]NFTU's film & [and] TV technical terms in English and five Nordic languages = Film- & TV … = = = = = / comp. by the Nordic Film/TV Association. - Stockholm : Proprius, 1983. - 254 p.
- [256]PBCore 2.0 / Corporation for Public broadcasting. - Washington : DC, 2011. -;; - “PBCore is a metadata standard for audiovisual media. It provides a rich set of descriptors for the description of radio and TV programs, in both analog and digital … “
- [257]PLUS [Picture licensing universal system] Glossary of picture licensing. - PLUS Coalition (Cooperative, multi-industry initiative of individuals and organizations (AAP, AIPA, ASPP, MCN, ..)) : Pasadena, CA, USA, 1999 - . - - [Ca. 1.200 entries, covers also many document types]
- [258]Teletalk : A dictionary of broadcasting terms / Peter Jarvis. - Borehamwood : BBC television training, 1991. - 430 p. - ISBN 0-948694-40-8
- [259]Yee, Martha M.: Moving image materials : Genre terms. - Washington, DC : Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 1988. - 108 p.
- [260]Beale, Peter: A dictionary of English manuscript terminology : 1450-2000. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. - 457 p.
- [261]Das Buchwörterbuch : Nachschlagewerk für Büchermacher und Buchliebhaber / Birgit Althaus. - Erftstadt [DE]: Area-Verl., 2004. - 318 p.
- [262]Glaister's glossary of the book : terms used in papermaking, printing, bookbinding and publishing with notes on illuminated manuscripts and private presses / Geoffrey Ashall Glaister. - 2nd ed., compl. rev. - London : Allen and Unwin, 1979. - 551 p.
- [263]Vocabulaire codicologique : répertoire méthodique des termes francais relatifs aux manuscrits / par Denis Muzerelle, Comité international de la paléographie. - Paris : Ed. CEMI, 1985. - 265 p. - (Rubricae ; 3). - [fr only]. - - 2002/3. [fr, en, es, it, ro]. - Italian version: Maniaci: Terminologia …, Milano 1998; Spanish version: Ostos ; Pardo ; Rodriguez: Vocabulario ..., Madrid c1997 ; Romanian version : Adrian Papahagi, Bucaresti 2013; Arab version
- [264]Béguin, André: Dictionnaire de l'estampe = A technical dictionary of print making. - 2 vol. - Paris : Béguin, 2000, 2007. - 340 p. ; 391 p.
- [265]Diccionario de tipografía y del libro / José Martinez de Sousa. - 3rd ed. - Madrid : Ed. Paraninfo, 1992. - 547 p.
- [266]Diccionario del dibujo y la estampa : Vocabulario y tesauro sobre las artes del dibujo, grabado, litografia y serigrafìa / Javier Blas Benito (coord.) .... - Madrid : Real academia de bellas artes de San Fernando, Calcografia nacional, 1996. - 212 p. - [Includes thesaurus i.a. for museum use, and a bibliography]
- [267]Elsevier's dictionary of the printing and allied industries : In 6 languages en, fr, de, nl, es, it / Wijnekus, Franciscus J. M.. - 2nd., rev. and enl. ed. - Amsterdam [et al.] : Elsevier, 1983, XXXVI, 1.025 p.
- [268]An English-Chinese glossary of printmaking terms / David Barker. - [Belfast] : University of Ulster, 1995. - 344 p.
- [269]Fachwörterbuch für Papier- und Drucktechnik = Dictionary of paper and printing technology / Irmgard Normann ; Manhart Schlegel. - Frankfurt / Main : Deutscher Fachverlag, 2009. - 474 p.
- [270]Graphic arts vocabulary = Vocabulaire des industries graphiques / Joint project … = Projet conjoint …, Line Paradis, Translation Bureau …. - Ottawa ; [Hull] : Minister of Supply and Services Canada = Ministre …, 1993. - 573 p. - (Terminology Bulletin = Bulletin de terminologie; 210)
- [271]Hertzberger, Menno: Dictionnaire à l'usage de la librairie ancienne … = Dictionary for the antiquarian booktrade … - Paris : Ligue internationale de la librairie ancienne, 1956. - 190 p. - [8 languages]
- [272]Müller, Wolfgang: Dictionary of the graphic arts industry : in 8 languages. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier, 1981. 1.020 p.
- [273]Peacock, John: Multilingual dictionary of printing and publishing terms : English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish. - London [u.a.] : Blueprint, 1993. - 243 p.
- [274]Rambousek, Antonin ; Pesek, Antonin: Dictionary of printing terms = Polygrafický slovnik. - 2 vyd., oprav. - Praha : SNTL, 1976. - 654 p. - en, cz, de, ru, nl, it
- [275]Slovar' poligraficeskich terminov : 4.005 terminov na anglijskom, nemeckom, russkom, gollandskom, ital'janskom jazykach. - Moskva : Kontinent Press, 1995. - 606 p.
- [276]Genre terms : A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing / Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). - Chicago, 1991. - 78 p - - Binding terms : A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing / Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). - Chicago, 1988. - 37 p. - - Type evidence : A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing / Association of College and research Libraries (ACRL). - Chicago, 1990. - 19 p. - - Paper terms : A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing / Association of College and research Libraries (ACRL). - Chicago, 1991. - 41 p. - - Provenance evidence : A thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing / Association of College and research Libraries (ACRL). - Chicago, 1991. - 19 p -
- [277]Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA) / Art Information Task Force ; The Getty Research Institute (GRI) ; Visual Resources Association (VRA) ; Mellon Foundation/ArtSTOR; ed. by Murtha Baca ... - First published Visual Resources vol. 11, No. 3-4, 1996, p. 241-436. - - Short version: CDWALite. -
- [278]Data dictionary : humanities; Data dictionary : natural sciences, of the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) / National Museums of Canada, Documentation Research Group, Steven H. Delroy … - Photomech. reproduction. - [Ottawa : National Museums of Canada ; CHIN], 1986-06, 1985-03. - 240 p., 196 p. - ; ;
- [279]Dictionarium museologicum. - Budapest : Esperanto Association, 1986. - 774 p.
- [280]A glossary for recording the condition of an artefact / National Inventory project, Deborah F. Jewett. - Ottawa : National Inventory Program ; [Canadian Heritage Information Network CHIN], 1991. - [no pag., ca. 100 p.]
- [281]Lexique de muséologie = Glossary of museology / Jean Blanchet … Ottawa : Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1989. - 263 p. - (Bulletin de terminologie ; 188)
- [282]Marburger Informations-, Dokumentations- und Administrations-System (MIDAS) : Handbuch [und] DV-Anleitung / hrsg. vom Bildarchiv Foto Marburg Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte. - 3.Aufl.- München [u.a.]. : Saur, 1989. - 2 Bde., 560, 246 p. - (Literatur und Archiv; 4). - - [A collection of several thousand possible data elements for art historic documentation. 2001 appeared the much shortened 4th ed. (282 p.), with a CD.]
- [283]Museumwise : workplace words defined / comp. and ed. by Paisley S. Cato, … Washington : Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, c2003. - 381 p.
- [284]NARCISSE Network of Art Research Computer Image Systems in Europe ; Système documentaire des peintures et enluminures = Sistema … = Inventarisierung von Malerei und Buchmalerei … & "CDROM NARCISSE Glossaire multilingue = Glossário … / Datenbank Schweizer Kulturgüter DSK ; DMF [Direction de musées de France] Paris ; Rathgen-Labor Staatliche Museen zu Berlin SMB ;
- Commission des Communautés Européennes, DG XIII Luxembourg. - Lisboa : Arquivos nacionals, Torre de tombo [AN/TT LRMF], 1993. - [French, German, Portuguese (English, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Catalan added in vol. 2) normalised vocabulary for 39 data fields.] - 353 p., ISBN 972-8107-07-2 & 278 p., ISBN 972-8107-00-5. - [Digital version is being prepared, 2011-05]
data publishing[modifier]
- process whereby data ( are subjected to an assessment process to determine whether they should be acquired by a repository (; followed by a rigorous acquisition ( and ingest process that results in products being publicly made available and supported for the long-term by that repository
- Note 1 to entry: See also publishing (
- (
data quality[modifier]
- degree to which the characteristics ( of data ( satisfy stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 25012:2008, definition 4.3]
- (
data registration[modifier]
- process following data ( ( by which data is identified as a unit for subsequent access ( and processing
- Note 1 to entry: The result of data registration is a form of processed data that may be called registered data (
- Note 2 to entry: See also “registration” (
- (
data repository[modifier]
- data bank
- set ( of files (1) <document(s)> ( or databases ( combined with a storage (1) <placement> ( (, a processing system and a retrieval system (
- (
data security[modifier]
- result of the data protection ( measures taken to guarantee data integrity (
- (
data store[modifier]
- organized and persistent collection (2) <gathering> ( of data ( and information ( that allows for its retrieval (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15939:2007, definition 2.6]
- (
data subject[modifier]
- individual about whom personal data ( are recorded (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “personal data” ( and ISO/TS 27790:2009, definition 3.31 (“identifiable person”).
- (
data transformation[modifier]
- process which creates new data ( from an original source
- The process of migrating into a different format, or by creating a subset, by selection or query, to create newly derived results, such as for publication (
- (
data type[modifier]
- class ( of data (, characterized by the members of the class and the operations that can be applied to them
- (
data user[modifier]
- person or organization ( authorized to exploit data (
- (
data, pl[modifier]
- reinterpretable representation of information ( in a formalized manner suitable for communication (, interpretation, or processing
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015(en), 2121272]
- Note 1 to entry: Data are often understood as taking the form of a set ( of values of qualitative or quantitative variables.
- (
- collection of machine-readable information ( organized so that it can be easily accessed (, managed and updated
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.22]
- (
date of acceptance[modifier]
- date on which a manuscript (2) <dissemination manuscript> ( is accepted for publishing ( by the responsible editor (
- Note 1 to entry: This is particularly relevant for original articles in science publishing. Acceptance does not preclude further ameliorations of the manuscript to be asked from the author before ultimate publication
- (
date of publication[modifier]
- date on which a work ( is published (
- Note 1 to entry: Particularly relevant in science publishing.
- (
date of submission[modifier]
- date on which a manuscript (2) <dissemination manuscript> ( proposed for publishing ( reaches the editor’s ( office
- Note 1 to entry: This is particularly relevant for original articles in science publishing. In case of dispute or doubt, the date of submission may be taken to be the priority date of the scientific discovery that can be claimed.
- (
- Dewey Decimal Classification
- decimal library classification ( established by Melvil Dewey, first published in 1876, today in its 24th edition (2) <identical documents> ( and in wide-spread library ( use
- Note 1 to entry: See also “UDC” (
- (
de-accession register[modifier]
- discards register
- record (1) <document> ( of all documents ( or other material objects ( eliminated from a collection (2) <gathering> ( or an accumulation ( during a specific period of time
- (
- process of formally removing a document ( from a collection (2) <gathering> ( or an accumulation (
- (
- conservation ( measure of raising the pH value ( of a material object ( by means of substances of an alkaline nature
- (
dead file[modifier]
- acquisition ( (2) <set of data> ( containing information ( on documents ( ordered or requested but never received
- (
- removal of restriction(s) on access ( to classified data (
- (
deep web[modifier]
- part of the internet ( which cannot be crawled ( and indexed ( by search engines (, notably consisting of resources which are dynamically generated or password ( protected
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.16]
- (
- representation of a concept ( by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts (
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.3.1]
- (
- conservation ( measure of removing water vapour from air to reduce relative humidity
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 16344:2012, definition 2.1.32, modified]
- (
delamination (1)[modifier]
- <damage> separation of layers of a laminate by physical or chemical causes, unintentionally due to a failure ( of the adhesive ( or laminate
- Note 1 to entry: This may include the inadvertent delamination (1) <damage> of a document ( which has been subject to conservation ( treatment by lamination (
delamination (2)[modifier]
- <conservation measure> conservation ( measure of removing lamination ( material by physical or chemical means
- Note 1 to entry: See also delamination (1) <damage> (
- (
delivery note[modifier]
- delivery slip
- bill of delivery
- trade document ( accompanying the delivery of goods ordered stating their designation(s) (, quantity, date and reference of ordering and possibly short further information (
- (
- name ( for the residents of a locality
- (
department archives[modifier]
- archives (1) <organization> ( of a government department or administrative agency, institution or organization (
- Note 1 to entry: The same basic definition applies to terms using other names of types of organizations, such as “hospital archives”.
