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Differences Plato-Aristote

  • l'univers est l'intrication causale d'une multitude de formes en réseau dont la nature est définie, la matière décrite, la cybernétique prescrite et la mnématique construite par une information se présentant sous forme de données (assignées, mesurées, captées ou tractées), de métadonnées (données sur les données), de syllodonnées (données sur les données interliées) et de qualia ressenties.
  • un stème est un maillage qui se tient suffisamment par soi-même (en durée, espace et complexité) pour être séparément identifié.
  • le stemma est la généalogie d'un perférent.
  • un paradigme désigne un ensemble d'axiomes fonctionnant de façon cohérente ;
  • étritude : manière d'être de l'être.
  • l'information est le ce par quoi nous nous intermediatisons en nous-mêmes et avec la réalité (c.à.d., nos ressentis "qualiés" du réel).
  • le mnème est la somme, la tenségrité, des traces des informations passées qui forme nos possibles présents.
  • la cybernétique est le ce par quoi se prennent les décisions mnématiques, selon le capax naturel ou le libre-arbitre de chacun.
  • l'inter-cybernétique est l'émergence qui résulter de la communication mutualisée des projets préalables et la propagation généralisée des effets.
  • un contexte est environnement (espace) cohérent (mnématique) de formes.
  • A mneme is the current state of the past traces that conditions the further possibles of an entity.
  • A context is a mneme's coherent surrounding of forms.
  • Cybernetics is the mecanism to construct reactions through enaction (embodiment of internal decisions) in response to sensed actions.

is the intra/intercontext mecanism used to remind a local form perception, or to introduce a contextual perception to another context. It includes at least two layers : communicated content (message), and presentation of its original context (in local cybernetics presentation is often condidered as common to cybernetic action, enaction and reaction, however historic or poiny of view considerations may lead to some presentation needs). and the know-how to conduct it

  • context: the interrelated forms in which something exists (mneme) or occurs (fact)
  • This is the magic of big data: Very subtle patterns become detectable.
  • Diktyology (from Greek diktyo, mesh, network) is a nomologic interdiscipline that considers the real as a uniform cyberspace of interlinked mnematic contextural and contextual forms, that are filled with physical or immaterial propagable quantified (particles, data), or continued (fields, qualia) information.

  • Diktyology (from Greek diktyo, mesh, network) is a nomological multidiscipline that considers the real as a uniform consistent agregate of interlinked mnematic forms, filled with physical or immaterial cybercreated and cybepropagable quantified (data), or continued (qualia) information.
  • Nomological: relating to or expressing basic physical laws or rules of reasoning.
  • Contextual: 1) the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning, 2) the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : environment, setting.
  • Contextural: relating to or producing contexture, as the manner of parts being weaved into a whole also.

When we say that something is presented, we mean that it is placed in an appropriate setting, one in which it may be properly considered.

  • When we say that something is contextualized, we mean that it is placed in an appropriate setting, one in which it may be properly considered.
  • Propagable : that can be spread or transmitted
  • mneme: the persistent or recurrent effect of past experience (traces) of actor (individual), actors (collective) or communities (cultural).
  • form: the essential nature of a thing as distinguished from its mater.
  • spread: to become known or disseminate
  • transmitted: to be send or conveyed from one actor to another.
  • interlinked: joined, catenated, or connected together, with the parts that are joined having an effect on each other (syllodata).