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161 rue Ada,
34392 Montpellier Cedex 5,
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  • De l'abstraction des modèles de composants logiciels pour la programmation d'applications scientifiques distribuées.
  • Ordonnancement hybride pour MPI sur les clusters.


  • Optimizing the reliability of streaming applications under throughput constraints.
  • Extending Software Component Models with the Master-Worker Paradigm.
  • Combining data sharing with the master-worker paradigm in the common component architecture.
  • Hybrid Preemptive Scheduling of MPI Applications on the Grids.

Conferences and Workshops[modifier]

  • Migrating large object-oriented Applications into component-based ones: instantiation and inheritance transformation.
  • Leveraging Social and Content-Based Recommendation in P2P Systems.
  • General vs. Interval Mappings for Streaming Applications.
  • Optimizing the reliability of pipelined applications under throughput constraints.
  • STKM on SCA: a Unified Framework with Components, Workflows and Algorthmic Skeletons.
  • A Software Component Model with Spatial and Temporal Compositions for Grid infrastructures.
  • Towards Software Component Assembly Language Enhanced with Workflows and Skeletons.
  • On Abstractions of Software Component Models for Scientific Applications.
  • Towards dynamic adaptability support for the master-worker paradigm in component based applications.
  • Analysis of component model extensions to support the gricol language.
  • Enabling transparent data sharing in component models.
  • A software component-based description of the SEGL runtime architecture.
  • Du support du paradigme maître-travailleur dans les modèles de composants logiciels.
  • Combining data sharing with the master-worker paradigm in the common component architecture.
  • Modeling and executing master-worker applications in component models.
  • Hybrid Preemptive Scheduling of MPI Applications on the Grids.

Technical and research reports[modifier]

  • Optimizing the reliability of pipelined applications under throughput constraints.
  • Towards a Spatio-Temporal sKeleton Model Implementation on top of SCA.
  • Towards Software Component Assembly Language Enhanced with Workflows and Skeletons.
  • Combining a Software Component Model and a Workflow Language into a Component Model with Spatial and Temporal Compositions.
  • Towards dynamic adaptability support for the master-worker paradigm in component based applications.
  • Enabling Transparent Data Sharing in Component Models.
  • A Software Component-based Description of the SEGL Runtime Architecture.


  • Course, directed and pratical works on "From binary to the Web" - HLIN102
  • Course on "Networks" - HLIN503
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Network and Communication" - HMIN101M
  • Directed and practical works on "Imperative programming" - HLIN202
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Advanced object oriented programming" - HLIN603
  • Course, directed and pratical works on "From binary to the Web" - HLIN102
  • Course on "Networks" - HLIN503
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Network and Communication - FMIN104"
  • Directed and practical works on "Imperative programming" - HLIN202
  • Director of Studies of the Cursus Master Ingénierie (CMI) in Computer Science at university of Montpellier 2
  • Directed works on "Introduction to engineering professions - GLSE102" for the CMI,
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Network and Communication - FMIN104
  • Practical works on "Introduction to operating systems and networks" - FMIN112
  • Course on "Large scale data management and P2P" - GMIN307
  • Directed and practical works on "Imperative programming" - GLIN202
  • Director of Studies of the Cursus Master Ingénierie (CMI) in Computer Science at university of Montpellier 2
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Network and Communication - FMIN104"
  • Practical works on "Introduction to operating systems and networks" - FMIN112
  • Directed and practical works on "Networks" - GLIN503
  • Course on "Large scale data management and P2P" - GMIN307
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Network and Communication - FMIN104"
  • Practical works on "Introduction to operating systems and networks" - FMIN112
  • Directed and practical works on "Networks" - GLIN503
  • Course on "Data sharing in P2P" - FMIN323
  • Practical works on "Distributed data management" - GMIN210 at Faculté des sciences de Montpellier
  • Course, directed and practical works on "Network and Communication - FMIN104"
  • Practical works on "Basic concepts in Computer Science - FLIN102"
  • Course on "Data sharing in P2P" - FMIN323
  • Directed and practical works on "Imperative programming" - FLIN202
  • Practical works on "Operating Systems" at Lyon 1 University (Licence 3).
  • Practical works on "Practice and Proficiency in Computer Science" at Lyon 1 University (Licence 1).
  • Practical works on "Operating Systems" at Lyon 1 University (Licence 3).
  • Directed and practical works on "Compilation" at Lyon 1 University (Master 1).
  • Directed and practical works on "Algorithms and Procedural programming" at Lyon 1 University (Licence 2).
  • Course and practical works on "Object and component programming models" at INSA Rennes (5th year).
  • Course and practical works on "Object and component programming models" at INSA Rennes (5th year).
  • Practical works on "Object and component programming models " at INSA Rennes (5th year).
  • Directed and practical works on "Applications design with UML" at ENSAI Rennes (1st year).
  • Directed works on "Programmin with C++" at ENSAI Rennes (2nd year).