- (
departmental records office[modifier]
- part of an organization ( managing current records ( or semicurrent records ( in their office of origin (
- Note 1 to entry: Departmental records offices also fulfill partial functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
- relationship ( between two modelling elements (, in which a change to one modelling element (the independent element) will affect the other modelling element (the dependent element)
- [SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015 definition 4.15]
- (
dependent claim[modifier]
- claim ( relating to a previous claim and restricting and clarifying the scope of that previous claim
- (
dependent title[modifier]
- title ( that by itself is insufficient to identify a resource and that requires the addition of the common title (, or the title of the main resource or the title of the main series (1) <group of resources> (
- Section titles, some titles of individual sheets (1) <piece> of a map ( (1), some supplement titles, some titles of monographic subseries (, and the titles of some parts of a multipart monographic resource.
- [SOURCE: ISBD Consolidated Edition 2011, Appendix E]
- (
- DEPRECATED: permanent loan
- transfer (2) <activity> ( of documents ( to an information and documentation organization ( without change of ownership or legal title
- Note 1 to entry: The term also denotes the documents acquired by such a transfer.
- Note 2 to entry: See also “revocably entrusted fonds” (; “living legacy” (
- (
deposit library[modifier]
- library ( in which documents ( are deposited ( under certain conditions
- (
deprecated term[modifier]
- term ( rated as undesired according to the scale of a term acceptability rating
- (
depth indexing[modifier]
- indexing ( method where several or all parts of a document ( are indexed, involving the use of a relatively high number of index terms (
- (
derived document[modifier]
- derivation
- distinctive work ( made predominantly out of material from another work or works
- [SOURCE: ISO 21047:2009, definition 3.6, modified]
derived indexing[modifier]
- indexing ( method where the index terms ( are taken from the document (
- (
description (2)[modifier]
- <part of patent> document ( part giving a full and clear account of an invention ( indicating for documentation (1) <activity> ( purposes the object of the invention and the content of the patent specification (
- Note 1 to entry: See also description (1) <activity> (
- (
descriptive entry[modifier]
- bibliographic entry ( with a detailed description (1) <activity> ( of a document (
- (
descriptive metadata[modifier]
- metadata ( that describes a resource for purposes like discovery and identification (, such as creator (, title (, and subject
- Note 1 to entry: descriptive metadata is created by a process, usually from users of describing and naming data.
- [SOURCE:, modified]
- Note 2 to entry: See also “cataloguing” (; and ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.17.
- (
descriptive title[modifier]
- long and wordy title ( especially in early modern books (1) <intellectual work> ( being text ( that sums up to nearly a full abstract ( or table of contents (, describing the entire contents, intentions and benefits of the work (
- (3.8 Content analysis and content description)
- (3.8.1 General concepts)
- (
desiderata, pl[modifier]
- documents ( sought by a library ( at the request (2) <user demand> ( of a specific user
- (
design document[modifier]
- record of a design
- (
- representation of a concept ( by a sign ( which denotes it
- Note 1 to entry: In terminology work, three types of designations are distinguished: symbols (, terms ( and names (
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.4.1]
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 21127:2014, class “E 41”.
- (
- process of eliminating or deleting documents ( or other material objects (, beyond any possible reconstruction (
- [SOURCE: ISO 15489-1:2016, definition 3.7, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 21127:2014, class «E 6».
- (
- gradual degradation and possible ultimate destruction ( of materials arising from inherent damaging ( ( or interaction with environmental influences
- (
- modifying mark near or through a character ( indicating a phonetic value different from that given the unmarked character
- [SOURCE: ISO 9241-302:2008, definition 3.4.5]
- (
- document ( containing a daily written ( record of experiences or observations
- Note 1 to entry: A “personal diary” contains mostly the personal experiences or observations of a private individual.
- (
diazo printing[modifier]
- inkless photochemical process using substrates, coated with non-silver light sensitive compounds, and exposed by ultraviolet illumination through transparencies of image ( areas, that are developed either by heat or by ammonia vapours
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 11]
- (
- reference work ( consisting of individual entries ( in alphabetical or systematic order (
- Dictionary of film titles; dictionary of artist’s names; language dictionary (
- Note 1 to entry: For “dictionary” in a data processing sense, see also ISO/IEC 10180:1995, definition 3.28; ISO/TS 13584-35:2010, definition 3.10; ISO 14289-1:2014, definition 3.3; ISO/IEC 15944-7:2009, definition 3.5; ISO 19005-1:2005; definition 3.3; ISO 22745-2:2010, definition 17.1.
- (
dictionary catalogue[modifier]
- catalogue where subject entries (, preferably taken from a list ( of subject headings ( or an authority file (, are merged or interfiled with author ( and title ( ( into one controlled alphabetical sequence
- Note 1 to entry: Most often a catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
- numeral ( that can alone or combined with others be used to write numbers (, and that cannot itself be split into other numerals
- Note 1 to entry: The digits of the decimal number system are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and those in the hexadecimal number system are those in the decimal system along with A, B, C, D, E and F.
- (
digital collection[modifier]
- collection (2) <gathering> ( formed by a collection process on existing data ( and data sets ( where the collected data is in digital form
- A complex Digital Object such as a Digital Research Object may be an example of a digital collection.
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18461, definition 2.5.13.
- (
digital data[modifier]
- data ( in the form of a structured sequence of bits/bytes that represents information ( content
- [SOURCE:, modified]
- ( Types of metadata)
- (
digital document[modifier]
- information ( unit with a defined content that has been digitized or was originally produced in digital form
- Note 1 to entry: This includes e-books, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other documents when in digital form, e.g. reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
- Note 2 to entry: A digital document can be structured into one or more files (
- Note 3 to entry: A digital document consists of one or more content units.
- [SOURCE: ISO 9707:2008, definition 2.8; ISO 2789:2013, definition 3.2.12]
- (
digital fingerprint[modifier]
- marker in the form of a bit sequence generated from a digital document ( using an algorithm that uniquely identifies the original document (
- [SOURCE: ISO 14641-1:2012, definition 3.15, modified; ISO/IEC TR 21000-11:2004, definition 2.1.2]
- (
digital library[modifier]
- electronic library
- library ( that provides services ( associated with digital resources ( or those aspects of library ( services that have a large digital component
- (
digital library document[modifier]
- information ( unit with a defined content, born digital ( or a digitized document (, that has been created or digitized by the library ( or acquired ( in digital form as part of the library ( (2) <gathering> (
- Note 1 to entry: This includes e-books, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g. reports, cartographic and music documents, preprintsc. Databases and, for library statistics purposes, electronic serials are excluded.
- Note 2 to entry: A digital library document can be structured into one or more files (
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.13, modified]
- (
Digital Object Identifier[modifier]
- standardized ( ( for identifying a physical, digital, or abstract object ( and providing persistent resolution to the object or information ( about it
- Note 1 to entry: DOI is specified in ISO 26324.
- (
digital preservation[modifier]
- digital storage (2) <preservation> (, maintenance of, and access ( to a digital object ( over a long time, usually as a consequence of applying one or more preservation ( strategies
- [SOURCE: ISO/TS 21547:2010, definition 3.1.7, modified]
- (
digital resource[modifier]
- resource that can be transmitted over and/or accessed via an information ( technology system (
- Note 1 to entry: A digital resource may be referenced via an unambiguous and stable identifier ( in a recognized identification system (e.g. ISBN, ISAN, UPC/EAN, URI).
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 24751-2:2008, definition 3.13, modified]
- (
Digital Rights Management[modifier]
- digital technology that is separate to the product form of a specific digital publication ( and which is used to control access ( to content
- Note 1 to entry: Different settings may be applied within the DRM software ( to enforce usage constraints or enable particular additional features.
- Note 2 to entry: A single edition (2) <identical documents> ( of a publication may be made available through different vendors who each apply a different DRM software ( and/or differing usage constraints.
- Note 3 to entry: “Social” DRM denotes a particular type of DRM in which credentials about the customer are recorded in the product using digital watermarking ( technology but which does not intrude on the user’s experience.
- [SOURCE: ISO 28560-1:2014, definition 3.4, modified]
- Note 4 to entry: See also ISO 19153:2014, definition 4.12.
- (3.13.2 Literary, artistic and industrial property)
- (
digital watermark[modifier]
- marker in the form of a bit sequence covertly embedded in a signal ( such as audio or image ( ( and typically used to identify ownership of the copyright ( of such signal
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC TR 21000-11:2004, definition 2.1.10; ISO/IEC 15444-8:2007, definitions 3.28 and 3.28.1.
- (
digitization (1)[modifier]
- <conversion process> process of converting analogue materials into digital form
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.15]
- Note 1 to entry: See also digitization (2) (
- (
digitization (2)[modifier]
- <generating process> act of generating a digital representation of a continuous signal (
- [SOURCE: ISO 20998-1:2006, definition 2.7]
- Note 1 to entry: See also digitization (1) (
- (
digitized document[modifier]
- document ( whose contents and/or appearance has been, through digital scanning techniques, transferred/converted into digital form
- (
- compound character ( that is represented graphically by a single character or ligature formed from the component single characters
- A digraph may be used to obtain the special characters necessary to show digraphs for ae and oe.
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 9544:1988, definition 3.109, modified]
- (
dimensional stability[modifier]
- ability of a material or material object ( to retain its dimensions and its shape despite the effects of processing, environment, aging ( and use
- (
diploma (1)[modifier]
- <charter> charter issued by a sovereign
- Note 1 to entry: See also diploma (2) <formal document> (
- (
diploma (2)[modifier]
- <formal document> formal legal document ( conferring some honour, degree, privilege or licence (
- Note 1 to entry: See also diploma (1) <charter> (
- (
direct access[modifier]
- random access
- capability to obtain data ( from a storage (1) <placement> ( device, or to enter data into a storage device, in a sequence independent from their relative position, by means of addresses indicating the physical position of the data
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2125564]
- (
direct printing[modifier]
- image ( transfer from an image carrier ( to a substrate
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 13]
- (
direct storage[modifier]
- ordered ( (1) <placement> ( of documents ( according to a storage plan (
- (
director’s cut[modifier]
- re-edition ( of a cinematographic film ( containing sequences which the film director ( approved but which were removed before first publication ( of the film
- (
- document (, arranged in alphabetical, chronological or systematic order (, which gives itemized information ( for the identification ( or location of persons, objects (, organizations ( or places
- Note 1 to entry: See also “guide” (; ISO/TS 21547:2010, definition 3.1.8.
- (
disaster control plan[modifier]
- disaster recovery plan
- document ( giving an organized scheme of procedures for preventing, limiting the effects of, and facilitating recovery from natural or man-made disasters
- (3.11.4 Types of use)
- (
- disk, US
- data medium ( in flat circular form on which the information ( is impressed or compressed on the surface and from which it can be recovered by special devices
- (
- text ( notice stating that the undertaking of certain actions is at the own responsibility of those undertaking them or, in a document (, that those legally responsible for it do not accept responsibility for certain views possibly expressed in it, or for a later use of it
- (
- providing access ( to data ( to a third party (
- (
- list ( or retrieval system ( allowing access ( to data ( which describe ( and uniquely identify gramophone records (
- Note 1 to entry: Special types of discographies do focus on a certain artist, genre, time period or production company.
- (
- discoloration, US
- change in the tint or quality ( of a colour (
- (
- conservation ( measure of eliminating harmful micro-organisms (
- (
- conservation ( measure of eliminating insects, small rodents and other pests
- (
disjunct classification[modifier]
- classification system ( where each unit of description can only be a member of one class (
- (
- floppy disc
- portable magnetic disc ( of flexible material and standardized size for storage (1) <placement> ( of digital data ( which are produced on a computer
- (
- rendering of data ( in a form directly interpretable by a human
- [SOURCE: ISO 10324:1997, definition 3.21]
- (
- disposal
- range of processes associated with implementing records (1) <document(s)> ( retention, destruction ( or transfer (2) <activity> ( decisions which are documented (1) <activity> ( in disposition authorities or other instruments
- [SOURCE: ISO 15489-1:2016, definition 3.8]
- (
distinctive title of manifestation[modifier]
- title ( as given on a manifestation (, including any set ( or series (2) <records series> ( title and enumeration within a set that is necessary to make it distinctive
- [SOURCE: ISO 21047:2009 D.2]
- (
divisional application[modifier]
- patent application ( resulting from dividing an application into several parts because it covers more than one invention (
- ( Parts of industrial property titles)
- (
- recorded information ( or material object ( which can be treated as a unit in a documentation ( process
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.15; ISO 11005:2010, definition 3.1; ISO 15489-1:2016, definition 3.10; IEC 82045-1:2001, definition 3.2.3; ISO 9000:2015, definition 3.7.2.
- Note 2 to entry: This definition refers not only to written and printed materials in paper or microform versions (for example, conventional books, journals, diagrams, maps), but also to non-printed media such as machine-readable and digitized records, Internet and intranet resources, films, sound recordings, people and organizations as knowledge resources, buildings, sites, monuments, three-dimensional objects or realia; and to collections of such items or parts of such items. (Note taken from ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.15.) Also, software (, since recorded (, can be considered a document.
- Note 3 to entry: Documents often are the manifestations ( of works ( can differ extensively in form and characteristics.
- Note 4 to entry: In some professional usage, documents are sometimes referred to as “medium”, “title” (, Note 1 to entry) or “item”.
- (
document consultation frequency[modifier]
- numerical quantity indicating how often a document ( was used in a specified period of time
- (
document delivery service[modifier]
- document supply service
- supply of a copy (1) <copy original> ( or a copy (2) <reproduction> ( of a document ( which is retained by the information user (, as opposed to the supply of a loan ( (3) <exemplar> (
- Note 1 to entry: Document delivery services also include the purchase of photocopies (, usually of journal (2) ( (, from suppliers.
- (
document delivery time[modifier]
- extent of time required to satisfy a single document ( (2) <user demand> ( of an information user (
- (
document description[modifier]
- description (1)
- operations, or results thereof, including capturing, analysing, organizing and recording of data ( on documents ( in order to ensure their identification ( and control
- Note 1 to entry: Document description also refers to the products of the process.
- Note 2 to entry: See also description (2) <part of patent> (; content description (; cataloguing (
- (
document estate[modifier]
- literary estate (1)
- literary remains
- personal estate ( or part of it that consists of the work documents ( created by the deceased person but not published ( during lifetime, as well as of any documents [exclusive of formal legal personal documents ( (] received by the deceased person
- Note 1 to entry: See also literary estate (2) <verbal works> (
- (
document exposure[modifier]
- period of time one single document ( is consulted by an information user (
- (
document retrieval[modifier]
- process of recovering specific documents ( from a storage (1) <placement> ( place
- (
document type[modifier]
- class ( of documents ( ( by a specific materiality, purpose or type of content
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC TR 29166:2011, definition 3.3, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “general material designation” (, “specific material designation” (; “special collection” (; ISO 10209:2012, definition 11.58; ISO 29845:2011, definition 3.1.3; ISAD (G) 1999 (“form”).
- (
documentary film[modifier]
- motion picture ( documenting some aspect of reality
- (
documentary photo[modifier]
- photograph ( showing an individual material object (, a person or an event or a group of such, preferably static and in best detail possible, for the purpose of documenting the state of these at a given moment, allowing identification ( of as much detail as possible, and intended for later study and reference
- A photograph of a museum object.
- (
documentation (1)[modifier]
- <activity> continuous and systematic compilation and processing of recorded information ( for the purpose of storage (1) <placement> (, classifying (, retrieval (, utilization (, or transmission
- Note 1 to entry: See also documentation (2) <collection> (
- (
documentation (2)[modifier]
- <collection> collection (2) <gathering> (, on one specific subject or theme, of separate pieces of information ( or of separate documents ( put together, for demonstrating or proving, to serve a specific goal or occasion and related to a given subject
- [SOURCE: ISO 29845:2011, definition 3.1, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “documentation (1) <activity>” (; “file (2)” <unit of documents> (; record(s) (1) <documents> (
- (3.6.2 Collection planning, development and acquisition)
- ( Collection planning and development)
- (
documentation centre[modifier]
- information and documentation organization ( carrying out documentation (1) <activity> ( functions
- (
- study of the nature, production, history, dissemination ( and use of documents ( of all kinds
- (
- deformation in the form of having the corner of a leaf ( turned down as a result of a manufacturing fault, deliberate action, or wear and tear (
- (
- distinct area of human knowledge (
- (
domain name[modifier]
- identification ( ( that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control on the internet (, defined by the rules and procedures of the domain ( ( ( (DNS)
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.18]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “internet domain” (
- (
- gift
- acquisition ( without monetary consideration but with change of ownership and legal title
- (
- case papers
- case file
- file (2) <unit of documents> ( or file (1) <set of records> ( relating to a specific action, event, person, place, project, or similar subject
- (
- regrading ( by reducing the level of protection of classified data (
- (
- preliminary version ( of a document (
- (
- picture ( made with a solid mineral substance or a pointed tool, or created on a computer
- Note 1 to entry: See also mock-up (
- (
- hodonym
- name ( of a pathway / travelway
- (
dry cleaning[modifier]
- cleaning ( using an erasing substance
- (
dry mounting[modifier]
- mounting ( in which attachment is effected by a non-liquid adhesive ( activated by heat and pressure
- (
dry point[modifier]
- print ( from a plate of metal, the printing (1) <technical process> ( areas of which have been scratched with a steel point
- (
- toponym ( designating areas of a landscape which have been shaped by cultivation
- Fields; meadows; parks.
- (
- provision of the oral language ( ( of a film, superimposed over the original spoken text, in the language of the intended audience of a film whose original spoken-language version ( is different
- Note 1 to entry: See also subtitling (; translation (1) <activity> (
- (
Dublin Core metadata[modifier]
- DC
- set ( of 15 basic metadata ( ( and associated attributes for resource description ( in cross-disciplinary environments
- Note 1 to entry: DC is specified in the International Standard ISO 15836.
- (
- parchment ( used for some religious writings in Judaism
- (
- placeholder
- material object ( usually with text ( or symbols ( on it and which is inserted at, or near, the place where another material object or a document ( is normally stored when these have been removed
- (
- copy ( from a source data medium ( to a destination data medium that has the same physical form
- To copy a file from a magnetic tape to another magnetic tape.
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2122158]
- (
- copy (3) <exemplar> ( of a document ( already in a collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
duplicate publishing[modifier]
- redundant publishing
- re-use of one's own previous relevant publication ( or part of it as a new one without revealing its original identity
- Note 1 to entry: This can constitute fraud when it infringes on the novelty of a work assumed by the people reviewing ( it
- (
- ability of a material to resist repeated wear and tear ( over long periods of time
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 11798:1999, definition 3.3; ISO 6707-1:2014, definition 9.3.82; ISO 11108:1996, definition 3.3; EN 15898:2011, definition 3.3.4. “durability “ and “permanence” ( should not be confused.
- (
durable paper[modifier]
- paper (1) <material> ( which meets the requirements for durability ( under specified conditions of tests
- (
dust retention[modifier]
- property ( of a surface to attract and retain dust
- (
- Digital Video Disc
- optical storage (1) <placement> ( ( of the same size as a compact disc (, but with significantly greater recording capacity
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.18]
- Note 1 to entry: DVD is also understood as “Digital Versatile Disc” (see ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.54).
- (
- natural or synthetic substance which gives the requisite colour ( to a data medium ( or carrier ( by impregnation (
- (
dynamic data[modifier]
- data ( the content of which is changing frequently and at asynchronous moments
- Note 1 to entry: Dynamic data can have various flavours. It can be data streams that are generated by sensors when it is unpredictable when data segments will appear in time, i.e. data streams have gaps. It also can be data streams that are generated by humans in crowd sourcing scenarios where it is not clear when which cell in a database will be filled.
- [SOURCE: Peter Wittenburg Draft Document on Core Vocabulary.]
- (
- museum ( which is managed by local communities and aims to showcase and protect important elements ( of an area’s cultural and natural heritage
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.6]
- (
economic rights, pl[modifier]
- author’s rights ( which confer to the author ( a monopoly of the exploitation of an intellectual work ( for monetary profit
- (
edited volume[modifier]
- contributed volume
- collection (1) <monographic document> ( of original works ( in the form of scholarly or scientific chapters ( written by different authors (
- Note 1 to entry: The chapters in an edited volume are original works (not republished works).
- (
- process of reviewing a document ( such as a manuscript (2) <dissemination manuscript> ( or data ( ( and making necessary modifications such as correcting, condensing or adapting the content
- Note 1 to entry: See also “editor” (; “data editing” (ISO 20252:2012, definition 2.17).
- (
edition (1)[modifier]
- <exemplars> all copies (3) <exemplar> ( of the same product line of a type of material object (
edition (2)[modifier]
- <identical documents> all manifestations ( of a publication ( embodying essentially the same content
- Note 1 to entry: A single edition (2) <identical documents> of a publication may be published in multiple product forms. It may be the edition (2) <identical documents> of a monographic resource ( or of one of the issues ( of a serial publication (
- organization ( or person responsible for the preparation for publication ( of a document ( from the point of view of its intellectual content
- [SOURCE: ISO 1086:1991, definition 3.8]
- (
- shorter written text ( usually placed in the beginning of an issue ( of a journal (2) <specialized journal> ( expressing views of those responsible for the publication ( and relating to a current topic (, to the contents of the issue or to policies followed by the journal (2) <specialized journal>
- Note 1 to entry: See also “leading article” (
- (
editorial department[modifier]
- organization ( or part of an organization in which people create or arrange the editorial content of a newspaper ( or a reference work (
- Note 1 to entry: Editorial departments also fulfill partial functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
editorial system[modifier]
- IT tool or configuration of IT tools that supports the work of editors ( and of editing (
- (
- measure of the degree to which given objectives are achieved
- Note 1 to entry: An activity is effective if it maximizes the results it was established to produce.
- [SOURCE: ISO 11620:2014, definition 3.15]
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 27000:2016, definition 2.24.
- (
- measure of the utilization of resources to realize a given objective
- Note 1 to entry: An activity is efficient if it minimizes the use of resources, or produces better performance with the same resources.
- [SOURCE: ISO 11620:2014, definition 3.16]
- (
- ability of a material to return to its former shape without damage ( after stretching
- (
electronic book[modifier]
- e-book
- non-serial ( document (, licensed ( or not, where searchable text ( is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a print ( (2) <stack of leaves> ( [monograph (]
- Note 1 to entry: The use of e-books is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing software (
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.19]
- Note 2 to entry: See also “electronic journal” ( and “talking book” (
- (
electronic delivery[modifier]
- electronic delivery service
- delivery of an electronic representation of a document ( via a digital network
- [SOURCE: ISO 10161-1:2014, definition 3.6.47, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also “virtual exhibition” (
- (3.5.7 Parts of documents used in the bibliographic description)
- (
electronic journal[modifier]
- e-journal
- serial ( document (, licensed ( or not, where searchable text ( is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a print ( publication (
- Note 1 to entry: The use of e-journals is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing software (
- Note 2 to entry: See also “electronic book” (
- (3.3.4 Processes in the intellectual production of documents)
- (
electronic mail (1)[modifier]
- e-mail (1)
- <document> document(s) ( forming correspondence in the form of messages ( transmitted over a computer network
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121398, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also electronic mail (2) <service> (; letter (2) <document> (
- (
electronic mail (2)[modifier]
- e-mail (2)
- <service> electronic service ( to compose, store (, retrieve (, and transmit messages ( among subscribers
- Note 1 to entry: See also electronic mail (1) <document> (
- (
electronic publication[modifier]
- bundled collection of information resources ( that can be reliably and predictably ingested by an EPUB Reading System in order to render its contents to a user
- [SOURCE: EPUB 3, 1.2 Roadmap., modified]
- (
electronic record[modifier]
- machine-readable record
- record (2) <set of data> ( stored in a machine-readable medium (
- (
electronic resource[modifier]
- resource which can be stored in the form of electrical signals (, usually on a computer
- (
- object ( constituting part of a set (
- Note 1 to entry: elements may be concepts (
- (
elemental class[modifier]
- simple class ( which represents one type of object ( defined by only one characteristic (
- Respiration; animals of the sea shore.
- (
- change in the property ( of a material from flexibility ( to brittleness (
- (
- making available to an audience documents ( or messages ( through telecommunication ( via radio frequencies and over the internet (
- (
empirical knowledge[modifier]
- knowledge ( gained through observation, including experiments and test series, of material phenomena, their interrelations, and their behaviour
- (
- recreation of the functionality and behaviour of an obsolete digital system (, using software ( (called emulator) on current computer systems
- Note 1 to entry: Emulation is a key digital preservation ( strategy.
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.20, modified]
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121383; ISO 13008:2012, definition 3.8; ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.20.
- (3.12.2 Properties of materials relevant to preservation)
- (
- conservation ( measure of sealing a material object ( between layers of inert transparent material without adhesion of the material object itself to the layers
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.62.
- (
encapsulation mounting[modifier]
- mounting ( in two parts, involving a data medium ( and a second, upper layer of material with an opening through which the document ( or part of it may be seen
- (
- process of how the elements ( of a syntax are represented using an identified character ( (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15474-1:2002, definition 4.2, modified]
- (
- reference work ( synthesizing knowledge ( on all subjects or a group of subjects, arranged alphabetically or systematically, and usually consisting of extended articles (
- (
end titles[modifier]
- trailer (3)
- <cast list> list ( of a film cast, particularly the names ( of all persons acting in a film, of credits for all persons or organizations ( contributing in any way to its intellectual and technical realisation, and of music ( played or sceneries filmed, all of this shown at the end of a cinematographic film ( or TV film (
- Note 1 to entry: See also trailer (1) <self-contained filmstrip> (, trailer (2) <opening sequence of a film> (
- (
end user[modifier]
- information user ( utilizing the end results of specific searches conducted by information services ( to satisfy his or her own information needs (
- Note 1 to entry: The end user does not necessarily use the information system hands-on.
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 25000:2014, definition 4.7, modified]
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 21000-1:2004, definition 2.3).
- (
- note (1) <separate explanatory text> ( at the end of the text ( to which it belongs
- (
- toponym (, name ( of an ethnic group or of a natural language ( as given and used by the ethnic group or by the natural language itself to whom it pertains
- (
- note (, title (, signature (1) <autograph> (, etc. written on the reverse side of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also vidimus (
- (
- end paper
- folded leaf ( of paper (1) <material> ( attached to the book block (, the outer page ( of which is affixed by adhesive ( to the inner side of the board (2) <cover> ( when the volume ( is cased-in (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 14416:2003, definition 3.12; ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.10; and ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.4.6.
- (
engraving (1)[modifier]
- <intaglio print> print ( made from any kind of intaglio plate, whether engraved with hand-tools or a machine, or etched with acid, so that the printing (1) <technical process> ( areas are lower than the non-printing areas
- Note 1 to entry: See also engraving (2) <steel print> (
- (
engraving (2)[modifier]
- <steel print> print ( from a plate of steel, the printing (1) <technical process> ( areas of which have been cut with tools so that they are lower than the non-printing areas
- Note 1 to entry: Engraving (2) <steel print> includes line engraving and steel engraving.
engrossed copy[modifier]
- fair copy
- final version ( of a written ( ( (, drawn up in due form, to be passed on to the recipient(s)
- Note 1 to entry: Usually outgoing letters (2)> documents> (, decrees of a sovereign, legal documents (
- (
enriched document estate[modifier]
- genuine document estate ( as enlarged with further documents ( belonging to the deceased person which have been or are in the custody ( of other organizations ( or natural persons
- (
- something capable of being uniquely identified
- Note 1 to entry: Entities include material objects, electronic representations of content, abstract items (such as times, places), parties (human and corporate), as well as anything else that can be identified uniquely.
- Note 2 to entry: A defined fragment of an entity is itself an entity.
- [SOURCE: ISO 17316:2015, definition 2.1]
- Note 3 to entry: See also object (; ISO/TR 9007:1987 (page 21); ISO 10303-11:2004, definition 3.3.6.
- (
- record of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: Entry is frequently used in combination with such terms as “catalogue”, “bibliographic” and various types of finding aids (
- (
entry vocabulary[modifier]
- set ( of non-preferred terms ( (USE references) which lead to the preferred terms ( in a controlled vocabulary (
- Note 1 to entry: This term is used by some controlled vocabulary designers to represent the preferred as well as the non-preferred terms in a controlled vocabulary.
- [SOURCE: ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2015 (R2010), 4.1]
- (
enumerative classification system[modifier]
- classification system ( characterized by pre-coordination ( resulting in pre-established formal relations ( between concepts (
- (
ephemera, pl[modifier]
- documents ( produced for a specific event, or series of events, ceasing to serve their original purpose after a period of time or in another context (
- Train schedules; advertising journals; menus.
- (
- characters ( or other symbols ( as an inscription forming an original part of a solid material object ( such as walls, buildings or statues
- (
- instalment (2)
- smallest self-contained filmic unit within a season (, broadcast ( in itself but each individual one in consecutive sequence with the others
- ( Types of patents and patent acquisition documents)
- (
equivalence mapping[modifier]
- mapping ( that states that the concept ( in the target vocabulary ( is considered identical in scope to the concept ( in the source vocabulary (
- Note 1 to entry: See also equivalence relationship (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.17]
- (
equivalence relationship[modifier]
- relationship ( between two terms ( in a thesaurus ( that both represent the same concept (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.18]
- (
- capability of a carrier ( to allow deletion of recorded information ( from it, enabling the former to be reused
- Note 1 to entry: See also “parchment” (
- (
- remove data ( from a data medium (
- Note 1 to entry: Erasing is usually accomplished by overwriting the data or deleting the references.
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2125480]
- (
errata, pl[modifier]
- corrigenda, pl
- document ( containing supplementary matter to a document ( produced subsequently but intended to accompany it, listing errors in the text ( and their corrections and clearly stating its intended function
- Note 1 to entry: Occasionally the term may be found in the singular.
- (
essential characteristic[modifier]
- characteristic ( which is indispensable to understanding and forming a concept (
- (
- nachlass
- everything that a natural person, as a legal possession, leaves behind her or him after death
- Note 1 to entry: See also “living legacy” (
- (
- document ( not in the possession of the authorized custody (, especially government records (1) <document(s)> ( in private hands
- (3.4.4 Records, legal and archival documents)
- (
- print ( from a plate of metal initially coated with an acid-resistant ground in which subsequently the design has been drawn, exposing the plate to varying degrees of etching with acid so that the printing (1) <technical process> ( areas are lower than the non-printing areas
- (
ethnography and anthropology museum[modifier]
- museum ( concerned with subjects relating to human culture and social structure
- Subjects like beliefs, customs, traditional arts, etc.
- Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the UNESCO classification.
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.7, modified]
- (
- process of estimating the effectiveness (, efficiency (, utility and relevance of a service ( or facility
- [SOURCE: ISO 11620:2014, definition 3.19]
- (
everyday communication[modifier]
- human communication ( that covers matters of daily general interest, requirements of physical needs and of everyday life of humans, personal life planning in the nearer distance, as well as orientation in each’s respective everyday life, and the contact with friends and relatives or chance encounters with other people in everyday social situations
- (
- documentation (2) <collection> ( of a transaction, such as a proof of a transaction that is part of the normal course of business, and which is inviolate and complete
- Note 1 to entry: Not limited to the legal sense of the term.
- (
evidential value[modifier]
- secondary value ( of documents (, records (1) <document(s)> ( and archives (2) <records> ( for providing evidence ( of the creator's origins, functions and activities
- (
ex situ[modifier]
- of an object ( taken away from its original context (
- (
- Adhesion of leaves ( one to another.
- (
- acquisition ( by barter or payments in kind, with change of legal title
- (
exchange format[modifier]
- machine-readable data format ( for representing information ( that is intended to facilitate exchange of the information between different applications
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.19 modified]
- (
exclusive rights, pl[modifier]
- author’s rights ( to exclude others from the benefits stemming from an intellectual work (
- ( Moral rights of authors)
- (
- copy (3)
- single document ( or other material object ( which exists in more quantity and has been produced from one and the same process
- Note 1 to entry: See also copy (1) <copy original> (; copy (2) <reproduction> (; item (1) <exemplar> (
- (
- curated display ( of objects ( on a clear concept and communicating ( a message (
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.4.6 modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 25639-1:2008, definition 3.1; ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.2.10.
- (
exhibition catalogue[modifier]
- catalogue (3)
- publication ( containing a listing ( of museum ( ( with some description (, usually accompanied by images ( or at least some of these objects, and/or articles ( these objects or, possibly, any general cultural issues
- Note 1 to entry: See also catalogue (1) <sales catalogue> (; catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (
- (
- toponym (, name ( of an ethnic group or of a natural language ( as given and used by an ethnic group or by a natural language other than the one itself to whom it pertains
- (
expert user[modifier]
- information user ( having considerable experience with the information services ( offered
- Note 1 to entry: Information services may have special modes for expert users that are different from standard user modes.
- (
explicit knowledge[modifier]
- knowledge ( laid down, and accessible, in recorded ( form
- Note 1 to entry: See also “document” (
- (
- intellectual or artistic realisation of one and only one work (
- [SOURCE: FRBR, page 13]
- quality ( of a notation (2) <notation system> ( allowing the user to obtain additional information ( from the class ( ( in the form of synthesis, relations ( or mnemonics
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 9007:1987, page 64.
- (
expurgated edition[modifier]
- edition (2) <identical documents> ( in which certain parts of a work ( have been omitted or removed because they are considered unacceptable by a party other than the author (
- [SOURCE: ISO 21047:2009, D 4]
- (
- ability of a material to be stretched without damage (
- (
Extensible Markup Language[modifier]
- markup language ( that encodes information ( in a way that is machine-processable as well as human-readable
- (
- totality of objects ( to which a concept ( corresponds
- (
extensional definition[modifier]
- denotative definition
- enumerative definition
- description of a concept ( by enumerating all of its subordinate concepts ( under one criterion of subdivision
- Noble gas: helium, neon, argon, crypton, xenon, or radon.
- (Note 1 to entry: The value and the cases of applicability of extensional definitions are limited since a complete enumeration is very often not possible. It is not recommended as a standard definition by ISO 704.)
- (3.1.6 Writing systems and transcription)
- (
external user[modifier]
- user of an information and documentation organization ( who does not belong to that organization’s ( population to be served
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.2.12, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also outreach service (
- (
extrinsic data[modifier]
- data ( about a material object ( or document ( which cannot be obtained directly from it but only from the communication ( about it
- (
face recognition[modifier]
- facial recognition system
- automatic pattern recognition ( comparing stored images ( of human faces with the image of an actual face, indicating any matching, if it exists, and any data (, if they exist, identifying the person to whom the face belongs
- (
- grouping of concepts ( of the same inherent category (
- Animals, mice, daffodils and bacteria could all be members of a “living organisms” facet.
- Digging, writing and cooking could all be members of an “actions” facet.
- (EXAMPLE 3:)
- Paris, the United Kingdom and the Alps could all be members of a “places” facet.
- Note 1 to entry: Examples of high-level categories that can be used for grouping concepts into facets are: objects, materials, agents, actions, places and times. In particular contexts these can optionally be replaced by or subdivided into narrower groupings such as living organisms, processes, operations, etc.
- Note 2 to entry: See also node label (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.20]
- (
facet analysis[modifier]
- analysis of subject areas into constituent concepts ( grouped into facets (, and the subdivision of concepts into narrower concepts ( by specified characteristics of division (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.21]
- (
facet indicator[modifier]
- notational (1) <symbol> ( device that indicates the start of a new facet ( within a synthesized compound notation
- Note 1 to entry: In the past, the term facet indicator has been used as synonymous ( with node label ( but that usage is deprecated by this standard (, to avoid confusion.
- “0” in the Dewey Decimal Classification, parentheses and quotation symbols in the Universal Decimal Classification.
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.22]
- (
facet label[modifier]
- label (1) <identifier> ( indicating a different facet ( from those preceding the label.
- Note 1 to entry: The relationship ( between concepts ( from different facets is one of combination, not subordination.
- (activities)
- education
- (people)
- children
- adults
- This shows the combination of “education” from the “activities” facet with various foci ( from the “people” facet. “(activities)” and “(people)” are facet labels.
- (
faceted classification system[modifier]
- classification system ( in which concepts ( are analysed into facets ( on the basis of categories ( to which they belong and by explicit characteristic of division (
- (
face-to-face communication[modifier]
- human communication ( where sender and recipient are both within the range of direct perception ( through their senses
- (
- reproduction ( that approximates as nearly as possible to the content, form and appearance of the original document (, but is not necessarily of the same size
- (
- gradual bleaching
- (
- loss of ability of a component or a system ( to perform its required function
- [SOURCE: ISO 16708:2006, definition 3.10]
- (
fair dealing[modifier]
- fair use, US
- free use of an intellectual work ( in accordance with limits prescribed by legislation or permitted by convention
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 19153:2014, definition 4.14.
- (
- ratio of irrelevant hits ( to all irrelevant documents (
- (
family archives[modifier]
- archives (1) <organization> ( of or relating to a family or similar genealogical entity (
- (
fatigue failure[modifier]
- failure ( of a material following repeated strain with the passage of time
- (
- image facsimile
- document ( prepared for transmission through telecommunication ( lines or received as an outcome of such procedure
- (
- positive photograph ( fixed on a black or dark brown enamelled iron sheet coated with collodion
- (
- document ( issued on the occasion of a festive event, usually connected to a jubilee
- Note 1 to entry: Often the jubilee of a natural person.
- (
- cadastre
- volume ( which identifies, by numbers referring to parcels of land delineated on a map (, all lands within a given geographical area with the names ( of their owners and, usually, their extent and occupiers
- (
file (1)[modifier]
- <set of records> set ( of related records (1) <document(s)> ( (either analogue or electronic) kept together
- Note 1 to entry: See also file (2) <unit of documents> (
- (
file (2)[modifier]
- <unit of documents> organized unit of documents ( grouped together either for current use by the creator ( or in the process of archival arrangement (1) <archival operation> (, because they relate to the same subject, activity or transaction
- Note 1 to entry: See also file (1) <set of records> (; record(s) (1) <documents> .
- (
file cover[modifier]
- folded sheet (1) <piece> ( of paper (1) <material> ( or board (1) <paper> ( used for housing of and as a separating agent for document(s) (
- [SOURCE: ISO 16245:2009, definition 3.1.2]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.75 “folder”.
- (
file name[modifier]
- data name
- set name
- title ( consisting of alphanumeric characters ( that is used to identify a set ( of data ( or a programme to a computer system (
- Note 1 to entry: Different operating systems may have restrictions on the maximum number of characters and may prohibit the use of particular characters.
- Note 2 to entry: Many systems allow or require the use of an extension to the file name to indicate the type of file.
- (
filing (1)[modifier]
- <placement> placing an element ( at a place within a whole according to a criterion
- Note 1 to entry: See also filing (2) <sorting of characters> (; filing (3) <determining arrangement in a locality> (
- (
filing (2)[modifier]
- <sorting of characters> filing (1) <placement> ( of data (, symbols (, or words (1) <orthographic word> ( within a predefined order (
- Note 1 to entry: See also filing (1) <placement> (; filing (3) <determining arrangement in a locality> (
- (
filing (3)[modifier]
- <determining arrangement in a locality> filing (1) <placement> ( of material objects ( within a spatial arrangement [in a room or on shelves (]
- Note 1 to entry: See also filing (1) <placement> (, filing (2) <sorting of characters> (
- (
filing character[modifier]
- unit at the lowest, indivisible filing level (
- [SOURCE: ISO 7154:1983, definition 3.8]
- (
filing level[modifier]
- relative position of a filing unit ( in a filing (2) <sorting of characters> ( hierarchy
- [SOURCE: ISO 7154:1983, definition 3.12, modified]
- (
filing unit[modifier]
- defined entity ( to allow systematic and logic filing (2) <sorting of characters> ( operations
- [SOURCE: ISO 7154:1983, definition 3.17, modified]
- (
- restoration ( paste or liquid applied to make good minor damage ( to a material object (
- (
film archives[modifier]
- archives (1) <organization> ( for cinematographic films ( and sometimes TV films ( and of material connected with them
- (
film director[modifier]
- person who undertakes the artistic making of a cinematographic film ( or a TV film ( by directing the visualization of the screenplay (, following an overall vision of the film intended to be made
- Note 1 to entry: In some countries, the film director is considered the author ( of a film.
- (
film distributor[modifier]
- commercial organization ( or individual responsible for the marketing of a cinematographic film (
- (
film editing[modifier]
- cutting and bringing together the different (camera) shots to produce a final film copy (1) <copy original> (
- (
- list ( or retrieval system ( allowing access to data ( which describe ( and uniquely identify ( films ( or TV films (
- Note 1 to entry: Special types of filmographies do focus on a certain artist, genre, time period or production company.
- (
- filmslip, US
- photographic document ( in the form of a short length of transparent material carrying photographic images ( intended for projection as still pictures (
- (
finding aid[modifier]
- physical and intellectual control system ( produced to establish control over records (1) <document(s)> ( or archives (2) <records> (
- Finding aids include guides (, inventories (, etc.
- Note 1 to entry: See also catalogue (2) <holdings-related list>
- (
- surface properties ( imparted to paper (1) <material> ( or board (1) <paper> ( by mechanical means
- Properties achieved by calendering.
- (
- special reception and sometimes further event for invited persons upon the closure of an exhibition (
- (
fire resistance[modifier]
- measure of the ability of a material or structure to resist collapse, flame penetration, and excessive temperature rise on the unexposed surface under specified conditions of test
- (
first author[modifier]
- principal author
- author ( who has contributed most of all listed ( when the succession of the authors’ names ( in the title ( of a scientific article ( carries a significance as to indicating the contribution each author has made
- (3.7.2 Description and cataloguing)
- (
first edition[modifier]
- first publication ( of an original or translated (1) <activity> ( (
- [SOURCE: ISO 9707:2008, definition 2.13]
- (
fiscal value[modifier]
- financial value
- primary value ( of documents (, records (1) <document(s)> ( and archives (2) <records> ( for the conduct of financial or fiscal business or evidence ( thereof
- (
fix column head[modifier]
- column head ( that remains unchanged throughout the entire document ( or part of the document to which it belongs
- (
flat filing[modifier]
- storage (1) <placement> ( method of placing documents ( in a position parallel to the shelf (
- (
- conservation ( measure of removing planar distortions from a document (
- (
- ability of a material to return to its former shape without damage ( after bending
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 4618:2014, definition 2.120.
- (
flexible binding[modifier]
- leaf attachment method
- binding (1) <covers> ( in which the sewing ( and covering materials allow the volume ( to open quite flat
- (
flexographic printing[modifier]
- forme-based printing (1) <technical process> ( process/method using flexible relief formes where the raised inked areas reproduce images ( onto a substrate with either high or low viscosity solvent-based or water-based inks
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 23, modified]
- (
flexural strength[modifier]
- measure of the flexibility ( of an adhesive (
- (
- blank leaf ( at the beginning or end of a volume ( between the endpaper ( and the first or last section (2) <folded leaves> (
- (
- class ( or subclass ( member of a facet (
- (
folding endurance[modifier]
- measure of the ability of a material to withstand folding under specified conditions of test
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 18913:2012, definition 3.76. For more specifics, see ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.12.
- (
- gatefold
- folded sheet (1) <piece> ( of paper (1) <material> ( that is inserted between other pages ( of a document ( and that contains text ( or illustrative material occupying an area larger than the type area of a normal page within the document
- (
- numbering of the leaves ( of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also pagination (
- (
fonds (1)[modifier]
- <whole of the records> whole of the records (1) <documents> (, regardless of form or medium (, organically created ( and/or accumulated ( and used by a particular person, family, or corporate body ( in the course of that creator's ( activities and functions
- [SOURCE: ISAD (G):1999 Glossary of terms associated with the general rules]
- Note 1 to entry: See also fonds (2) <primary arrangement division> (; fonds (3) <closed record group> (
- (
- collection of glyph ( ( having the same basic design
- Courier; Bold; Oblique.
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 9541-1:2012, definition 3.20]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 5776:2016, definition 2.5.
- (
- camera shots taken for producing a cinematographic film ( or a TV film (
- (
- footline
- text ( line set apart at the bottom of a page ( containing information ( referring to that page
- (
- note (1) <separate explanatory text> ( at the bottom of the page ( to which it belongs
- (
fore edge[modifier]
- front edge of the leaves ( of a volume (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.3.6.
- (
- formsheet
- document (, usually printed (, with predesigned spaces for the recording ( of specific information (
- Note 1 to entry: For ‘form’ indicating the type of document see“document type” (
- (
form descriptor[modifier]
- index term ( used to denote the physical or bibliographical form of a document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “form heading” (; subject heading" (; content descriptor (
- (
form heading[modifier]
- heading (2) <access point> ( used to collocate entries ( for documents ( having the same bibliographic form
- Note 1 to entry: See also “form descriptor” (
- (
formal definition[modifier]
- definition ( within a formal concept ( representation system (
- [SOURCE: ISO/TS 22789:2010, definition 2.12]
- (
formal order[modifier]
- order ( following a formal criterion of order
- Note 1 to entry: ‘Formal criterion’ may mean alphabetic order, numeric order, etc.
- (
formal relation[modifier]
- relation ( between the terms ( of an indexing language (
- (
- steps in binding (2) <activity> ( that take place after sewing ( and prior to book (2) <stack of leaves (> ( (;usually it includes rounding and backing ( and lining ( the spine ( and it may include tipping-in ( the endpapers (
- [SOURCE: ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.13]
- (
- discolouration ( of paper (1) <material> ( in the form of small brown spots
- Note 1 to entry: Foxing is caused by the activities of fungi.
- (
- Functional Requirements and Authority Numbering of Records
- conceptual ( entity-relationship model (1) <abstraction> ( for relating the data ( that are recorded in library ( records ( to the needs of the users of those records (2) <set of data> ( and facilitate the sharing of that data
- Note 1 to entry: FRANAR has been issued IFLA.
- (
- Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
- conceptual ( entity-relationship model (1) <abstraction> ( that relates user tasks of retrieval ( and access ( in online library ( (2) <holdings-related list> ( and bibliographic databases ( from a user’s perspective
- Note 1 to entry: FRBR has been developed by IFLA.
- (
free access[modifier]
- open access ( that does not require financial compensation
- (
free indexing[modifier]
- indexing ( method in which the index terms ( are taken from natural language ( such as keywords (
- (3.8.3 Thesauri and terms)
- (
freedom of panorama[modifier]
- right to take a photograph ( of publicly open visible features such as the outside view of gardens, houses, and streets
- (
free-text search[modifier]
- search where natural language ( is used to scan a document (, entirely or in part, for possible matching
- (
frontal display[modifier]
- face-out
- method of displaying ( media (documents ( face forward, especially in public libraries (, which requires considerably more shelf ( area
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.30, modified]
- (3.10 Search and retrieval)
- (3.10.1 General concepts)
- (
- list ( from a publisher ( of their newly issued publications (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “blurb” (
- (
frozen record[modifier]
- record (1) <document> ( that cannot be destroyed in accordance with a records schedule ( because special circumstances require a temporary extension of the specified retention period (
- Such a special circumstance may be a court order.
- (
- Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data
- conceptual ( entity-relationship model (1) <abstraction> ( built on the FRBR ( model meant to ease global sharing and use of subject authority data ( and further explaining the FRBR Group 3 entities ( that consist of “entities that serve as subjects of intellectual or artistic endeavour”
- Note 1 to entry: FRSAD has been developed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), and was previously known as “Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records”, or FRSAR.
- (
- F-measure
- measure of a test's accuracy, the harmonic mean of precision ( and recall (, often used in the field of information retrieval ( for measuring search, document ( (, and query ( performance
- (
fugitive colours[modifier]
- pigments ( or dyes ( which lack colour fastness (
- (
full binding[modifier]
- complete binding (1) <covers> ( of a volume ( ( and sides, with the same material
- Note 1 to entry: Traditionally, the material is leather.
- (
full newspaper[modifier]
- newspaper ( whose entire editorial contents is produced by the editorial department ( of the newspaper itself
- Note 1 to entry: See also “principal edition” in ISO 4087:2005, definition 3.1.
- (
full plagiarism[modifier]
- entire document ( being a plagiarism (
- (
full text database[modifier]
- database ( containing complete documents ( or fundamental parts of documents
- (
full-cover editorial department[modifier]
- editorial department ( being in a position to produce on its own, on a regular basis, all the editorial contents of a reference work ( or, particularly, a newspaper (
- (
full-text search[modifier]
- technique for searching all of the text ( fields in a computer-stored ( ( or database (
- (
full-text storage[modifier]
- storage (1) <placement> ( of the texts ( of complete documents ( in a machine-readable data medium (
- (
- conservation ( measure of exposing documents (, usually in a vacuum or other airtight chamber, to gas or vapour in order to effect disinfestation ( or disinfection (
- (
functional space[modifier]
- part of the gross floor area that houses the central operational equipment of a building
- Note 1 to entry: This includes, for instance, sewage disposal, heating, conveyor technique.
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.31]
- (
- cryptogamous plant, without chlorophyll, feeding on organic matter
- Note 1 to entry: Fungi come in a wide variety of forms. The most common forms encountered in documents ( are mould and mildew.
- (
- organization ( or part of an organization exhibiting paintings (, sculptures ( and other works ( of art intended for sale
- Note 1 to entry: See also museum (
- (
- break or discontinuity in the holdings ( of the published ( parts of a multipart unit or serial ( unit
- [SOURCE: ISO 10324:1997, definition 3.25]
- (
- dictionary ( of geographical names (
- (
general concept[modifier]
- concept ( which corresponds to two or more objects ( which form a group by reason of common characteristics (
- “planet”; “tower”.
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.2.3]
- (
General International Standard for Archival Description[modifier]
- ISAD (G)
- internationally standardized ( guidelines for the description (1) <activity> ( of archival ( ( issued by ICA
- (
general library[modifier]
- library ( covering, in principle, all subject fields (
- (
general material designation[modifier]
- term ( broadly indicating the physical form and substance of a resource [document (]
general museum[modifier]
- museum ( which has mixed collections (2) <gathering> ( and cannot be identified by a predominant field
- Note 1 to entry: Universal museums are considered general museums.
- Note 2 to entry: See UNESCO classification.
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.8]
- (
general records schedule[modifier]
- general schedule
- common records schedule
- records schedule ( governing specified records series ( of records (1) <document(s)> ( common to several or all agencies or administrative units of an organization (
- (
- ratio of non-relevant hits ( to all documents (
- (
- form a more generic concept ( [that represents a superset of the extension(s) ( of one or more specific concepts (]
- “Infection that hasCause Pneumococcus” can be generalized to “Infection that hasCause Bacterium”.
- Note 1 to entry: To generalize is to decrease the intension ( and increase the extension ( of a concept ( Specialization ( and generalization can be achieved in many ways, including replacing a semantic link ( with a less specific semantic link (and vice versa for specialization).
generic concept[modifier]
- concept ( in a generic relation ( having the narrower intension (
- Note 1 to entry: See also inheritance (
- (
generic relation[modifier]
- relation ( between two concepts ( where the intension ( of one of the concepts includes that of the other concept and at least one additional delimiting characteristic (
- Word-pronoun; vehicle-car; person-child.
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.2.21]
- (
generic title word[modifier]
- general word (1) <orthographic word> ( appearing in a serial ( ( that does not contribute to the specific identification ( of the title by differentiating it from others
- ‘Journal’, ‘Proceedings’.
- (
genuine document estate[modifier]
- document estate ( as actually encountered, upon a person’s death, in the localities of the deceased person’s life-sphere, and in further places possibly designated by the person as depositories / repositories (
- (
- data ( describing geographical entities (, their names (, relative positions, and other features
- (
geographical information system[modifier]
- computer system ( capable of assembling, storing (1) <placement> (, manipulating, and displaying ( geographically referenced information (, i.e. data ( ( according to their locations
- [SOURCE: ISO 23611-6:2012, definition 3.3.1]
- (
gestalt method (of thesaurus construction)[modifier]
- a priori method
- thesaurus ( construction method based on the analysis of lexical sources and used for the construction of controlled vocabularies (
- (
- spherical cartographic document ( representing a celestial body
- Note 1 to entry: Usually the earth.
- (
- document ( or part of a document which contains a selected list ( of words (1) <orthographic word> ( from one or a few given texts ( which are deemed to require punctiform explanation but which explanations do not necessarily follow a uniform pattern
- (
- name ( of a natural language (
- (
- applying adhesive ( to the spine ( of a book block ( after sewing (
- [SOURCE: ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.14]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 16763:2016, definition 3.1.8.
- (
- recognizable abstract graphic symbol ( which is independent of any specific design
- [SOURCE: ISO 15930-3:2002, definition 3.7]
- (
government document[modifier]
- document ( published at government expense or as required by law or published by an international agency
- Such an agency may be the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO.
- [SOURCE: ISO 9707:2008, definition 2.14]
- (
gramophone record[modifier]
- phonograph record
- record (3)
- sound carrier ( in the form of a disc ( on which non-erasable sound is recorded ( in the form of a helical groove and from which audio playback is possible
- Note 1 to entry: See also record(s) (1) <document(s)> (; record (2) <set of data> (; ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.68.
- (
- atomic unit in a written language ( including letters (1) <character> (, pictograms, ideograms, numerals (, punctuation and other glyphs (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “graphic character” (
- (
graphic character[modifier]
- character ( used for the visual representation of data (
- Note 1 to entry: See also grapheme (
- (
graphic document[modifier]
- iconic document
- document ( in which pictorial representation is the most prominent feature
- Note 1 to entry: A graphic document is pictorial rather than linguistic, musical or cartographic in form.
- Art prints, art originals, art reproductions, photographs, posters, study prints, technical drawings.
- (Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 10209:2012, definition 3.46.)
- [SOURCE: Note 1 and EXAMPLES taken from ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.25]
- (
graphical language[modifier]
- language ( whose syntax is expressed in terms of graphical symbols (
- [SOURCE: ISO 19101-1:2014, definition 4.1.21]
- (
gravure printing[modifier]
- intaglio printing ( using formes which are plated cylinders or wraparound plates where the image ( areas are recessed below the non-image areas producing microscopic cells from which ink is transferred directly to a substrate
- Note 1 to entry: Gravure printing is an intaglio process where the cells can have various width, depth and frequency characteristics.
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 30]
- (
ground wood paper[modifier]
- DEPRECATED: mechanical woodpulp paper
- paper (1) <material> ( made from fibres obtained from wood by mechanical means
- Note 1 to entry: Historically, ground wood paper has been liable to deterioration as a consequence of its high lignin content.
- (
- Global Trade Item Number
- unique number from a standard code (2) <data> ( used internationally to identify products and packaging units
- Note 1 to entry: See ISO 22742:2010, definitions 3.25, 3.43; and 3.12; ISO/TS 16791:2014, definition 3.1.1.
- Note 2 to entry: Up to 2009, this number was known as the “European article number” / EAN/UPC which was also applied in libraries (
- (
guarantees, warranties; heart attack, myocardial infarction; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.[modifier]
- Note 1 to entry: Abbreviations ( of full forms and acronyms ( are synonyms.
- Note 2 to entry: See also “synonymy” (; ISO/TR 9007:1987 (page 23).
- (
- strip of cloth or paper (1) <material> ( used as a hinge ( for a map (, illustration ( or a single sheet (1) <piece> (
- Note 1 to entry: “guard” is also referred to as compensating strip for thick inserts ( and maps (
- [SOURCE: ISO 14416:2003, definition 3.16]
- (
guestbook (1)[modifier]
- <register of guests> official register ( of the guests of a hotel or other commercial place of accommodation
- Note 1 to entry: See also guestbook (2) <list of recognition> (
- (
guestbook (2)[modifier]
- <list of recognition> document ( into which visitors are signing in as an act of recognition and possibly enter comment in prose or poetics
- Note 1 to entry: A guestbook (2) <list of recognition> may be in a private home, or may be accompanying an exhibition, a monument, museum, archive, library collection etc.
guide (1)[modifier]
- <introductory document> document ( containing introductory information ( comprehensive enough for a user to carry out an operation
- Note 1 to entry: See also guide (2) <finding aid> (
- (
guide (2)[modifier]
- <finding aid> broad or general finding aid ( for the holdings ( of one or more information and documentation organizations (
- space formed by the two inner margins of facing pages ( of a volume (
- (
half binding[modifier]
- binding (1) <covers> ( in which the spine (, extending to one-quarter of the width of the boards (1) <paper> (, and either the corners or the fore edges ( of the boards (1) <paper> are covered in one material and the rest of the sides in another
- Note 1 to entry: Traditionally leather is used for the spine (, etc.
- (
half title[modifier]
- title (, normally abridged, on the recto ( of a leaf ( that precedes the title page (
- (
hand press print[modifier]
- printed document ( made on a hand printing (1) <technical process> ( equipment
- Note 1 to entry: See also printing (
- (
- reference work ( in the form of a monographic ( (1) <intellectual work> ( presenting, usually in different (sometimes self-contained) chapters ( or sections (1) <text subdivision> (, usually written by different authors (, a complete overview over a subject field or discipline, giving objective knowledge (2) <verified knowledge> ( according to the current state of the art in the field
- Note 1 to entry: Often, a multi-author work. See also textbook (
- (
- physical actions required for the use ( or the preservation ( of documents (
- (
- cursive writing
- long hand
- script ( as executed by a human’s hand
- Note 1 to entry: See also “manuscript (1) <non-printed document>” (
- (
hard copy[modifier]
- copy (2) <reproduction> ( or copy (3) <exemplar> (, usually on paper (1) <material> (, which can be read without the assistance of a technical device
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121385; ISO/TR 11065:1992, definition 280; ISO 12637-2:2008, 2.69; ISO 3664:2009, definition 3.4.
- (
hard cover[modifier]
- cover (2) <covering material> ( of a book (2) <stack of leaves> ( produced from a flexible material, usually cloth or paper (1) <material> (, supported by rigid boards (2) <cover> (
- [SOURCE: ISO 14416:2003, definition 3.17]
- (
- harddisk
- in a computer environment, the storage (1) <placement> ( area within or attached to the computer itself, where a huge amount of space is available to store digital data (
- (
- all or part of the physical components of an information ( processing system (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015(en), 2121277]
- (
- text ( line set apart at the top of a page ( containing information ( referring to that page
- Note 1 to entry: See also "headline" (
- (
heading (1)[modifier]
- <text line> text ( line set apart from (usually above) body type and serving as a title ( or indication of what follows
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 9544:1988, definition 3.204, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also heading (2) <access point> (; title (
- (
heading (2)[modifier]
- <access point> first access point ( to a description in an information ( system (
- Note 1 to entry: See also heading (1) <text line> (; access point (
- (
- prominent and typographically very distinct heading (1) <text line> (, usually of an article ( or a contribution, in a newspaper ( or a TV news programme ( and sometimes also used independently from that, in announcement or advertisement for the newspaper or the news programme
- (
- lemma ( that serves as the heading for an entry ( in a dictionary (
- [SOURCE: ISO 1951:2007, definition 3.6]
- (3.5.9 Physical parts of documents)
- ( General concepts)
- (
- lamination ( in which adhesion is achieved by heat and pressure
- (
help desk[modifier]
- place, telephone or electronic contact point where staff who can provide advice or assistance on a given system (, information service ( or database ( are available for information users (
- (
- bibliography (2) <universal document list> ( being an integral part of a more comprehensive publication ( and therefore not retrievable ( as an independent bibliographic unit (
- (
hierarchical relation[modifier]
- semantic relation ( between a pair of concepts ( of which one has a scope falling completely within the scope of the other
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.23, modified]
- (
- inner joint
- interior juncture of the spine ( and covers (2) <covering material> (
- ( Types of bindings)
- (
historical gazetteer[modifier]
- gazetteer ( of geographical names ( that were once assigned and in use
- (
history museum[modifier]
- museum ( concerned with the history of a defined geographic area or a cultural group of people over a limited period or over the centuries
- Note 1 to entry: Includes museums with collections of historical objects, commemorative museums, military museums, museums on historical persons, etc.
- Note 2 to entry: Adapted from the UNESCO classification.
- [SOURCE: ISO 18461:2016, definition 2.2.11]
- (
- result of a successful request (2) <user demand> ( to an online service (
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.2.1, modified]
- (
- totality of documents ( in the custody ( of an information and documentation organization (
- Note 1 to entry: See also accumulation (; collection (2) <gathering> (
- (
holdings record[modifier]
- record (1) <document(s)> ( in a cataloguing ( ( that describes (, analyzes and controls holdings ( associated with a bibliographic, archival (1) <organization> ( or museum ( (2) <set of data> (,
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.25, modified]
- (
holdings statement[modifier]
- record (2) <set of data> ( of the locations of a specific bibliographic resource ( or other document ( and, optionally, the units of that item ( held at the location
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.26, modified; ISO 10324:1997, definition 3.29, modified]
- (
- area of an adhesive ( covered surface which does not adhere properly to another surface
- (
- three-dimensional photographic ( representation produced by an arranged interference between coherent light beams
- (
holograph (2)[modifier]
- autograph (1)
- <handwritten document> manuscript (1) <non-printed document> ( entirely in the handwriting ( of its author (
- Note 1 to entry: See also holograph (1) <name in handwriting> (; autograph (2) <name in handwriting> (
- (
- single biological specimen (, chosen by the author ( of a scientific description (1) <activity> ( of a biological species to be the physical embodiment of the concept ( of a particular species described by her or him
- (
- main or opening screen of a website (, to which all other pages for users are linked
- (
- one of two or more words (1) <orthographic word> ( that are written in the same way, but have different meanings (
- In English:
- The word “bank” could refer to a financial institution or the side of a river.
- In French:
- (The word “avocat” could refer to a lawyer or to a fruit.)
- Note 1 to entry: Homographs are sometimes referred to as “homonyms”, although the latter term applies more broadly, as it also includes pairs of terms such as “weights” and “waits” in English or “mer” and “mère” in French, which sound the same although they are spelt differently.
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.24]
- (
- relation ( between designation ( and concept ( in a given language ( in which one designation represents two or more unrelated concepts
- Bark:1) sound made by a dog; 2) outside covering of the stems of woody plants; 3) sailing vessel.
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 1087-1:2000, def. 3.4.25.
- (
- quality ( of two or more terms ( having the same phonic form but unrelated meanings (
- (
- shelving ( method of leaving space between shelved documents ( to facilitate the insertion of accessions ( or accruals (
- (
- quality ( of a notation (2) <notation system> ( allowing easy inclusion of new subjects in a classification system (
- (
- in a computer network, a computer which provides information resources ( or services ( or on which applications operate, accessed ( by remote use (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 2382:2015, definition 2120550.
- (
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- client/server communication ( ( used to transfer information ( on the World Wide Web (
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.23]
- (3.1.10 Types of data)
- (
human communication[modifier]
- communication ( between two or more human beings which is created by employing the natural endowment(s) of humans
- “Human communication” may be effected through human voice(s); body language; sign language; etc.
- (
humidification (1)[modifier]
- <increasing the humidity> conservation ( measure of increasing relative humidity while maintaining a stable temperature
- Note 1 to entry: See also humidification (2) <conservation measure> ( and ISO/TR 16344:2012, definition 2.1.90.
- (
humidification (2)[modifier]
- <conservation measure> conservation ( measure to increase the absolute humidity of a material object ( by humidification (1) <increasing the humidity> (
- Note 1 to entry: See also humidification (1) <increasing the humidity> (
- (
hybrid system[modifier]
- system ( which achieves a desired output result by providing, or combining, two different ways of producing the result or by offering the requested result in different formats
- A library offering a text ( both as a printed document ( and as a digital one; a same motor vehicle powered simultaneously by different energy supplies.
- (
- name ( of a body of water
- (
- link ( that represents a digital connection between two digital objects (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 10744:1997, definition 3.44, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.24.
- (
- electronic text ( ( representing a hyperlink (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 12651-1:2012, definition 4.66.
- (
Hypertext Markup Language[modifier]
- Standard Generalized Markup Language ( application permitting linking of documents ( through selected access points (
- Note 1 to entry: HTML is a subset of SGML ( See also ISO/TR 14873:2013, definition 2.22.
- (
hypertext storage[modifier]
- storage (1) <placement> ( of digital documents ( from related records (1) <document(s)> ( with links ( between access points (, allowing immediate shift within one document or from one document to another
- (
- description (1) <activity> ( of the thema (, the motifs and topics of images (
- (
- interpretation in a cultural historic context ( of the themes (, motifs, and topics rendered by iconography (
- (
- process of recognizing an entity ( in a particular domain ( as distinct from other entities (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011, definition 3.2.1]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 10209:2012, definition 3.46 (pictorial representation).
- (
- data ( ( or pointer that establishes the identity of an item, organization ( or person alone or in combination with other elements (
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.27, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.25; ISO 24619:2011, definition 3.2.1.
- (
- document ( or part of a document in the form of a graphic presentation set apart from the main body of text ( and normally cited within the main text
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 26513:2009, definition 3.19, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: See also picture (
- (
- retinal pattern formed by light reflected or transmitted by external stimuli, whose impression is completed by the physiological mechanisms and mental processes that affect visual perception (
- Note 1 to entry: In graphic technology, the term is commonly used to identify any picture, drawing, illustration, graphic, text or other reproduction, visible to the human eye, that portrays the original in the proper form, colour and perspective.
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 31]
- Note 2 to entry: “Image” generally refers to any kind of viewing perception, not only to that of pure pictorial content. In this general capacity, “image” also includes e.g. pure text ( which itself consists solely of graphic/writing ( ( Thus, in certain data processing ( operations, processing and display ( of pure text nevertheless takes place as “image processing” (e.g. in an “image catalogue”).
image agency[modifier]
- commercial organization ( which undertakes to capture and sell photographs ( from all societal areas
- Note 1 to entry: Image agencies fulfill some functions of an information ( and documentation ( (
- (
image enhancement[modifier]
- restoration ( measure of recreating the faded ( or incomplete information ( content of a document ( by optical or electronic techniques
- (
image library[modifier]
- organization ( or database ( with related devices, or website ( from which copies (2) <reproduction> (.4.7.14) of photographs ( may be borrowed or reproduced for use in advertising, in books (1) <intellectual work> (, newspapers (, magazines (, or other print ( materials
- Note 1 to entry: Image libraries fulfill functions of an information and documentation organization (
- (
image rendition[modifier]
- image rendering
- production of a non-photographic image ( reflecting properties ( of a material object ( from measurement data ( taken of the object ( which are rendering the image as brightness values or colours
- Production of a thermographic image; computer tomography images.
- (
- mental representation (1) <unit> ( of an object ( or of notions connected with a word (1) <orthographic word> (
- (
imitation art paper[modifier]
- uncoated paper (1) <material> ( with a very high filler content and heavily calendered to give it the characteristics ( of art paper (2) <coated paper> (
- (
impact factor[modifier]
- IF
- journal impact factor
- measure of how often an article ( published in a scientific journal ( receives a citation ( or quotation ( in other scientific documents (
- Note 1 to entry: See also “citation index” (
- (
implicit knowledge[modifier]
- knowledge ( that is implied rather than expressly stated
- (
- conservation ( measure consisting of injection or absorption of a fluid into a material object (
- (
- principle that public records (2) <legal term> ( remain permanently subject to replevin ( because they are inalienable ( public property
- (3.7 Analysis, representation and content description of documents and data)
- (3.7.1 Main elements at the basis of the description)
- (
- whole set ( of copies (3) <exemplar> ( of an edition ( or issue printed at one time and in a single operation
- [SOURCE: ISO 1086:1991, definition 3.11]
- (
- data ( comprising the place of publication (, publisher (, year of publication and printing (1) <technical process> ( and sometimes the copyright notice ( of a document (
- (
improvement patent[modifier]
- patent ( which represents an improvement of an invention ( and which requires the permission of the owner of the previous patent before it may be implemented
- (
- “introduction (, methods, results, and discussion”, being the formula for structuring a paper (3) <scientific text> ( in the sciences
- (
in situ[modifier]
- of an object ( being in its original context (
- (
- inviolability
- principle that public records (2) <legal term> ( may not be transferred to anyone not entitled by law to their ownership
- Note 1 to entry: See also “alienation” (
- (
- first words (1) <orthographic word> ( in a text ( or first notes (2) <music character> ( in a score (
- Note 1 to entry: In many cases, the incipit must be used for unambiguous identification ( of a work ( or must serve as the title ( substitute.
- (
- volume ( (1) <technical process> ( in Europe from moveable type and dating from before 1501-01-01
- Note 1 to entry: The name ( of a printer ( of an incunabulum ( can be concluded from the font ( used for the printing (1) <technical process> (
- (
independent claim[modifier]
- claim ( different from the main claim ( and referring to technical matters not contained in that claim
- (
- list ( or part of a retrieval system ( allowing access ( to a differently organized part of it, to the document ( address or to the document itself
- Note 1 to entry: In indexes, the lists of terms referring to the location of documents are usually selected from the documents themselves.
- Note 2 to entry: See also ISO 12651-1:2012, definition 4.77.
- (
index card[modifier]
- storage (1) <placement> ( ( in the form of a piece of cardboard destined to carry data (, several of these pieces being combinable into a file (1) <set of records> (
- (
index term[modifier]
- word (1) <orthographic word> ( or phrase in an index (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.26.
- (3.8.2 Indexing and evaluation of indexing results)
- (
- intellectual analysis of the subject matter of a document ( to identify the concepts ( represented in it, and allocation of the corresponding index terms ( to allow the information ( to be retrieved
- Note 1 to entry: The term “subject indexing” is often used for this concept. Indexing can be carried out by human users or by automated agents.
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.27]
- (
indexing language[modifier]
- artificial language ( established to characterize ( the content or form of a document (
- (
India paper[modifier]
- thin, dense, opaque, and durable printing (1) <technical process> ( (1) <material> (, intended for printing volumes ( in a less bulky form
- (
indicative abstract[modifier]
- short abstract ( giving an idea of the content and sometimes the form of a document (
- (
indirect communication[modifier]
- communication ( using intermediary human or equipment agents, and possibly carried out involving switching or shifting processes of the technical format of the message (
- Handing the message over to a human messenger, either orally or as a written text; instructing a human being to orally inform another human; sending a telegramme via one transmitter pole to a next one; etc.
- (
indirect printing[modifier]
- image ( transfer from an image carrier ( to a substrate by means of an intermediate element (
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 40]
- (
indirect quotation[modifier]
- quotation ( giving a contents without reproducing it exactly in the form in which it appears in the source
- (
individual concept[modifier]
- concept ( which corresponds to only one object (
- Eiffel tower.
- [SOURCE: ISO 1087-1:2000, definition 3.2.2]
- (
individual knowledge[modifier]
- knowledge ( present in, and disposable to, a given human individual
- (
- augmenting names ( in bibliographic records (1) <document(s)> ( so as to allow a more exact identification ( of the real person or corporate body ( denominated by the name and to segregate a set ( of identical names into exact individual entries ( for each
- Note 1 to entry: This is usually done by adding life dates, activity dates and possibly occupation and place of work, if available, to the name. The procedure is particularly used in the building of name authority files.
- (
industrial museum[modifier]
- museum ( in which the plant with its installations and equipment kept intact comprises the principal artefact (1) <man-made object> (
- (
industrial property[modifier]
- ownership of an invention (, design, trademark (, service mark ( or trade name (
- (
industrial property title[modifier]
- exclusive right to industrial property ( applied for to, or granted or registered ( by, the competent patent office (
- (
- conservation ( measure of physical replacement of missing portions of a material object ( with appropriate materials
- (
- mathematical and statistical methods applied to communication ( of the use of information (
- (
- data ( that are processed, organized and correlated to produce meaning (
- [SOURCE: ISO 22320:2011, definition 3.9]
- Note 1 to entry: Information concerns facts, concepts, objects, events, ideas, processes, etc. See also ISO 2382-16:1993, definition 16.01.03.
- (
information and documentation organization[modifier]
- organization ( or part of it that carries out functions of collecting (2) <gathering> (, organizing, storing (1) <placement> (, retrieving (, disseminating ( and, sometimes, producing information (
- (3.2.4 Professions and functions in documentation)
- (
information architecture[modifier]
- art and science of organizing and labeling information ( content and documents ( stored in data ( management systems ( and repositories ( to support retrieval (, information security, and usability
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 14813-5:2010, definition B.1.62.
- (
information centre[modifier]
- information and documentation organization ( providing information services (
- (
information commons[modifier]
- information system (, such as a physical library ( or an online community that exists to produce, conserve, and preserve information ( for current and future generations
- (
information copy[modifier]
- copy (2) (<reproduction> ( or copy (3) <exemplar> ( which is sent to an agency, office, or individual but who are not responsible for handling the matter in question
- (
information demand[modifier]
- subjective information need
- desire for information ( as is subjectively felt by those having to fulfill a given task or function
- (
information dissemination[modifier]
- conveyance of information ( to a general or specific audience
- Note 1 to entry: See also “communication” (
- (
information ecology[modifier]
- study of exchange, storage (1) <placement> (, use and enhancement of information ( as a commodity within a community of living organisms
- Note 1 to entry: Information ecology explores ways to connect our physical environments with information resources.
- (
information literacy[modifier]
- ability to recognize a need for information ( and to identify (, retrieve (, evaluate (, and use information effectively
- Note 1 to entry: Literacy in the sense of being able to read and write with a minimal level of proficiency is fundamental for information literacy.
- Note 2 to entry: This includes the skills for using information technology to access ( and retrieve ( information.
- [SOURCE: ISO 16439:2014, definition 3.26]
- (3.12 Preservation of documents)
- (3.12.1 General concepts)
- (
information management[modifier]
- planning, collection, control, distribution and exploitation of information resources ( within an organization (, including systems ( development, and disposal or long-term preservation (
- Note 1 to entry: See also library (; business system (; and ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121409.
- (
information manager[modifier]
- information officer, US
- person responsible for information management (
- (
information need[modifier]
- objective information need
- need for that information ( without which a given task or function could not be accomplished
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/IEC 27000:2016, definition 2.31.
- (
information overflow[modifier]
- information overload
- excess of information ( present at a given time in relation to the processing capacity of the human brain and also usually exceeding the actual information need (
- (
information processing[modifier]
- systematic performance of operations upon information (, which includes data processing ( and may include operations such as data ( ( and office automation
- Note 1 to entry: Information processing should not be used as a synonym for data processing.
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, definition 2121275]
- (
information repackaging[modifier]
- provision of information services ( or products tailored to the requirements of specific user groups ( by rearranging or merging material obtained from different sources
- Note 1 to entry: See also “press clipping service” (
- (
information resource[modifier]
- asset (, record (2) <set of data> (, document (, or item in physical or digital form that contributes to human knowledge (
- Note 1 to entry: An abstracting ( and indexing ( ( is an example of an information resource.
- (
information retrieval[modifier]
- action, methods and procedures for recovering information ( on a given matter or references to pertinent documents ( from stored ( (
- [SOURCE: ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.28]
- Note 1 to entry: See also catalogue (2) <holdings-related list> (; classification (; thesaurus (; index (; database (
- (
information science[modifier]
- field of study of functions, structure, and transmission of information ( and the management of information systems (
- (
information service[modifier]
- storing (1) <placement> (, accessing (, processing or delivering information ( to meet the needs of specific information users (
- Note 1 to entry: Information services can include traditional library and information services, such as the handling of books, journals, archives (2), standards, patents, research reports, etc., but also electronic documents, multimedia, online retrieval, current awareness service, electronic document delivery service, etc.
- (
information service network[modifier]
- group of units working together, sharing services ( and resources for the benefit of information users (
- (
information system[modifier]
- communication system ( enabling communication ( and information processing (
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO/TR 9007:1987, page 74.
- (
information user[modifier]
- person who uses infrastructure(s), service(s) ( and information resources (
- (
information value[modifier]
- secondary value ( of documents (, records (1) <document(s)> ( or archives (2) <records> ( for reference and research deriving from the information ( they contain
- (
information visualization[modifier]
- visual representation of the relationships ( between data stores ( [e.g. full text data (], metadata ( describing information ( in those data stores (e.g. bibliographic and citation databases (, indexes) and systems ( or internet ( nodes exploiting that metadata
- (
informational question[modifier]
- directional and/or administrative inquiry delivered to the staff of an information and documentation organization (
- [SOURCE: ISO 16439:2014, definition 3.27, modified]
- (
informative abstract[modifier]
- abstract ( giving an account of the content of a document ( sufficient to allow a user to decide whether or not to read the full text (
- (
- mechanism by which more specific elements ( incorporate structure and behaviour of more general elements related by behaviour
- [SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015 definition 4.19]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 21127:2014, definition 3.6.
- (
inhouse use of documents[modifier]
- consultation of documents ( within the premises of an information and documentation organization ( without charge out (
- (
- abbreviation ( made up of the initial letters (1) <character> ( of the components of the full form of the designation ( or from syllables of the full form and pronounced letter (1) <character> by letter (1) <character>
- “BL” (for “British Library”).
- (
input format[modifier]
- data format ( for data entry (
- (
- additional element (, such as a printed leaf (, blank paper (1) <material> ( or card, laid between the leaves of a book (2) <stack of leaves ( ( and not secured
- [SOURCE: ISO 14416:2003, definition 3.18]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 11800:1998, definition 3.18.
- (
instalment (1)[modifier]
- <incomplete part in delivery> incomplete but physically (and sometimes intellectually) self-contained part of an intended complete monographic resource ( or of an updating loose-leaf resource (, as it emanates from physical production and is disseminated ( only on the basis of a pre-established subscription to that work (, to be assembled with other instalments (1) <incomplete part in delivery> which together, in the case of the monographic resource, upon completion form the entire document (
- Note 1 to entry: See also instalment (2) <episode> (; ISO 215:1986, definition 3.8.
- (
- entity ( that has unique identity, a set ( of operations can be applied to it, and state that stores the effects of the operations
- [SOURCE: ISO 19103:2015 definition 4.20]
- Note 1 to entry: See also instance relationship (; ISO/TS 27790:2009, definition 3.35; ISO/TR 9007:1987 (page 26).
- (
instance relationship[modifier]
- instantive relationship
- relationship ( between a general concept (, such as a class ( of things or events, and an individual instance ( of that class, which is often represented by a proper name (
- [SOURCE: ISO 25964-1:2011, 10.2.4]
- (
institutional inventory[modifier]
- inventory (1) <list> ( of the possessions of a legal body or other organization (
- (
institutional repository[modifier]
- stored intellectual output ( of an organization (, particularly a research organization
- Note 1 to entry: Loosely, may refer to an online locus for collecting (, preserving (, and disseminating ( ( in digital form.
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.3.26]
- (
intaglio printing[modifier]
- forme-based printing (1) <technical process> ( process using formes which are rigid flat or wraparound plates where the image ( areas are etched or engraved below the non-image areas producing lines and hatchings from which ink is transferred directly to a substrate
- [SOURCE: ISO 12637-1:2006, definition 43, modified]
- (
integrated repository[modifier]
- data repository ( for storing (1) <placement> all information ( pertinent to the systems ( engineering process (SEP) to include all data (, schema, models, tools, technical management decisions, process analysis information, requirement changes, process and product metrics, and trade-offs
- [SOURCE: IEEE Std 1220:2005, definition 3.1.18]
- (
integrating resource[modifier]
- publication (, either finite or with no predetermined conclusion, that is added to or changed by updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole and made available to the public in any product form
- [SOURCE: ISO 2108:2005, definition 3.5]
intellectual property[modifier]
- ownership of an intellectual work (
- (
intellectual work[modifier]
- content of a document ( resulting from intellectual activity which makes it eligible for copyright ( or for an industrial property title ( because of its originality ( or novelty (
- (
- set ( of characteristics ( which makes up the concept (
- (
intensional definition[modifier]
- connotative definition
- definition ( which describes the intension ( of a concept ( by stating the superordinate concept ( and the delimiting characteristics (
- “Incandescent lamp: electric lamp in which a filament is heated by an electric current in such a way that it emits light”.
- Note 1 to entry: The intensional definition is the most accurate definition and the one favoured by terminological teaching / theory as well as by ISO 704.
- (
interactive search[modifier]
- search method allowing a change of the search strategy ( adopted while interacting online with a retrieval system (
- (
interactive spaces[modifier]
- spaces in buildings where ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is integrated in the furniture (e.g. tables) or in the walls
- [SOURCE: ISO/TR 11219:2012, definition 2.35]
- (
interfacet relation[modifier]
- formal relation ( between foci ( in different facets (
- (
interlibrary loan[modifier]
- interlibrary lending
- interlending
- interloan
- loan ( of a document ( in its physical form, or delivery of a document, or part of it, as a copy (2) <reproduction> (, from one information and documentation organization ( to another which is not under the same administration, usually for use ( by an information user ( having requested ( it
- [SOURCE: ISO 2789:2013, definition 2.2.16, modified]
- Note 1 to entry: Typically, from one library ( to another. See also ISO 8459:2009, definition 2.29.
- (
intermediate storage[modifier]
- storage (1) <placement> ( of semicurrent records ( in a records (1) <document(s)> ( centre pending their ultimate disposal (
- (
intermediate user[modifier]
- information user ( employing the offer of data ( or information ( present not for their own sake but in assistance to other persons or organizations (
- (
internal data format[modifier]
- internal format
- data format ( for the processing of data ( within the software ( running on a computer
- (
International Standard Audiovisual Number[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( identifying audiovisual works (
- Note 1 to entry: ISAN is specified in ISO 15706.
- (
International Standard Audiovisual Version Number[modifier]
- unique identifier ( composed of a registered ISAN ( in combination with an appended version ( segment for a specific version or other content derived from or directly related to an audiovisual work (
- (
International Standard Bibliographic Description[modifier]
- internationally standardized ( guidelines for bibliographic description ( issued by IFLA
- (
International Standard Book Number[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( applied to a specific tradable manifestation ( of a book (1) <intellectual work> ( or other monograph (
- Note 1 to entry: ISBN is specified in ISO 2108.
- (
International Standard Collection Identifier[modifier]
- international standard ( (2) <data> ( identifying a collection (2) <gathering> (, fonds (, archival records series (, or parts of any of these
- Note 1 to entry: ISCI is specified in ISO 27730.
- (
International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Institutions[modifier]
- international standard ( (2) <data> ( identifying libraries (, archives (1) <organization> (, museums ( and related organizations (
- Note 1 to entry: ISIL is specified in ISO 15511.
- (
International Standard Linking Identifier[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( identifying links between entities ( [or their names (] in the field of information ( and documentation (1) <activity> (
- Note 1 to entry: Entities identified by an ISLI can be documents, media resources, people, or more abstract items such as times or places.
- Note 2 to entry: ISLI is specified in ISO 17316.
- (
International Standard Music Number[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( identifying notated music ( (
- Note 1 to entry: ISMN is specified in ISO 10957.
- (
International Standard Musical Work Code[modifier]
- international standard ( (2) <data> ( identifying a musical work (, independent of its manifestation (
- Note 1 to entry: ISWC is specified in ISO 15707.
- (
International Standard Name Identifier[modifier]
- international standard ( (2) <data> ( identifying the public identity of parties [a person or an organization (] across multiple fields of creative activity
- Note 1 to entry: ISNI is specified in ISO 27729.
- (
International Standard Recording Code[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( identifying audio recordings ( and music ( ( recordings
- Note 1 to entry: ISRC is specified in ISO 3901.
- (
International Standard Serial Number[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( identifying a serial ( or continuing resource (
- Note 1 to entry: The ISSN network was formerly ISDS (International Serial Data System).
- Note 2 to entry: ISSN is specified in ISO 3297.
- (
International Standard Text Code[modifier]
- international standard code (2) <data> ( identifying a textual work (, independent of its manifestation ( or form
- Note 1 to entry: ISTC is specified in ISO 21047.
- (
- global system ( of inter-connected digital networks in the public domain (
- [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015, definition 3.14, modified]
- (
internet domain[modifier]
- web domain
- internet ( space occupied by a certain provider (, internet ( offer or user
- Note 1 to entry: See also “domain name” (
- (
internet platform[modifier]
- web page ( on which a number of internet ( providers ( are exhibiting their content and which thus assembles information ( on one or more subjects assumed of interest for user searches
- (
internet portal[modifier]
- web page ( that assembles a number of internet ( addresses leading to specific content each, together with teasing parts of this content to be found under these addresses that give users an orientation on what content to expect
- (
- ability of two or more systems ( to exchange information ( and to make mutual use of the information that has been exchanged
- [SOURCE: ISO 26683-2:2013, definition 3.20]
- Note 1 to entry: See also ISO 25964-1:2011, definition 2.29.
- (
intrafacet relation[modifier]
- formal relation ( between foci ( in a facet (
- (
intrinsic data[modifier]
- data ( which can be read off a material object ( or document ( directly through its physical presence
- Note 1 to entry: See also intrinsic value (
- (
intrinsic value[modifier]
- inherent value of documents ( or other material objects ( other than as a source of explicitly stated information (
- Note 1 to entry: Such value may be derived from age, usage, circumstances of creation, signature (1) <autograph> ( or attached seals (, etc.
- Note 2 to entry: See also intrinsic data (
- (3.3.2 Objects and data media)
- (
- text ( at the beginning of a document ( that gives the latter’s background, content or structure, following any preface (
- (